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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 618x277, posw price chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2021984 No.2021984 [Reply] [Original]

>POSW about to go interstellar

Get the fuck in the ship anon.

>> No.2021987

Strapped in and ready to go anon

>> No.2021991
File: 112 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170503-070517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.2021998
File: 3 KB, 511x52, holdings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you there my man.

>> No.2022005

Reporting in this moon thread. Rocket is departing soon!

>> No.2022013

>up 414 dollars

Jealous of that juicy dip buy anon I got in at like 0.15 cents

>> No.2022014
File: 63 KB, 1440x776, 20170503_071402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on board

>> No.2022021 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2022023
File: 122 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-05-03-06-17-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do this

>> No.2022031


>> No.2022036

You might want to up that withdrawal limit anon.

Have two step authentication enabled and send them a support ticket requesting ID verification. Automatic verifcation and higher limits are coming really soon though, according to them, so I guess you could just wait.

>> No.2022045
File: 9 KB, 208x319, posw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good

>> No.2022049
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>> No.2022063

Why the fuck is posw not on bittrex, I refuse to send btc to these shady russian exchanges

>> No.2022067

Then just use the posw website

But yeah I don't recommend yobit, pretty shady exchange desu

>> No.2022074
File: 671 KB, 800x600, 1493422748758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yobit is unironically my favorite exchange

>> No.2022092
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 1493056125084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks senpai, just jumped on the train yesterday, so still figuring things out. Will do.

>> No.2022097

Perfect timing

>> No.2022135 [DELETED] 

>tfw you only have 29.9 POSW

Please guys give me something more :(

>> No.2022155

Gourai is retarded!

>> No.2022196

Sent ;)

>> No.2022233
File: 65 KB, 1243x904, PoSWrises.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek wills it.

>> No.2022286

Thanks for your help :)

>> No.2022345

Buying in at 8000 sags last dip before take off

>> No.2022367

Can't deny trips and dubs

Praise kek!

>> No.2022368
File: 179 KB, 1700x1700, 5d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on my poswlings since 21st or so

>> No.2022387

PoSW or Chaincoin? hmm.. or maybe Xtra bytes.

>> No.2022437
File: 6 KB, 545x82, posw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get moar?

>> No.2022443

What kinda stupid question is that if you know it's gonna go up 10x?

>> No.2023672


Might want to be quick though

>> No.2023690

So why the fuck do you think posw is going up? This thread reads like blind optimism. Are you shilling posw so you can make stupid people buy it to dump it for a nice profit in a few days?

>> No.2023698

itt: bagholders

>> No.2023700

kek, of course. No one wants to hold ponzicoin.

>> No.2023704

they added it to coinpayments

>> No.2023712

Price manipulation from whales. They drove the price down to shake weak hands and buy up more, in order to get a larger piece of the dividend pool and higher staking. Now they're driving the price up, and there's no coming back this time around.

>> No.2023723

HAHAHAHAHA, whales are going to stake their money on posw, run by socially inept, shady pajeets with le African charity that can run off with your money at any time they want with their shitty website.

Yeah whales are surely going to invest in posw LMAO.

in reality its another pnd

>> No.2023733

Blockchains are public ledgers, right? It should be possible to identify "whale" behavior then, no?

How do you know for sure (or at least to reasonable certainty) that whales are the cause of the rise?

>> No.2023743

It's run by Americans, retard. The admin's name is Colin Blakely, the company is registered in North Carolina, and the other devs are American as well. The pajeets are the Greek retards behind the PR and marketing, which is where shit like le african charity come from.

I feel sorry for you. It's not too late to get rich with us.

>> No.2023745

Why haven't you KILLED yourself yet?

>> No.2023751

Kek. You people are either delusional or fuckheads.

Whales are not going to put their investments on a website run by shady pajeets

/biz/ could not have picked a worse coin to shill so aggressively on here.

>> No.2023761
File: 12 KB, 417x124, uyffhjdhshtj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me think

>> No.2023769

I mean, I'm just going to assume this is a shill vs shill battle. It's pretty clear to me how posters like


Are going to make their money, they shill the everliving shit out of this coin because they invested in it.

But what do these posters have to gain?


The only post providing a plausible explanation is


so far.

Explain /biz/ to me, /biz/. I'm new to this shithole

>> No.2023781


This POSW spam is really starting to piss me off, you guys need to stop, you're only shouting into an echo chamber. NO ONE WANTS YOUR SHITY COIN BUT A SELECT FEW OF DELUSIONAL MONEY GRUBBERS.


>> No.2023785

Sorry you can't do research senpai.

I really do want everyone to succeed.

>It's a US based company.


The pajeets just moderate the slack.

The developers are all from the United States tho. Some of the coders are in college rn. And there's a professor from Michigan state on the dev team.

Don't buy any posw, I don't care.

But this isn't a scam.

>> No.2023794

Yes because no one ever lies or steals

no proof except one website thats not .gov and even then it could be a registered agent, and yes Ive seen the linkedin and no its not convincing enough.

Le African ponzicoin is too shady

The bottom line is that alot of people are invested in the coin on this forum so its shilled to all hell. But if you look at the fundamentals of POSW, just look at it, you're going to find that it has alot of holes and its a big risk, not worth the potential reward.

>> No.2023804

Not a .gov

All speculation on who these people are, it could be the name of a registered agent. There is no professor, there is Colin Blakely from R&D lighting with a degree from Michigan state.

That is all. We do not know if they are really from the US. We have no idea except the marketing guy, one is greek or something. And that's it.

POSW is shady as fuck, admit it bagholders. You are all gambling. And its a big risk.Maybe you'll make it maybe you wont but Ponzicoin is ponzicoin for now.

>> No.2023813

> The bottom line is that alot of people are invested in the coin on this forum so its shilled to all hell.

Yeah thought so, I haven't seen it once outside of /biz/, so that makes a lot of sense. I hadn't looked at the fundamentals itself yet.

>> No.2023817

You do know what a ponzi is right?

Ponzis don't make profit or provide a service.

>> No.2023826

That seems like an awful amount of work to be a ponzi.

But you're correct, if I'm wrong i lose out on 1k.

In the case that this is legit, then I could easily get 10x roi.

>guess I'll just wait and see

>> No.2023832

Explain this then.

POSW provides a service that helps it's users, but also makes the owners a fuck ton of money. It is in their best interest to succeed and make their coin valuable.


run with what? the POSW that will instantly become useless and worth nothing if they devs ran off with it instead of providing their service and making BANK?

>> No.2023883

What website is that

>> No.2023899

Looks like coinmarketcap.com

>> No.2023907

There are different forms of ponzi's. POSW is a modified form of a HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) You pay back old investors with the investments from new investors.

POSW is not a ponzi, but its very similar to one. The value of the coin is purely derived through the value of the website and how many coins are staked.

You put up coins, you get dividends for your share. Look at the performance of poswwallet. 90% of it is posw coin itself. This means that once people stop trading POSW coin ,which is the whole point of posw coin right, its to stake, people will get less or even no dividends from trade volume.

You also do not have access to full withdrawal. You could say its because its an exchange, but HYIP's also limit withdrawals before they do exits and cash out.

Now posw could be for real, but the problem is trust and the devs have still elected to remain anonymous with socially retarded frontment. With le African Charity is very suspicious. Red flag galore.

If the exchange grows in volume and diversifies with posw coin not being traded then fine, but as of right now its too big of a risk. Once posw coin stops being traded and just sits on there staking, theres gonna be big problems because there wont be any volume to be distributed. At that point exit scam would be most likely to happen.

>> No.2023921

Who gives a fuck, if you invest in a starter company you know it will be all or nothing. That's the risk you take to get big profits

>> No.2023925

I swear the pajeets put that in there as a means to get normies into posw. They should know crypto autists hate black people

>> No.2023930

You do realize that a bank is exactly that?

>> No.2023932


this is so unprofessional
holy fuck a 10 year old could have produced something more attractive and I'm balls deep in POSW

>> No.2023939

Pajeet NEEDS to go.

I highly recommend sending the devs a support ticket asking them to get new PR, that's what I did.

>> No.2023943

how about the alts you're sending them on adresse you don't have control of :)?

>> No.2023957

Not to mention that their btc talk thread is moderated. Another red flag. censorship is never a good thing. All these guys gotta do is wait until posw reaches critical mass and then they can dump their holdings and exit with staked coins on their platform.

The big incentive to simply run a hyip exit is because It takes alot of time to run an exchange and for that exchange to gain traction. Look at how fast they got people to invest. Why wait for your exchange to grow in volume and then afterwards deal with running the entire business, than just get a guaranteed payout of millions, not worry about running some exchange and get away with it?

>> No.2023959

Same could be said about literally any exchange

>> No.2023973

>Look at how fast they got people to invest.

They had almost no one buying during the ICO in January though. Pretty much no one knew about it until late April, 4 months after they launched, not to mention that they'd been working on it since January 2016. I also think that if they really were scamming people, they wouldn't tell potential investors to fuck off in the Slack.

They're autistic but thay doesn't mean they're incompetent.

>> No.2023975

Banks are regulated.

This place isn't.

>> No.2023985

>be a member of one of the oldest still existing nations on Earth, a scion of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
>some Amerifat calls you a pajeet

>> No.2023993

Nothing in crypto is regulated.

Welcome to the wild west, son.

>> No.2024000

Well then its not like a bank then, is it?

>> No.2024083

Aren't you those assholes which: destroyed their own civilization called Babylonia, crucified Jesus, stole our white women to make harems, stole the british empire colony's oil in Arabia, mix bred with Greece and the Rome creating 3 shit countries, including Spain and by proxy Mexico? The countries with the shittiest sociopaths possible with brown skin, black eyes, black curly hair and jewish noses?
And now in the 21st century you still live worse than Vietnam? Still teach children to kill people and publically kill groups of people including your own?

What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be dead? Or better off deaf instead of reminding us that you haven't changed in 9000 years?
I guess natural selection and evolution are mutually exclusive after all.