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20240738 No.20240738 [Reply] [Original]

I need help biz. I’m preparing to tell my wife I’m leaving her. Trouble is she knows about my crypto assets, how do I effectively make these disappear so that she can’t get her hands on any of it? She has a good lawyer, so will have to be a perfect plan.

>> No.20240761

Just say you lost it all to uniswap shitcoins.

>> No.20240779

just buy a new ledger retard

>> No.20240782

Your wife is built for the bbc stay mad white boiiii

>> No.20240794

Not that easy. Where’s the transaction trail of me sending all funds to uniswap and receiving shitcoins back (whilst still secretly keeping my original stash)?

>> No.20240805


>> No.20240813

How does this help. Only way this is useful is if I say I sent it to the wrong address I suppose. But not that believable when I have been so careful with it for years then suddenly in a divorce I start making typos?

>> No.20240815

Just store it on a ledger and say you lost it. Hide it at a friends house under the floorboards for a few months

>> No.20240818


divorce lawyers bring both parties through a process called "financial discovery", I suggest you read up on it before proceeding.

>> No.20240819

dude she needs to prove you have it. it matters if she can.

>> No.20240823

Make a uniscam of your own, anonymously. Pretty easy if you follow a few tutorials online. After that "invest" in the project with your gains, maybe even setup a fake wordpress site. Then when the "team exitscams" complain about it, finally put all your money in a separate wallet and wallah

>> No.20240824

This I’m interested in. Spoon feed me. So I transfer to monero. Traceability ends here I get that. But then how to explain my sudden loss of value?

>> No.20240827

I bet 10 linkies that this is the same “mom is kicking me outta the house” poster

>> No.20240831

also.. women are trash. give her nothing.

>> No.20240841

this.. then monero

>> No.20240852

Not that poster. Looking for genuine advice. I’ll have your 10 linkes now please.
This is genius. I knew someone would have an answer.

>> No.20240855

leave the country

>> No.20240860

Get a black friend to 'steal' your ledger. Being black your wife will believe it to be genuine.

>> No.20240864

Perfect. Just wash the funds a bit and you'll be untraceable. Do the uniscam shit on a seperate pc on a VPN, and invest on your normal pc from your location. Scams are here every day so it's not exactly a weird story, and best of all it's totally legal

>> No.20240866

divorce is degenerate

>> No.20240877

Marriage is a scam.

>> No.20240885

Buy jamaicoin

>> No.20240899

The amount of crap I used to buy back in 2017, this is actually believable. I actually see no flaws to this.

>> No.20240932

Why are you leaving her?

>> No.20240943

Even better is you know you the best, so take your time coming up with your fake dream project that won't make you look like a gullible idiot for going all in. Also vpn all the uni stuff from India for added effect. Godspeed anon, don't let her get your crypto

>> No.20240952

My dream project is SUTER

>> No.20240957

Only if youre not careful who you marry.

>> No.20240961

Fuck off with your failed chink scam, men are talking here

>> No.20240965

She is fat, lazy, has no ambition or interest in anything other than social media bullshit. Constantly complains about everything I do, even in front of our child. Takes my wage for granted. Sex life has disappeared.
She’s not the woman I married and I am not in love with her anymore.

>> No.20240986

Have you mentioned any of that to her?

>> No.20240993

Ouch. You havent tried rekindling anything, talking to her? Seems shitty to drop her suddenly my dude. Your life so I wont tell you what to do but just sayin.

>> No.20240995

You create a new Eth address - send everything to it (literally every shittoken too that is worth more than the transfer fee, but leave behind absolute shit)

You then just claim your private key was hacked by a rogue addon.

Then you put everything into Monero - then transfer it back to Eth/whatever else to a another new eth address

Obviously do this in a Tails OS on a burner laptop using public wifi somewhere without CCTV

>> No.20241019

Several times. We have a quick one day row, followed by a week of her “trying her best to change her ways” then straight back to the bullshit. Fed up of the cycle so I’m moving on.

>> No.20241041

>playing Russian roulette with your financial well-being

Ya, nah. It’s not a matter of picking the right one. Thanks to no fault divorce, any reason is grounds for half your shit.

“Oh, but I got a prenup!!”
N. G. M. I.

>> No.20241043

I see. How long have you both been at this? Rome wasnt built in a day.

>> No.20241045

Just give your mom 80 linkies for rent already

>> No.20241051

>getting a prenup
You have to marry a genuinely religious woman who was raised sanely so divorce is not even a possibility in her mind. Would help to genuinely be a Christian too.

>> No.20241074

4 years too long bro. I already have a flat lined up and a good support network of friends. I just need rid of this cancer, good thing I already know she would move back in with her parents, which is 200km away.

>> No.20241097

I see. But what about your vows my dude?

>> No.20241116

Just sucks that she is basically ripping your child away from you. I hope for the best for you, anon.

>> No.20241129

Anon, what you mentioned seems like a unicorn... unfortunately.

You can get a prenup, but those are seemingly routinely thrown out in court, sometimes under the false pretenses of “coercion”

>> No.20241166

God isn't real and your religion is bullshit, the dude made up his mind stop guilt tripping him

>> No.20241169

I was young, in the army living in Germany and she was pregnant. Marriage was the only way she and the little one could come live with me. Mistakes were made on my part. My vows were made without due care and attention, this might make me an arsehole, but I’m tired of trying with her. You only get to live once anon, and I’m not prepared to spend my one life living miserably and tiptoeing around all the time.

>> No.20241178

She knows exactly how much you have?

>> No.20241210

Roughly. She took an interest a few years back so I sent her 1 linkie. Was hoping she would be engaged and we could enjoy crypto together. From that she knows my public address and could follow the chain from there if she wanted.

>> No.20241232

>he isnt solely looking for this unicorn
But yeah i know its hard to find my man. Yet not as much as you think! Theyre at Latin Mass and church in general. But dont just go to steal waifus, God is real and check that out first. The reason women are insane is because our culture is insane.

>> No.20241241

>God isnt real
Lol. Clairvoyant or something?

>> No.20241248

Did she cheat on you?

>> No.20241260

Bro, just kill the bitch and feed her to the pigs.

>> No.20241269

Unfortunately not. This would have been my get out jail free card if she had.

>> No.20241292

No, I just wasn't indoctrinated as a child and had the 1 braincell required to see that religion is flat out man-made garbage. Enjoy wasting years of your life on a lie

>> No.20241294

Get Tyrone to help.

>> No.20241317

Can someone post examples of Uniscams, am I retarded for not understanding what this is?

>> No.20241326

Top kek

>Our culture is insane

You got that right.

>> No.20241330

Actually wasnt indoctrinated. Saw for myself because I can think for myself. Unlike you who sees nothing but what he wants, to live a selfish life. You dont believe in God because you dont want there to be one. You havent looked into it at all and I know. I can see right into your soul.

>> No.20241336

This kek

>> No.20241342

Appreciate the honesty. Have you tried marriage counselors?

>> No.20241354

>Trouble is she knows about my crypto assets
Buy a fake ledger and then send some random shitcoins there from some random address.

If Crypto comes up, you show the fake ledger with worthless shit on it.

>> No.20241376

Combine these.
>Get a new ledger
>Get some small amount of eth (untraceable to you or your original wallet)
>Make a shitcoin, list on uniswap with the new wallet
>Buy lots with the original wallet
>Pull out liquidity on the new wallet

>> No.20241389

Buy dem gold bars then trade Dat for da moneros no paypa trail

>> No.20241391

did you test if the kid was yours?

>> No.20241398

I've no better methods than those already posted, just wanted to let you know that I hope you can pull it off and live a good life.

>> No.20241407

Make your own erc20 shitcoin and sell all assests for eth, then buy your own ownshitcoin, and say thats all you got is that shit coin now that you thought was gonna go off

But instead you got your other ledger hidden at a mates house with all eth

>> No.20241408

What happened then?

>> No.20241412

Thought about it a few times. Love him to bits and can’t bring myself to be that much of a dick. Would kill me inside with guilt for doubting it if I test him and he is mine

>> No.20241443

why did you bother getting married than brainlet

>> No.20241460

stfu scum

>> No.20241593

Leave a small amount of crypto visible to her, show it to her on an exchange or whatever to distract her. Act like you don’t want her to see it and then give in after an argument. Hold the vast majority on a hardware wallet and hide that somewhere. Memorise the recovery seed so you don’t even need physical access to it.

>> No.20241595

He isnt OP. OP is respectful and cool.

>> No.20241607

Get back on your meds godcuck, nobody needs a fairy tale to be a good person and live a happy productive life

>> No.20242064

Laughable. You havent even read arguments for Christianity, you dont even know what we believe. Natural law means you have a mind God gave you and a conscience to be morally upright, yes. Of your own free will. Once again thats called the natural law. So theres basic obvious stuff like be kind and dont kill people. Basic sense of whats honorable. So on. But theres more to it. You just want to bang hookers though so you dont want God. Yet that kills the capacity for love in you if you do that and ruins how you view women and love. True, pure love with someone whose personality you know. Real love shared with someone you really know.

>> No.20242198

Create a smart contract that locks your LINK and releases the funds when someone send a trx with a signed message with a certain password / code (it's probably one of the simplest smart contracts out there), a literal vault

>> No.20242227


>> No.20242583

Yea. You’re so dumb that you probably won’t make it.

>> No.20242602
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That makes no sense. Test the kid or just abandon his ass anyway not my life you retarded faggot

>> No.20242624

>I’m preparing to tell my wife I’m leaving her.

Neck yourself faggot

>> No.20242772

I really wonder how the legality of all of this is.
Let's propose someone really looses access to private keys. No one can really force you physically go to your home, look everywhere for your Ledger and make you put in the passcode etc...
If the public address is known, and the owner does not comply will it be assumed that he just do not want to or if he has really lost the keys. In the case of the former will be the USD amount of the assets demanded from the owner? This would be actually enforceable under law again...So there is the argument of XMR. But maybe they just will take the last point of moved funds before the last visible trail...

>> No.20242811

Tornado cash.

>> No.20242998

KYS larping faggot

>> No.20243189

>But then how to explain my sudden loss of value?
Your gonna lie... your gonna say you must have miss typed the wallet address when sending all your monero funds... and now you have lost it all.
Everyone knows your are lying but know-one can prove a single thing.
They will HAVE to accept your story. (even tho its a real shit one).

>> No.20243235

>being a retard that ever gives women the time of day

>> No.20243252

Did she help you with it? Like did she give you money for you to invest in crypto?
If not, I wouldn't feel bad to make the assets dissapear in XMR. Maybe not all of it but some.
Also anon, I may be stepping out of line, but marriage is the worst contract a man can bind himself to. Trust me, never re-marry.

>> No.20243320

Let me preface by emphasizing with your reasoning for divorce. I agree with you, no point in being uncomfortable with your partner for another 30-40 years old. Sometimes you need to cut loose and try again. There is shame in it, but it is the right thing to do.

With the crypto; transfer all of it to accounts that you create and never link to any of your known emails, #s, etc. Buy some cheap android burners for phone verifications and keep the paper trail limited to the addresses, or what I did when I trafficked drugs was use a Playstation Messaging system to store account informations and info I don't want on my phone/email.

Noone can force you to give up assets you don't really have. You can buy an obvious pump and dump and lose a token amount as a false flag to mislead the trail. You are in the UK though from the 'flat' instead of house, so knowing how tolerant and progressive your government is, I caution you.

Another choice is to have a hired escort seduce her at a night out after convincing her to go out for the night, sounds like she would take the bait, record it, and shame her.

>> No.20243413
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>Another choice is to have a hired escort seduce her at a night out after convincing her to go out for the night, sounds like she would take the bait, record it, and shame her.
That is smart. But horrible. But soo smart.

>> No.20243485

Just like everyone do, clean it through monero

>> No.20243543

Anon do what you have to do fuck these idiots telling you to continue with your marriage if the person didn't change even after 4 years just move on and be happy fuck that fat pig slob of shit

>> No.20244056

Is that all you have to offer negro?
Also bbc is a meme, they use rubber prosthetics in the degenerate interracial porn you watch.
Largest penis ever measured belongs to a white man.

>> No.20244701

Why are you doing this? Your wife deserves half. Especially after being married and raising your child. Kind of disgusting to hide and steal wealth that is her's too

>> No.20244981

This is worse bait than the bbc posting. While a dependant in a relationship should certainly be compensated so as to not end up on the street, half of all assets is a fucking joke.