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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20236950 No.20236950 [Reply] [Original]




Best crypto under $500K marketcap. It being Mimblewimble is only a bonus, as that space hasn't seen a proper cycle. Epic Cash will 100x by EOY 2021. Screencap this.

>> No.20237029

finally, a decent place to trade this. quite ingenious how they worked it not being ERC-20 too. is this the catalyst to breaking resistance tho?
125k reportin.

>> No.20237207

There is no resistance on a 500k market cap
This can literally 10x on one miniwhale
The name of the game is accumulation until that happens

>> No.20237788

Holy shit they actually fucking did it the absolute mad men

>> No.20238648

This is actually pretty based

>> No.20239036

True. Few understand this. Everyone hunts uniswap and this one is truly different.

>> No.20239404

coordinated scam. don't fall for this fucking pajeet sorcery. check etherscan. check telegram. nothing about it on uniswap. kill yourselves you filthy cunts.

>> No.20239555

Imagine what happens once people realize this coin is actually real

>> No.20240235

How to buy this coin on Uniswap and then sell for higher price on Citex?

>> No.20240321

don't even try to arb. hodl.

>> No.20240329

retards the medium post is from the TEAM

>> No.20240687

this is other token