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20219910 No.20219910 [Reply] [Original]

Lesser actions can be worthwhile, just for the sake of doing something together. But when the actions are more intrinsically meaningful then they are likewise better ways of being-together. Experience bears this out. When a boy is able to perform some evidently ‘manly’ action well, under the tutelage and in the company of his father, there is profound satisfaction and enjoyment.

And this is in part due to the unique sense of accomplishment and self-worth engendered by such actions. Little can compare with bringing home the fruit of his labor and presenting it to the woman he and his father love most. “Look Mommy at what I have done for you.” Here the very “I’ is one conceived and born in a unique way through the shared experience with his father. I do like my Daddy does.

Hunting is also laden with seriousness, if not excitement, from beginning to end. Every action has real consequences. There is no pushing a ‘new game’ button here. A boy feels this; and it keeps him close to reality—to the real world around him. It also will tend to keep him close to his father.

Perhaps the most obvious reason to do such activities with a son is the simple fact: he will not forget it; even long after Daddy is gone.

>> No.20219998

my grandfather took my dad hunting all the time, but that asshole never bothered taking me. he taught me how to shoot a gun once and poorly too, had to relearn a better stance online afterwards because i felt something was off with his, even though my grandfather was a fairly successful marksman that won awards. no way he taught him that.

Boomers fucking suck. can't agree with this post more.

>> No.20220159

I agree. Hunting has been one of the best parts of my life, because it formed such as strong bond with my dad and grandad and cousins. It truly is a wonderful thing...better than sitting inside looking at porn on a computer. Not to mention getting outside in the early morning smelling the mountain air, walking through the falling leaves and frost covered ground to your hunting spot. Its max comfy bros. I hope everyone can experience it. Ive always wanted a son to show him these things, however the women are so pozzed these days I dont even know if i will ever have one. Im just thankful to God for what I did experience. I hope that there is something greater waiting for us all beyond this life.

>> No.20220167

Remember, respect the wild and provide food/care during winter times. Try to hunt for the elderly/wounded game.

>> No.20220272
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My Dad was a faggot and I had to teach myself how to do anything and everything because he half-assed my childhood just like he half-assed everything else

>> No.20220334

>respect the wild
>bring a manufactured rifle to mow things down "for sport"

>> No.20220335


Boomers and Gen X were also taught by society that the old ways were worthless and outdated - a bit of fun or weekend hobby at best. They were taught that money is everything. As long as you have money, you can buy away any problem, purchase any freedom.
So they decided to just work careers and spend lavishly. And completely fail at raiding their kids.

>> No.20220589
File: 89 KB, 1024x964, 1592087043627m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad walks put on mom and me when I'm 2
>starts a new family see him maybe once every 2 years
>wed go see a dumbass movie like pirates of the Caribbean or whatever shit was playing as our "bonding" time
>get older and tell him to go lick nigger shit off the floor never speak to him again
>eventually I get engaged
>fiancees family owns a hunting preserve
>go goose and duck hunting on christmas with father in law
>some of the most rewarding and enjoyable shit I've ever done in my life
>it took me 25 years to experience something like this

Fuck these fucking boomers and gen xers. I had to learn everything on my own because of this gay assed pozzed society. Fucking retards.

>> No.20220624
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Here son, I am a faggot who cannot in any way shape or form harm any relevant powerful man anywhere in the world, soon to be bigger by another planet, letting myself and whole family vulnerable around the clock to being pulverized by nukes, which despite paying for I cannot neither have nor know much about, but, see vaxed, pesticided, fluoridated, gm riddled and ritalin sponge son, as you learned at the creationist school, I can blow this beautiful being's brains off for coping through sanitized deranged entertainment.

>> No.20220687

its so much more rewarding harvesting natural venison than it is buying a hormone injected slab of meat from Shekelmart grocery. Remember those burgers you buy dont have a chance in hell, they cant out smart you like a mature whitetail buck can. Those poor cows are slaughtered via electric current en mass to feed your dumb fat faggot ass. Ill take natural game meat any day than that poisoned shit you buy in a store. You lazy fuck.

>> No.20220697

Fucking retards. You understand that hunting pays for conservation efforts in spades right? I know it's hard to imagine when you live in either an exposed red brick studio apartment downtown that you rent for 2000$ a month or you live in the ghetto because you're a retarded nigger.

>> No.20220814

Daddy issues: the thread

>> No.20220840

more like a thread for lefty zoomer cucks to cry about how they dont understand the benefits of hunting because their T levels are too low

>> No.20221025

this is your brain on grains

>> No.20221132
File: 58 KB, 451x681, images - 2020-07-09T083344.221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunters are coping faggots who shoot themselves, wives, kids and bosses every time.
The longer the gun the shorter the intellect.
Today they mislead their cattle by forcing the fag versus dad meme down their bottomless pieholes.

>> No.20221187


Didn't ask for these feels....I want to learn hunting now at age 30, just got into guns a couple years ago. Don't even know where to start on my own.

>> No.20221489
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Start by stoping by the skinwalker ranch.