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2024341 No.2024341 [Reply] [Original]

are there any other things to manipulate your customers other than prices and advertising?

>> No.2024363
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Wooo them

>> No.2024454

but.. but.. I'm ugly

>> No.2024502

take a look at different sectors of sales and see what skills you can acquire from them.

In realtors and housing markets, these guys wanna be your friend. They take you out occasionally, ask about your kids and remember you as a person.

In medical practice, doctors are given ideas about what medications to choose and suggest for patients by outreach salespeople working for drug manufacturers. They come to your practice, and give doctors gift baskests, brown nose a bit, get to know their clients ect... then they refer doctors to their data (which obviously suggests their better product) and make the sell to the doctor, not the customer. For these salespeople, they put the doctor's *bests interests at heart*, which could be for making money off patients -or- the best aid for patients (no everyone in medicine is there to help others)

When working in small scale business, as an employee, you can still sell a product with some charm and wit. If something is worth an amount that is more than competitors, YOU as a salesman are asked to generate worth in the product. If you want to sell more, show how YOUR products are the benefit and worth what they are priced.
Example: If a woman walks into your boutique and looks at a nice dress that is on display, give some thought as to why she might be interested in that dress. It doesn't have to be because its cheap. If it is nice material, maybe she can sense quality and would like something comfortable. At the root of the issue, you find out how can assist, and apply your knowledge of what you have to fit her needs. Lazy salespeople just straight up ask, but smart salespeople, those who take their time with each person, make them feel comfortable, while also learning about the customer's needs.

>> No.2024542

if ya fucking ugly, then come out with some breakneck enthusiasm and charm when delivering to customers. Be someone whos professional and well spoken. Your face will be offputing, but if you are verbally soothing, and able to listen for ques to direct your clients attention, you can sell.

You want to prove a stereotype wrong. 'Ugly people are people you don't want to be around, they are greasy, smelly, bad manners, bad to be around'. You don't have to be attractive, because a customer doesn't want YOU, they want the right product. Now, you have to associate yourself with the right product, and to do that, you gotta be knowledgeable about what you have, whatever it is, and the customers will want to speak to YOU! Especially if you have revisiting clients. Helpfulness exceeds your ugly faking face. But behind an ugly face, theres gotta be personality, thoughtfulness, and care.

>> No.2024563

Do you have more advice, salesguru?

>> No.2024707

How about you help me help you by providing some more info about your situation, or at least give me a direction to assist you. You sound like cardboard.' "Do you have more advice" ' What the fuck. Ofc I have more advice but conversation and discussion is requires input from both parties to get anywhere. Now u just forcing me to splurge nonsense that doesnt apply to you because you are sitting on ur ass not giving a shit if I tell you lies or tell you a golden secret to success. Do you seriously care? Because 1 question response doesnt say SHIT. Thats practically a 'fuck you help me'. Learn to direct the conversation in the way you want it to go. How about this tip: Know the difference between adding to what someone else is saying and directing coversation. You ever make a girl laugh or sound interested in whatever you had to say in the past 5 months? If so, you probably put in some effort, or she just wanted to suck some serious dick, because otherwise theres no reason you'd ever get laid. Show some flavor and have some self esteem to put urself outhere jfc. Are you daft as well as ugly? If you are in sales, you gotta fucking put in some effort.

>> No.2024762

Not the same guy, but I just landed a sales job, the problem being that I have little to no sales experience and the product (service) I'm expected to sale doesn't stand out from the rest, in fact, it has disadvantages in some aspects. Basically is just the same service provided by a different company, I'm expected to close deals using my charm and the promise of a better/more complete customer service.

Any advice on that?

>> No.2024860

Reach clients first. match yourself with those who are unfamiliar with competitors the one who need your help picking what to get. In any market you gotta help create worth and your support. Be personal with your selling if possible. Generate your trust in your product and the belief you're product can and will do the job required. If its the same service, you already know the same pitches, just change the company title.

Ask your supervisors what your company finds its pride in. Ask the ones above you, as they were able to succeed you, and get on their good side so you have a better understanding of the work you will and have begun to do. Get into rythms of success and growth instead of falling to bad habits at your old place. If your numbers aren't growing, change your pace and try something new.

Make conversation with those around you to get a better scope of the atmosphere you are working in. Locate and understand what successful individuals are doing to get their job done. Fuck it, ask em directly. "Hey Ashley, I love how organized your client porfolio is, how do you manage to keep 151 clients all organized?" "Zeke, yo man, I happen to overhear you talking about the game last night and holy shit I realized that we both like sport team. Hey man, did you ever try bringing up personal crap when you do sales, do ya think it might work? Haha lmao"

>> No.2024929


If the service is dissuading in comparison, focus on the best points, or what actually competes with other names. Get creative bitch holy fuck. It is an art, like any other. Sales is just creative communication and suggestion. Don't focus on what you cant do, but build up and praise what you guys do well. Keep it clear and definite that what you do, you do best. Final word.

If you are closer, you got a harder job that most simpleton desk callers. You gotta add the juice, the sizzle, the extra spice that gets the job done. Add free trials with credit on record to autoswipe. Get a chance at their money at least. Be very careful with your clients vocal patterns, and visual queues. If they are uncomfortable, meet their needs before they figure out what is making them unsure of their decision. You gotta make the sales experience a pleasure, and painless. Getting caught up with smaller variables, like waiting time, rechecking your numbers, how you sound when giving your information can lead to clients turning down the offer and looking elsewhere. As smooth as you can make your transitions; from the pitch, to the sale, the offer, and the price, you can go further with your work.