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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20259335 No.20259335 [Reply] [Original]

what net worth do you need to feel /comfy/?

>> No.20259360

I figure $500k would let me live a modest life without ever working again

>> No.20259365

5 M post tax and I'll be gucci. Could make due with 1M but I'm greedy and why shouldn't I aim higher?

>> No.20259369

last year i had about 50k and was so comfy words cant even explain

>> No.20259387

i can live comfortably on 30k/year

>> No.20259398

whatever amount pays 50k/yr dividends

>> No.20259532

at least 3m

>> No.20259558

Same if I get to around 500k. I think I can live a nice comfy life.

>> No.20259939

Does this include supporting/maintaining a girlfriend or waifu? And kid(s)?

>> No.20259963

2.5 Million.
Probably 3m+ to be more comfy though.

>> No.20259967
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100 billion after taxes

>> No.20259968

Got a wife and 3 kids, so I need 13 million to call it quits from working ever again.

>> No.20259974

10 million

>> No.20260002

10 million

>> No.20260017


>> No.20260020

One dollar more than the remaining principle on my mortgage.

>> No.20260032

2-3 mill minimum

>> No.20260038

about 1 million after taxes but 300k in a home and 600k in investments, 50k on cars and other automobiles and 50k for stuff, so it's not like id be rich

>> No.20260048

I have $35 net. Let go of your materialism. The comfy has always been inside you.

>> No.20260057

1 mil by yourself, 2.5-3 mil for a family. And that's with a no frills lifestyle. 5 mil to be super comfy with a family and 10 mil is idgaf money with a family. The better you are at investing the lower those numbers are.

>> No.20260079
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just hit 6 figure net worth this week and feels good but fuck me the thought of needing 50x that to be comfy is tough

>> No.20260094

letting go of materialism and being poor as fuck are very different things, anon

>> No.20260107

$2m with passive income.

>> No.20260110

If you stake $300k in Cosmos, you get $2k a month. Thats /comfy/ to live in Thailand.

>> No.20260113

If I had 300k cash right now I could retire.

>> No.20260143


>> No.20260191

1,400,000 USD with an income stream.

>> No.20260195
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Having ones basic necessities and actually feeling ones boredom, some would percieve as torture, or at least, failure. Real torture is definitely worse than such a state of base boredom. Boredom is our existential state. It is why everyone runs around getting sensuality of every imaginable type, and need more and more variety and intensity, or even just "more of the same," ad nauseum. This is why only repetition is the real cure for boredom. Repetition of something worthy of repeating. Then one realizes it's still different each time anyway. Then skill is born. Sensual extremes only make one more bored when they end.

>> No.20260359

3M I guess, that's 30k a yearly with a very very conservative 1% passive income a year.

>> No.20260371

Eastern Europe?

>> No.20260392

$5M after taxes for “safe”
$20M for “comfy”
$50M for made it
$100M and up true richfag status

>> No.20261341

My comfy number would be around 3.5 millions.
But for my bigger goal I need a few trillions...

>> No.20261395

just having a positive net worth for once in my life would be nice. I've been in debt for 10 years ever since I started college

>> No.20261640
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Me too. And if we have say 5% returns, we want 600k. pic is my expenditures this year

The thing about adding on other people is it adds less cost per person basically due to economies of scale. I could add people for no cost to my current housing, minimal changes in cost to heat/cool, though ideally you probably want a couple bedrooms house. The rest of costs are much lower, and again there are economies of scale with a family since maybe you buy stuff in bulk.

I average $1600/mo expenditures. $1k is my apartment, so that's $600 in "other." I'd guess +$500 per extra person. It's not bad.

what did you study

>> No.20261655

It can if your spouse supports themselves and you reinvest. You wont be going on lavish vacations though

>> No.20261792

>what did you study
Electrical and computer engineering, but I dropped out when I got a job in scenic construction building sets and props for broadway shows, fashion, tv, film. My industry got killed by Covid so I'm training for a new job. Made decent money but had some bad years where I racked up some more debt on top of my student loans and have been stuck in a cycle since.

>> No.20261806
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i want the pandemic to end, so i can be comfy again.

>> No.20261817

$10 billion

>> No.20261843

please be a larp, wtf.

>> No.20261901

Do people frequently larp as out of work carpenters?

>> No.20261930

So you just much prefer carpentry to comps I guess?

>> No.20261970

Sounds like you made poor choices and are now paying for it. If you did EE/CE, gotten experience, you would be rolling in $$$ and right now be working from home. It's never too late to learn to code.

I also doubt your
>decent money
since even trash-tier software companies in the US pay at least like $50k, with which I can't imagine any (reasonable) student debt lasting long,

>> No.20262028

Yeah, my first job was in a community theatre doing lighting and sound as a teen, was good at math and science and fell for the meme of having to go to college so I chose engineering. Specifically electrical since I liked the power management side of things. Then I started working for a shop building props and really got into carpentry and got more pleasure out of it then school and I was liking the idea of making money and learning instead of paying money to learn something I didn't even really want to do.
>Sounds like you made poor choices and are now paying for it.
> I also doubt your
>decent mone
Oh for sure made poor choices in life but getting out of school wasn't one of them. My decent money as a carpenter in the NYC metro area for my field was close to 6 figures. I worked my butt off to get there and it was a physically grueling job with long hours, but I found pleasure in doing it.
My poor choices came to money management when I went off the deep end on a two year bender.
I'm not making excuses and I'm not looking for pity, just sharing my experience. I know it's all my own doing and don't blame anyone but myself. I know that will probably get me shit here, but I'm working on getting my life back on track and investing and saving money instead of spending it and wasting it. Anyway sorry for sharing so much just use me as an example of getting off drugs and booze and getting your mental shit taken care of.

>> No.20262063

It's good that you are taking responsibility for your actions and trying to get back on top of things. Best of luck anon

>> No.20262083

Yeah man, sometimes I share my shit and get shit back for it so I appreciate your kind words. Again, don't blame anyone but myself for my fuck ups. Best of luck getting to wherever you need to be as well!

>> No.20262240
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what's comfier than staying home and ordering groceries on instacart, watching streamingstuff, shitposting on 4chan and buying nice bluechip stocks?

Just stay home where it's comfy. Let's never leave our rooms again.