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20242647 No.20242647 [Reply] [Original]

So yesterday I made a post outlining the response I received from Coinbase when I emailed them in regards to the fraudulent partnership that appears on the DMM website.

I thought I would now share with you the some of the information I sent over to them.

>> No.20242672


>> No.20242682
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First of all. I sent over a message asking about the integration of mAssets and asked politely if they would refer it to the relevant department. I received this response 20 minutes later.

I sent over to them this article along with a screen shot of Adam's post clarifying that Coinbase are going to be integrating mAssets:


>> No.20242685

i can hardly contain my enthusiasm to see these shitbirds get dumped on

>> No.20242704
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Yesterday - 07/09/2020

I received this response:

Thank you for contacting Coinbase Support.

We are not affiliated with DMM.

The partnership in part refers to DMM's integration with Coinbase Wallet's WalletLink but Coinbase Wallet is a separate product from Coinbase and WalletLink SDK is open to anyone who wants to integrate with it; it doesn't constitute a partnership.

Also, given the nature of your inquiry, your note is probably best directed to our Press team. Please reach out to them at press@coinbase.com.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else—and thank you again.

Coinbase Support

>> No.20242705

I'm going to start doing this to identify these scammers. Thanks anon

>> No.20242784

Coinbase have made it pretty clear that they have nothing to do with DMM. Anyone here is free to email press@coinbase.com and ask for themselves. In fact I'm betting that if everybody here inundated Coinbase's press department with queries they would even go as far as to put a rebuttal out on Twitter

>> No.20242807

This isn't looking good.. DMG holders on suicide watch.

>> No.20242854

this is very bad. just sold my stack fuck this shit

>> No.20242856

lol.. whole issue was solved by team :) try FUD more

>> No.20242866

cope harder faggot

>> No.20242867

>evades question

>> No.20242869

Yesterday - 07/09/2020
"We are not affiliated with DMM"

>> No.20242879

everyone point at this retarded pajeet and laugh

>> No.20242887

Just because you sold at 0.80 doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let other people get rich from holding

>> No.20242894

My understanding was that the "Coinbase" thing has always been the Coinbase wallet integration, does your email imply that the Coinbase wallet integration is not going to happen? It doesn't, so why are you all freaking out lol

>> No.20242906

which one of you guys s trying to troll the twiiter partnership post?

>> No.20242907
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>> No.20242910

can u divide "support" and "managment" from Coinbase?

>> No.20242925


>> No.20242935

this is 100% a money grab. see the email reply from coinbase

>> No.20242947

I did a lot of digging, and this scam runs much deeper than just lying about the coinbase partnership

>> No.20242953

Yeah, they've tried to use "Coinbase partnership" to hype dmg when it is only a Coinbase wallet integration, so my question is, does your email imply there is no longer going to be any Coinbase wallet integration? If it doesn't, then what has changed?

>> No.20242957

i always kek at crypto ''partnerships''

>> No.20242959

their whole business model is illegal. DMG is a security by law, and they're folding HARD

>> No.20242966

Team holds 90% of tokens
Of course it's a scam

>> No.20242970

the same ppl said about LINK and other coins which made more than 10x, it is ok if u missed the train try catch another instead of FUD

>> No.20242975
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VIP doesn't lie. don't say i didn't warn you faggots

>> No.20242982

My query was clearly passed on internally to the correct department. The advisor would have flagged this, then sent it over to the relevant department. They would have then done an internal enquiry with their relevant managers who would have given them the information required to pass it back onto the customer service team.

>> No.20242992
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cope harder faggot. i made 3x gains from this, but i'm gladly pulling my money out because this project has NO fundamentals and is ILLEGAL. see >>20242959
>their whole business model is illegal. DMG is a security by law, and they're folding HARD

>> No.20243028

The wallet integration will still happen. Beware this is going to be a new scam we are probably going to see a lot more of in the coming months. Any pajeet can integrate his Uniswap ERC-20 token with Coinbase's wallet application. Don't be surprised if within the next few weeks we start seeing a lot of Uniswap scams who have "partnerships" with Coinbase

>> No.20243035

everyone point at this retard and laugh

>> No.20243039
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based VIP

>> No.20243048

I own 50, should I sell or wait?

>> No.20243057

>9 posts by this ID
So much for someone who just sold, thanks for taking care of our well being anon

>> No.20243059

Im scared!

>> No.20243067

>Organized fud campaign
Huge buy signal

>> No.20243110

I still remember the famous organised fud campaigns that Bitconnect had.

>> No.20243149

cute circle jerk.

i spent a lot of time researching this project because I had a fat stack myself from the presale. don't take my (VIP) word for it though. do your own research. DMG is an illegal, unregistered security.

>> No.20243161

And here we see the true intention of this faggot. One that has already sold but claims that he is "done with this scam" while still posting 10 times in this thread alone to tell others to sell (and spamming sameshits in the other threads too). If he is "done with this scam" why is he still here and why does he care? He certainly doesn't give a shit about you "getting scammed" from just looking at all his disses.

It is clear that this is a swing trading faggot that is trying to get more people to dump so he can buy back in cheaper. It has happened before twice and it is happening again now, ironically after buying back in it is the samefaggots that shill the shit out of this coin too. For all your newfags out there, lurk more so you can spot faggots like these the next time you see them so you don't get manipulated.

>> No.20243179

because do not HAVE TO! u must have no law education at all..

>> No.20243192

you're really bending over backwards to convinve yourself that this isn't a scam. as i laid out, along with multiple other anons in this thread, DMG is an unregistered security promising distribution of profits among holders. you're a retard.

nice paragraph though faggot

>> No.20243210

>because do not HAVE TO
show me where DMG is registered as a security with the SEC and i'll believe you, but we both know you're lying.

>> No.20243266

DMG is clearly a security: on their WEBSITE, they promise distribution of profits from their shitty loans among holders. that is a textbook definition of a security, and it is ILLEGAL. aka this is a scam.

you're a hopeless shill. how about instead of writing a gay paragraph you address what I wrote above?

>> No.20243282

buybacks aren't profit sharing
still a scam though

>> No.20243294

there is no registered and probably they will not be because they are not obligated to do it

>> No.20243315

>buybacks aren't profit sharing
doesn't matter how the profits arrive in the hands of investors. it's a security either way. >>20243294 they ARE obligated to register ANY new security with the SEC, if it is to be sold to ANY investor in the united states, as the DMM team has done. this is ILLEGAL.

>> No.20243380

>$60 bag
you should get a job

>> No.20243388

>there is no registered and probably they will not be because they are not obligated to do it
this is the most retarded sentence i've ever read. do you understand that selling an unregistered security to any investor in the states is illegal right

>> No.20243398

Didn’t read not selling. Fud = bullish buy signal, bottom is in send it

>> No.20243415

Imagine wasting so much of your own time about something you don't even hold anymore. What's your motivation?

>> No.20243416

right and whole these ppl involved in DMM (team) are not aware of this and only YOU are AWARE! woow GENIUS :D

>> No.20243420

cope harder faggot. you're literally buying an unregistered security

>> No.20243434

>Imagine wasting so much of your own time about something you don't even hold anymore. What's your motivation?
i'm pissed off at this point, wanna expose this scam for what it is. i also enjoy being right in the face of retarded shills like >>20243161

>> No.20243442

>right and whole these ppl involved in DMM (team) are not aware of this and only YOU are AWARE! woow GENIUS :D
oh no, they're aware that they're scamming you retards. the only person unaware is you

>> No.20243453

Not coping just obvious to me ur intentions after all these years kek

>> No.20243458

You don't seem to be all there in the head. This thread is pretty much another nail in the coffin for DMG. Its pretty much been proven now that the whole thing is a scam and anyone can verify this for themselves

>> No.20243471

the whole vision for DMG is build on the premise that investors will get dividends paid out from extra profits. that's a SECURITY retards

>> No.20243511
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>i'm pissed off at this point, wanna expose this scam for what it is

>> No.20243514

>Not coping just obvious to me ur intentions after all these years kek
you keep talking about my intentions but you fail to address my argument against DMG >>20243471
>the whole vision for DMG is build on the premise that investors will get dividends paid out from extra profits.

that's called a SECURITY

>> No.20243527

you're the one that asked, faggot

>> No.20243545
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yeah retard, because you're a loser who'll never make it

>> No.20243609

i have yet to hear you address any of my arguments against the legality of DMG. you do realize that's what you're investing in right

>> No.20243797

Holy fuck lol, I made dinner, ate it, came back and you are still here telling others you are "done with this scam" now with 23 posts, are you almost done with being "done" yet? As for the revenue distribution aspect of dmg, it is not even unique in the crypto space, if it is a problem then Maker would've been ass fucked by the SEC already. See conversation below:

Zachary | DMM06/16/2020
@cfiber The excess revenue goes to the DMM DAO, DMG holders can then initiate and pass a vote to use some or all of that revenue to purchase DMG off the market and burn it, decreasing the supply and increases value of DMG, like a stock buyback

I wasn't saying that, I'm saying using DMG tokens (on their own) to generate revenue for the holders/DAO seems to change it from a utility token to a security token, I'm all for it otherwise if it'll work out. what you linked is also pretty careful to say DMG token growth and DAO revenue

There are multiple buy and burn coins out there. One of the largest is Maker, another is Binances BNB token. BNB happens to have been approved by the state of New York to operate with the difficult to acquire Bitlicense. If NY or the SEC believed that BNB was a security, they wouldnt allow a company on US soil to offer it without an injunction. MakerDAO (MKR) is available on Coinbase and BNB available on Binance.us

>> No.20243943

Hope you swing trading faggots have bought back in already cuz ironically your fud campaign caused the price to go back up above 1.20

>> No.20243981

>getting deep into a scam

>> No.20244690

Thanks for the FUD guys I bought 5k more very cheap

>> No.20244753

top kek.
You are very welcome, good luck finding someone to pass the bag onto.

>> No.20244813
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I'll just leave this here while I go buy more cheap Dmg ;)

>> No.20244953

Ah, the layers of mind games in this organized fud campaign, now we have fudders trying to "expose" an obviously fake fud group so that people think it is a desperate attempt to shill through reverse psychology.

>> No.20244972


>> No.20244997

sure the press department will confirm insider partnerships on ceo level

>> No.20245020

"i have also some photoshoped fake images that will help"

This imaginary pajeet fud group is laughable. I'm seriously laughing my head off and I'm about to piss my self laughing due to the fact that somebody actually went out of their way making this imaginary fud group.

Anybody who wants to challenge the authenticity of my claims is free to email coinbase and verify it themselves. Don't just take my word for it.

>> No.20245276

>oh yeah dude, I emailed TD Ameritrade about a pennystock that I heard was being listed and their support email said it wasn't affiliated with them!!!!!!!! SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20245325

Hadroxity here. I'm all in DMG now. Smart money is buying this up and holding.

>> No.20245330

Can you email tim draper to see why he has sullied his name with a scam?

>> No.20245382
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>use coinbase API
>'we felt our work with coinbase was enough to justify the slapping of the coinbase logo on our website'

>> No.20245791

i think some of you people might be a little too invested in crypto

>> No.20245820

go back to smg faggot

>> No.20245843
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fuk u

>> No.20245971

The absolute state of dmg fud

>> No.20246369
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