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File: 32 KB, 689x598, tesla 1539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20252713 No.20252713 [Reply] [Original]

So when does this bubble burst?

>> No.20252817

when bears are kill

>> No.20252892

>when will the bubble burst
Do you know how close battery technology is to becoming more efficient and being able to hold several times the charge it currently holds?
Within the next decade, you'll see such improvements in batteries that almost all non-electric cars will stop being produced in favor of cheaper, faster, and overall smarter cars.

>> No.20252908

When Elon makes it to Mars.

>> No.20252917


>> No.20252936
File: 395 KB, 994x625, tesla bofa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20253035

they will never replace petrol cars that take a few mins to fill up and go
imagine driving long distance and waiting x hours for your car to charge all the time

>> No.20253036


burst? idiot. the bullrun is just beggining. till 1k it was retail investors that were pushing the price. now that tesla is profitable and it's going to be included in sp500, institutions are joining in. this shit is going to be over 2k by the end of the month

>> No.20253179


>> No.20253310

$10k EOY

>> No.20253437

Can someone explain why anyone would buy a Tesla? People spend 40k + buy some generic electric car which looks average as hell.

For the same price you could buy a Mercedes or BMW. Why do people even buy Tesla? It makes no sense. Nor financial sense. You have to buy a literal new 15k new battery when your current one turns to shit

>> No.20253511

>15k new battery
>repair bills for a eurocuck car

>> No.20253545
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1584581860488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on paper Tesla is worth more than all German car building companies together and nobody sees that it is completely out of reality.
What is wrong with the US stock market?
I mean yeah Tesla is not a bad company and might get a big share in the future. But how in hell is it trading on nearly 300billion dollar?

>> No.20253549

Yeah im going audi electric next year instead of tesla. Same price but way better aesthetics

>> No.20253572

Tesla will get rekt by the big brands once they are ready and willing to push EV on a massive scale.

Who would want to own a tesla apart from the fanboys. They don't even look good and GL trying to get some maintenance done.

>> No.20253599


>> No.20253621

I wont be able to get a share until next wednesday at the soonest, How fucked am i?

>> No.20253637
File: 141 KB, 1433x374, bgg6rfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, look at these dudes

>> No.20253823

Eurofags BTFO.

>> No.20253859

Euro cars is unreliable garbage after 5 years
Not surprised

>> No.20254036

I own a Tesla. Unironically doubt I’ll buy any other vehicle for a while. I’ve had a few exotics and nothing even remotely compares to my model S.

>> No.20254064

>car no look good
>why am I losing money

wew lass

>> No.20254065

Zoom out

>> No.20254142


Sure but Tesla doesn't hold an exclusive patent to electric cars. Why is Tesla valued this high when electric cars can be made by any carmaker?

>> No.20254204
File: 62 KB, 600x396, electriccar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not an argument
pic related

>> No.20254411

What's so good about it?

>> No.20254456
File: 8 KB, 235x215, 0762_-_FzIc5v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold my 5 shares because I have to pay rent
It's going to stop going up...r-right guys?
I mean I should be happy because I bought it at around 250 last year and held all year, but I might kys myself if it goes all the way to 2k

>> No.20254518

wish these shorters would just fuck off and let the bubble pop naturally. They keep getting squeezed which adds more normie hype which squeezes more shorts etc etc. Huge part of why it's going parabolic and why the clown market won't let it correct.

>> No.20254527

This stock is going up to 20k end of year. Should've lived in a box and maxed gains.

>> No.20254555

Lol the stock market has no basis on reality, only normie hype now. Don't invest just buy whatever's cool might actually be legitimate advice now

>> No.20254631

unfortunately probably true. BYND, SPCE, Tilray all last year were just practice runs. Each new celebrity stock gets more bubblucious than the last. Godmode TA these days probably would just be running trend analysis on tiktok and dogpiling onto whatever faggot stock unemployed zoomers are buying this weekend with their allowance money.

Global EMP burst knocking out the internet and taking down this social media hall of mirrors hype machine with it can't happen soon enough.

>> No.20254670

lol im literally training my feed to see the tiktok hype stocks now

>> No.20254701


This shit is still going up?


>> No.20254788

1. Tesla makes solid cars, is seeing solid growth, in the US and in China, and has an insurmountable lead on the EV market.

Guys, we are literally in the middle of a global pandemic, with MILLIONS unemployed and the S&P is currently trading at the SAME LEVEL AS DECEMBER 2019.

PROTIP: The day TSLA crashes the same day the rest of the market crashes, so if you are Tesla "Bear" I would take your money out of the entire market. Otherwise buy call options and ride this fucking wave. I literally made 300% on TSLA options today by just buying the first uptick.

>> No.20255099

The absolute country of Mark Spiegel and David Einhorn

>> No.20255146

A meme picture isn’t an argument

>> No.20255163

Call options are fucking overpriced.

>> No.20255192


Tru. Market crash when Tesla crash.

>> No.20255339

because tesla's technology in the field is a decade ahead of all the other carmakers.

>> No.20256133

When my wage cuck employee who is talking about robinhood and fractional shares and dumping his money into tesla, i know i need to dump this shit before it dumps.

>> No.20256192

It's a zoomer stock, they won't sell as long as it keeps going up. My millenial friend had bought some at like $100 and he sold at $300 thought he made a mint, now he kicks himself. Zoomers will hold til someone takes a fat dump on it and they'll all panic sell and it'll crash into oblivion back to an accurate valuation.

>> No.20256270


even if I had a shitload of money and wanted an electric car I'd never buy a tesla because musk is such an insufferable faggot. i'm not sure who is buying these

>> No.20256487

with the exception that everyone said this already when tesla traded at $750. but instead of the humongous crypto cucks that are in a 1500 days bearmarket it continued to do an 2x and seems like it isnt stopping anytime soon kek

>> No.20256550

Cryptofags btfo

>> No.20256665

long ilika

>> No.20256705

when tax subventions stop to flow. Tesla is the wind turbine company, only kept alive by politicians trying to garner to woke drones. So my guess, 2 to 3 years, unless more government failure appears, then whenever that happens

>> No.20256972

sorry is having to have a 30min break every 1000 miles too long for you?

>> No.20256995

That's why you dump your bags before the battery goes to shit

>> No.20257295

who should i follow first if i want to train my tik tok algo

>> No.20257382

I have been away for a month and thought this was a photoshop
what the fuck. I really underestimated the power of basedboy tesla cultists.

>> No.20257806

That car looks like Bane and is ugly af

>> No.20258140

>t. Ford burger owner

>> No.20258684

I think they use up all of the worlds lithium production to make half a million cars a year, when we need something like 50 million cars a year