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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 162 KB, 1079x1273, 20200709_202211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20227487 No.20227487 [Reply] [Original]

No link please

>> No.20227506

no link ngmi

>> No.20227513

> No Loki
> No Nimiq
> No Alchemint

Not gonna make it

>> No.20227547

>no xsn

>> No.20227566

44.185€ if you let it to be

>> No.20227593
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x688, XSN-Bitfinex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No XSN? You're not gonna make it.. sorry

>> No.20227612

Needs more RSR and LINK

>> No.20227626

Consolidate, you're over diversified for your portfolio size. I would split your funds into 2 coins at most, but even better would just go all in one coin. All your picks are pretty good (although I don't know komodo well). Out of all these coins I would just go all in PNK, it's still low cap, has a good use case and good team. Godspeed

>> No.20227633

I appreciate you inputs, I'm DMOR

>> No.20227716

Thank you anonbro. Komodo is pretty solid fwiw, but I don't think I can make x10 on it. I was planning on selling at least half to consolidate rsr or pnk. Maybe do the same with rlc. I went all in on a coin once, got burned ( Walton chain LOL)

>> No.20227752

Would be nice I would love it, but I'm still aiming for more

>> No.20228007

Sell some or all of KMD and flip it to XSN. Same sector but xsn has upside on Komodo right now.

>> No.20228044

PNK is the one, anon.

>> No.20228057
File: 186 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20200709-144443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much pnk should I get?

>> No.20228094


>> No.20228157

what >>20228094 said is a good stack size. I'd say "as much as you can" though honestly

>> No.20228190

You're going to make it but you need twice as much

>> No.20228241

I would but don't wanna make one more account. I will wait for a listing on huobi or somewhere else

>> No.20228271

I'm gonna consolidate hard. Will sell my kmd for more pnk

>> No.20228302
File: 1.41 MB, 1160x630, vortex-alt3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 10 MN

>> No.20228393


>> No.20228414

Great choice adding RSR. Even if you decide to not increase your position, make sure you don't sell it. At least wait until you receive your inevitable gains. It's a solid hold and even that small amount will allow you much more freedom to venture into future projects, even promising ones that don't even exist yet. If you can somehow increase your position to 100k then you're in very safe hands. Though i won't advise you to sell your other coins to achieve that because i 'm simply not educated on them.

Good luck regardless Anon. Keep up the good work

>> No.20228453
File: 381 KB, 1125x1954, 1B5C4D84-0C21-4EBD-A0B4-B52EF1133A79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yesterday I sold my BTC, LINK, KNC, ETH
Today I bought back in with these.

Started with $7,200 USD

>> No.20228495

Now the real question is this, should I take it from my link stack or my BTC stack?

>> No.20228554

App? I’m using uniswap and don’t wanna

>> No.20228602

put some $XYS in there, and thank me later

>> No.20228635
File: 200 KB, 1080x1803, 20200709_151505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started buying crypto this week after seeing the link memes. No idea what I'm doing but I've already learned a lot in this short time.

Started with $2150. Any advice?

>> No.20228637

>no ARPA

>> No.20228651

You need to sell komodo for XSN.
Komodo is now old tech. They use Atomic swaps which takes 20+ minutes and high on chain fees.

Stakenet (XSN) Does lightning swaps = instant and low fees.
Has masternodes that will earn fees from running their own orderbook for the Dex and Stakenet has a Agregator that can tap into the liquidity of centralized Exchanges.
This is only possible due to lightning.
That will on board a horde of traders and demand for XSN will skyrocket.
But suit yourself.
Don't say u did not get the tip.
Cuz you heard it here first.
Good luck

>> No.20228655

Thank you. You are spot on, my small starting stack is not enough to make it but I'm doing my best to find good picks. I think I will dump my nkn and kmd to consolidate my rsr and pnk bags. I turned 500€ into 60k€ during the 2017 bullrun but only managed to cash out 2k, and here I am, starting over again.

>> No.20228654

xlm is faster, kek

>> No.20228698

You guys got me really hyped on this.

>> No.20228708

Xrp is a meme dump on more linkies!

>> No.20228753

Is it still worth it even if I can't afford a masternode?

>> No.20229195

Komodo is old news now.
I'd ditch it for Link or XSN

>> No.20229221

Bag full of GEMS !

>> No.20229546

I’d consider adding ShareRing (SHR) to your portfolio. If it succeeds and captures a large portion of the travel industry, it could potentially 100x. Only around a ~7-8 Million Market Cap currently. DYOR though!

>> No.20230433


>> No.20230536

Keep ELC and sell the rest , if you don't want some link then buy some bnt , knc , lend / ren
You can also have a matic suicide bag
- first 4 are mandatory.