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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20240009 No.20240009 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone! Our website has been updated! Make sure to check our latest article as well:

>> No.20240056

“ Github (public and under audit) - check

Product (released within 1 week, second dapp coming in August ) - check

Legit website ( and getting updated tonight ) - check

Discord ( full of development updates ) - check

Admin team ( currently employing 7 people besides the core team ) - check

Twitter ( with constant updates ) - check

Medium ( with constant articles updating the community on progress ) - check

Litepaper ( a fucking awesome litepaper, not some 3 page bullshit like scams do ) - check

Audit ( being done by a top firm and released early next week ) - check

“Team dumping” ( lol this one’s a hoot, the team has an expenditure section on their litepaper and you can even see their wallets on etherscan)

“Muh scam cause team dont reveal themselves “ - go read their AMA from yesterday and, you have zero substantiated fud here.
And sure , also ignore the fact they hired one of the best solidity devs out there as their main dev, feel free to check “known solidity devs” discord if you wanna see how strong this guy is. And again, github is there for the taking so feel free to check it

First dapp coming out early next week. And Im still sure some idiot is gonna show up here with some retard comment and zero proof of what he’s saying.

This should be simple, we all just wanna make money. If you missed out just buy now and stfu, you wont be able to bring the price down when they have a community this ready to counter your bullshit claims”

>> No.20240165

Ticking boxes, nice. I just rebought, at these prices it’s insane value $2 end of July

>> No.20240183

Keep that vpn running (((anon)))

>> No.20240411

Here we go. “5 min diff” - vpn

Srsly, I’d like to be as sure in life as some people are

>> No.20240748

Next week is gonna be for real, hyped af

>> No.20240984
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1557401861575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it dumping

>> No.20241159

ded coin . sell

>> No.20241193

what the fuck man i sold my stack at $0.4 cause the gains were unreal, looks like i sold the exact top

>> No.20241214

turned 60 eth into roughly 150 in 2 days, thank you /biz/

>> No.20241323

Hahahha hahhah look at that drop, WOW what a shitcoin

>> No.20241340

im financially ruined

>> No.20241345
File: 407 KB, 1580x2048, DoWo3unU4AA2etL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]