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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20240621 No.20240621 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you guys so much. If I never found this board I would have no future, but now I have so much fucking chainlink that when link is at $100 I can buy a house in Japan and never work again.

I am going to find a nice Japanese girl to have a family with and I will spend the rest of my days enjoying nature and enjoying my hobbies, drawing, reading, writing, hiking, skiing, driving.

What a amazing thing /biz/ is. With a investment of a few tens of thousands a 2 years ago I have changed my life forever.

We are all going to fucking make it bros.

>> No.20240709
File: 2.11 MB, 532x538, Feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t tell the difference between fud and genuine posts anymore. I hate this shit board and every smug degenerate who posts here. When I make it I’m going to scrub this website from existence

>> No.20240736

If you’re Anglo stay out seriously

>> No.20240747

You're piss on the back of a toilet seat. And I bet it isn't even soft close.

>> No.20240751

Shut the fuck up faggot. You post this shit every time someone makes a thread about moving to Japan. Stop projecting your insecurities so aggressively

>> No.20240762

Why is it always Japan with you fucking people? You know you won't actually own the rights to the property and the Japanese natives can jerk you around with fees and arbitrary restrictions as much as they like, right?

>> No.20240786
File: 178 KB, 750x1334, 1592946435619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a aussie. And nobody is going to get inbetween me and the promised land of Japan.

Don't spend too much time on this board friend. It's a completely unmoderated crypto community so scammers are always posting.

I just come on when I get a link notification and read linkmarine posts. I prefer to spend my time on /fit/ and /pol/

The west is dying and China is built on a house of cards. Japan is going to be the next hegemon of Asia.

>> No.20240811

how much link exactly? be honest

>> No.20240812

Maybe he wouldn't feel the need to shit on him so much if EVERY shut-in didn't share the same retarded idealistic dream.

OP, have you done any serious contemplation about what YOU truly want in your life, as an individual? Have you considered that you might be living someone else's dream? Have you considered that you may be setting yourself up for disappointment because of how disconnected you are from real life?

Get real.

>The west is dying and China is built on a house of cards. Japan is going to be the next hegemon of Asia.

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.20240837

I also used to have no goal, even after I got loads of link. That changed once I saw Lauren though, and now I'm determined to make it and make her my wife.

>> No.20240844

Around 43000 Linkies

>> No.20240848

I live in japan and anglos ruin every country they move to we’re full of weirdo sexpats and English teachers fuck off

>> No.20240859

If dubs we all make it

>> No.20240883

China is objectively better than Japan. Food, girls, scenery, nightlife. I could go on for hours but I digress.

>> No.20240917

Ausies are Anglo and no it’s not retard your kind has completely economically crippled japan by forcing loans and economic alignment with US, japan is well on its way to becoming a Chinese satellite because of your occupation pearl harbour probably also never happened And you guys false flagged yourself

>> No.20240945

Hey the rich chinese aren't buying land in the west for no reason mayne. China is a fucking house of cards, biggest bubble economy in the entire fucking world man. China can't even import oil from the middle east without the American navy protecting the worlds oceans.

Japan has the second largest blue water navy in the world, they are stable and will be able to keep the lights on in the decades ahead. Unlike China.

>> No.20241016

>The west is dying and China is built on a house of cards. Japan is going to be the next hegemon of Asia.
Jap girls are nothing like the cosplayers and egirls you see online lmao.
Get real go to middle europe to any slavic country and get a tradwife if anything else.

>> No.20241053

It's because of retards like you I'm convinced link will dump to sub 1 dollar and never go back up

>> No.20241065

Meant for >>20240945

>> No.20241083

You’re straight up delusional Japan is almost in a worst situation economically than the states because of the post war debt and central banks getting in,US/anglos put japan in an extremely precarious situation, and even now you’re being a typical subversive upping the 1984 war rhetoric, you realize the US directly controls Japan’s military? a conflict would not be good China would probably win, best case scenario is US collapsing and japan realigning in pan Asian union with China but in reality US/Australia/UK but that probably won’t happen

>> No.20241102

In reality US/Uk/Australians are going to pull manufacturing and ramp up the war shit and force japan to be involved in some crazy conflict anyway stay out white devil

>> No.20241121

Will 3mil VRA be enough to secure a Korean wife at the top of the bubble?

>> No.20241137

>Get real go to middle europe to any slavic country and get a tradwife if anything else.
Just as retarded as OP. Brainless.

>> No.20241532

sorry for being mean I’m glad you’re going to make it though

>> No.20241619

>Have you considered that you might be living someone else's dream? Have you considered that you may be setting yourself up for disappointment because of how disconnected you are from real life?

so true. moved to a nice apartment on the beach and discovered all i really wanted all along was to browse the internet with the curtains closed. swimming and tanning gets old in ~30 minutes

>> No.20241790

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not, but I actually bit off more than I could chew and am living in an apartment by the beach right now with my gf. It's nice to have it right down the road but it just becomes something you take for granted. I feel like the beach would be more special if we took a handful of trips over the summer

>> No.20241858

Ok Chang

>> No.20241870

Why do people hate the idea of people moving to Japan? is it weird? I kinda want to live in Japan too, i like the language and the place is beautiful but when i read people's thoughts on moving to an asian country if you're white it kinda makes me doubt my decision.

>> No.20242068
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>noooooo you can't move to the most civilized nation on the planet with the best standard of living in the world you have to stay in my jew infested shithole of a country and be killed for being white.

The reality is that Japan is simply the best country in the world to live in for quality of life. Look at America, it's a dying society in the midst of a communist revolution. Look at western europe it is filled with africans and muslims. Look at Australia, it's filled with chink students and the government is owned by the CCP.

Japan is the last first world country in the world that has a future.

>> No.20242090
File: 288 KB, 995x1500, man-standing-on-beach-arms-outstretched-shutterstock-editorial-366419a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no its serious. my mental image of success used to be basically a stock image like pic related. I dont actually want to be on a beach and had to figure that out.

>> No.20242092

Because your thinking is parallel to people like

>> No.20242139
File: 3.46 MB, 219x219, steppin on the beach.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nothing else it shows that you had a crystallized, personal image of what it means to be successful and you were able to manifest it. It may not have been what you wanted in the end, maybe it lacked depth, but it shows you're able to strive for a little more than shitposting inside all day and you can make it happen.

>> No.20242140

The Muslims really aren't the problem in Europe. It's the people who actively work on degeneracies such as drug-glorification or the molesting and raping of children by constant expose to sexuality or drugs from a very young age on. Which is actually starting to take overhand. And will become the norm if there isn't some emergency brake being pulled in form of parties such as Germany's AFD.

>> No.20242176

Hey Aussie bro , I'm also an Aussie and actually live in japan .

Japanese people will never truly accept you as "one of them"

Try to find some cool expats . There is a heap of fucking loser fgts who were losers in their own country and moved to japan because the thought the could be cool here . In Osaka we call them "charisma men"

Not saying you can't have a comfy life here but Japan is not going anywhere good . Aging population is really fucking things .

Average Jap girl dresses like a communist and isn't exciting, go to ( in Osaka) Americamura , Shinsaibashi, Namba etc for interesting girls .

Hang at Cinquecento bar if you want to meet cool dudes man.

truly wish you the best fren , but all that glitters is not gold

>> No.20242483

we share the same fucking dream in almost all details but I just discovered thi board this month and I do not own any link, Im sure I would put also good money on it If I were here in 2018.... fuck I just want to make it like you but what the fuck aim supposed to do know.... hope is running out :(

>> No.20242548
File: 9 KB, 312x162, Download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine your biggest dreams being racemixing, creating ugly children that will hate you and themselves and destroying a culture that you actually know nothing about besides "muh chinese cartoons".
You are worse than the shitskins going to Europe or the females here fucking them, just kill yourself loser

>> No.20242573

Don't forget all your neighbors will secretly hate you and wish you would go back home

>friends with some Japanese guys

>> No.20242607

>but now I have so much fucking chainlink that when link is at $100 I can buy a house in Japan and never work again

Its posts like this that make me want to sell

>> No.20242616

Everyone in this thread needs to be sterilized

>> No.20242653
File: 112 KB, 650x1085, half jap half russian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20242821


>> No.20242864

She’s not half jap
She’s full russian.
Russians look like that because they’re 5% asian.
t. Russian

>> No.20242933

shut the fuck up you chinese fucking piece of trash, shill elsewhere

>> No.20243488

the chinese have the worst military track record of any civilization since practically the dawn of time dumbass. their military is so incapable, their economic interests so misaligned that they would never even be able to touch the U.S. much less defeat them.