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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20216718 No.20216718 [Reply] [Original]

is /biz/ still holding this shitcoin? what's the outlook rn

>> No.20216822

confirmed scam, no place to sell main net token that has volume. Hitbtc is a fucking legit scam and the irony that they are pretending it's bullish is hilarious. John Mcaffee calls out hitbtc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWstuT0o2j4

>> No.20216847
File: 3.11 MB, 498x280, C10ED1CF-171C-4DB8-A84C-75514BD8C0AF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ghost coin makes very fast progress and has pooling and staking!! This coin is going to be massive moon very soon. I am insider and no the team it’s coming this week you see. Get in now! Or stay being poor mate

>> No.20216878

>muh scam
You dont know the meaning of the word fucko

The most emotionally draining hold ever

>> No.20216941

tell me faggot, why is the community engagement 100% dried up on twitter, telegram, discord except for the relentless pajeets memes and broken english? why do the official channels reek of curry and why are the devs a bunch of literal shitskins you fucking faggot? you won't answer this, watch

>> No.20216957
File: 1.30 MB, 420x236, D433AE03-8987-4238-8F11-463DDA4A6224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is not a scam dumm dumm but stay poor than mate. Weak hands going to cry more even harder still

>> No.20216997

>relentless pajeet, smell of curry
This is why. Legit people stopped participating in these discussions when pajeets took over. I'm still hodling, but cannot be bothered with the "community".

>> No.20217103

>This is why
it's a scam that's why. The entire thing was a hustle, that's why the team is pajeets, that's why the "community" is all pajeets, this was all a show to keep the price above one dollar so Josh could sell off all those wallets he had over a few months. Mission accomplished, now he just carries on with low effort shill and nothing significant will come of this, it's dead. hope you didn't trade your erc20 bud

>> No.20217144

even the curry made it's way here into this thread. This paid low effort astroturf is in every ghost thread now

>> No.20217717

Retard, If you watched the fucking video you will see that your Lord and Saviour was the one calling out Hitbtc as a scam.. You probably can't understand this concept though as you are balls deep in a scam.

>> No.20217811

what the shit you babbling about

be coherent you turdpile

>> No.20217874

What is my English not good enough for you Ranjesh? I'll say it in a manner you can understand clearly and coherently you third world sub human.