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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.20228707

1st for green Friday

>> No.20228715

in at .67 yesterday, doubled down at .60, have made enough to purchase a large chai.

>> No.20228723 [DELETED] 

1st for MYT going to .70 so i can break fucking even

>> No.20228748
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People can't trust the plan all because of one red day.

Tomorrow we find out whether to hold over the weekend.

MYT moon still coming soon before the NYC store launches.

>> No.20228768 [DELETED] 

>54 posts by this person in the other thread
fuck off shilltard

>> No.20228791

I'll be honest, I'm only in MYT because I'm a huge teafag.

>> No.20228796

pleased with MYT bros

>> No.20228817

BOXL is a good long, its moved steady upwards

>> No.20228874
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ikr i secretly want to keep this stock for a long time just because tea is so cool

but i know i have to let go of my baby come next week

>> No.20228875

TeaBros rise up, fuck the haters

>> No.20228948
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im keeping over the weekend no matter what basically

unless it hits like over 1$ tomorrow then im going to sell some of it

>> No.20229013
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Feels good to be a tea bro

>> No.20229061

Yea i'm with you. Imagine it mooning monday morning and you're not in on it.

Basically all this red is just lower entrance fees for people who want to go in with more of it, or the doubters to finally hop in. I know I bought some more of it at .61.

The general consensus is that you want to be in on this stock when it moons, so selling overnight is at your own risk.

>> No.20229088
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fuck it bro ive bought some at .68 and .50

avg 61 now

>> No.20229251

Even better, the longer schools stay closed. The more money we'll make off them. College students will be the ones after Coronavirus, but until then it ought to get a nice pump.

>> No.20229267

Post more boba girls, /ptg/ is dead

>> No.20229338

The tea. It’s brewing.

>> No.20229381

it's bubbling up

>> No.20229386

MYT on yet ANOTHER closing rally. What a stonk

>> No.20229453
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>> No.20229464

I will buy MYT next week

>> No.20229476

CLIS is at .069 right now, that's a steal. Fkn Schwab needs to hurry up and release my funds so I can double down commission free

>> No.20229497

seems to be moving upward

>> No.20229731

ding ding
market closed

>> No.20229744

>MYT closed below .70
we lost bros, its over. im dumping after hours

>> No.20229907


>> No.20229933

Buh bye

>> No.20229952

Hold analyst price is $18.00

>> No.20230002
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Holy shit. The green dildos have been so obnoxiously large that NIO does not classify as a penny stock anymore. I learned how to interpret the Robinhood and Tiktok pumps and i can confidently tell you that we are not even near the top yet. This thing will pump all the way to $30-$40 next week, perhaps even more depending on how many zoomers see videos about it on TikTok

>> No.20230020

Yeah, better get out now while you can. It’s clearly going nowhere.

>> No.20230034

put down some fun money on it before close, already seeing a little green. Thank you frens.

>> No.20230063
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Doubled down on Pure Gold Mining today.

>> No.20230084

Hey faggot what's your PT for dloc, I only bought 8666 because of you but I'm willing to buy more if you shill it to me

>> No.20230108

Any good options plays on the horizon ?

>> No.20230125

it's still lower than what I sold it for the other day

>> No.20230226

MYT is popping off on the 14th.

MARK is the loading zone for next earnings call.

>> No.20230345

>MYT is popping off on the 14th.
the new shop opening is a definite yes ?
Good and cheap, il do some DD. How long you figure ive got time before it might moon ?

>> No.20230417

Supposedly Q2 is when they started accepting contracts and making money. I wouldn't hold through earnings at all. Like even a little bit.

The store opens on the 15th, I wouldn't count on it going up after either. Sell the news.

>> No.20230440

Not sure why people think MYT will pop on the 14th.
It's not like the opening is going to come as a surprise, and in fact it's pretty likely they wont be getting a lot of business due to corona.

>> No.20230496
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Just keep 1 share as a reminder

>> No.20230952

People expecting PR to come through before and during the opening.

>> No.20231044

Sold my 2000 shares of MYT today . Broke even . Felt like that was a win t b h
>feels ok
I’ll wait til it goes to 60 because I had it at 65 and it was making me nervous

>> No.20231228

RRD to the moon.

Underpriced at $1.19 with an EPS of .32

>> No.20231237
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This is a hug post for anyone who needs a hug :)
Love you guys.

>> No.20231290
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Nigga i need money. But thanks anyway.

>> No.20231297
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>> No.20231386

NOVN 70% chance to moon 30% to R/S if you're a gambler

>> No.20231477

Another penny cancer pharma...

>> No.20231526

>penny cancer pharma
Good pump and dumps, but need that pr to make it.

>> No.20231598

Believe it or not Farmmi (FAMI)will be hitting $5 very soon. They've been attending several agricultural fairs and integrating cloud based systems to get the word out about their mushrooms and have been pumping subtly since May. Just thought I'd let you in on the know.

>> No.20231609

NOVN is a covid play tho

>> No.20231673

>t. wet tissue paper hands

>> No.20231703

>Ching Chong China stock
Yeah, no thanks gook. Go back to posting pro CCP messages.

>> No.20231787
File: 273 KB, 750x1624, BF93A359-F34A-4929-BEBA-9C2E79836DAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I’m glad because now I get to get my money back without losing anything and I’ll buy more at a lower price tomorrow