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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20213697 No.20213697 [Reply] [Original]

Dude I hope the pump arrives before christmas so all the swingies can decorate my tree.

>> No.20213737

Dude it's going to 5$ this month not stopping and then 15$ by September. Just look at the chart and the news roadmap...

>> No.20213754

Yeah I know,

But to be honest the potential sits way beyond $15

I'm talking about the actual big pump.

>> No.20213820

The potential of rlc is super high into the thousands. I will keep buying for the rest of my life because it'll always be a net positive gain. It's like Bitcoin economics in a way.

>> No.20213839

Yeah honestly, it's true.

Intel is going to be leaning into this so fucking hard in a years time. Also with the COVID-19 pandemic and increased amounts of people WFH their solution will be brought to market faster.

Heaps of opportunity in SAAS as well.

>> No.20213938

Imagine the tech giants using multi party compute on iExec to solve the corona problem.

>> No.20213965

All I can say is that COVID-19 is a large trigger that will pull the adoption of this technology forward faster than we can anticipate.

>> No.20214027

I remember I watched one of the videos put out by iExec a while back and Giles talks about how what their building will be very useful in the heath sector and mentioned storing brain scan data. Sounded interesting.

>> No.20214107

Okay i'll spill.
The healthcare sector essentially needs exactly what this offers.
Privacy is incredibly important in not only business but healthcare as well and the applications of RLC extend far beyond what is currently available in market.
RLC is essentially paving new ground.
This is one of multiple giant applications for this tech.
People have no idea how much this will effect their day to day lives.

>> No.20214171

Based. iExec - Share data without sharing it.
It's truly world changing.

>> No.20214198


I can assure you that it's already being trialed by some major companies with serious weight behind them.

>> No.20214296

Chainlink already does this
Read the whitepaper

>> No.20214302

Stay poor pajeet

>> No.20214311

You don't know what this does do you ?

>> No.20214553


>> No.20214559

explain. dont be a faggot

>> No.20214579
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billions of transactions incoming

>> No.20214589


>> No.20214606


>> No.20214609

This will never even break ATH again. Stop holding dead shitcoins and buy some LOKI.

>> No.20214615

Fuck off and go cry in a corner while RLC goes 10000x

>> No.20214631

Just fomod in with a 1k stack
We will all make it, RLC is going to be massive

>> No.20214641

Get more anon. This is like buying LINK at 70M MC

>> No.20214657

I can't, I'm poor
This is all I can do. It'll moon and price me out before I can add again

>> No.20214670

Don't feel bad, anything is good.
Just know that the next time an opportunity comes up you will be in a better position to buy in thanks to rlc

>> No.20214685

at 6m marketcap. link supply is 11x higher

>> No.20214697

That's what I'm hoping for. I mean making more than 100k off something would be lifechanging for me, a mil is insane and hard to imagine

>> No.20214710

Oh shit I didn't account for that.

>> No.20214735
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Been following this project since day 1.

No LARP anon here. This is going to 100$, no jokes. This is 10x Link potential, and 100x coming short-medium term.

Newspaper in Montreal even talked about it back then, because of Ubisoft using it back then... I bought and kept buying since.

Another 2018 article here (in french):

>> No.20214755

where can i buy rlc? im still a normalfag to crypto

>> No.20214762

In 2018:

Le groupe va ainsi épauler iExec qui construit une infrastructure de nuage offrant des services de calcul de haute performance à la demande, nécessaires dans les domaines de l'intelligence artificielle et de mégadonnées (big data), et Azarus qui veut développer un protocole informatique et des solutions spécifiquement dédiés à l'industrie du jeu vidéo.

Google translate this, think that this is 2018, and just kys if you dont buy now Anons....

>> No.20214787

binance outside of US. uniswap inside us.

you can find where it is traded following the link https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/rlc/markets/

>> No.20214791

100$ this year maybe, but the high end potential is in the thousands or tens of thousands. It's a world first technology just like bitcoin was at one point. It also has a pretty small supply.
Binance, Kyber, or Airswap(i think). You might be able to buy it on random ass websites too. If you're a burger I recommend using a VPN on binance.

>> No.20214830

thought accounts pre september were grandfathered?

>> No.20214858

Some people report being grandfathered while some say they got fucked over. If you're a newfag to crypto sadly you have to use a vpn for binance. (Until it gets on coinbase which is probably this year but it'll be 15$ by then)

>> No.20214865

10k sats breached

>> No.20214914

Still 1M RLC to get eaten up. Hopefully a whale comes through and stakes his position.

>> No.20214934


Unlikely. I don't really know if whales read into the projects as heavily as niche investors.

I think we will be safe to accumulate.for at least a few more hours

>> No.20215026

I dont know if it's unlikely. There isn't really that much RLC left on exchanges and if a whale wants to own 2% of all RLC for 1 to 2M they would be smart to do it now rather than later when all of the supply is gone.

>> No.20215044

whales buy early, what do you think pumped this from 25 to 50c?

>> No.20215075

This is still relatively early desu

>> No.20215100

Do you realize that not every whale is in the know? Very high chance a whale that fears missing out will buy up 1M RLC.

>> No.20215133

Whats is
>50 other tokens that do this

What a joke, a bunch of idiots fellating themselves over an unreleased product with tons of currently operating competitors

>> No.20215141

Hahahaha DYOR nerd.
Do you even know what this does?

>> No.20215152

>being this fucking retarded
Please research the Confidential Computing Consortium.

>> No.20215155

Yea, it doesn’t do fucking anything. All of the shit you are dreaming about can’t be done with this token, just maybe sometimes in the future, maybe.

>> No.20215159
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Im not saying its impossible but a whale doesnt typically get to where they are by fomo'ing
I think its far more likely people buying now are getting 1/10th of some whales 5x bags.
Not fudding, im bullish - just dont need hopium about front running whales

>> No.20215168

the funny thing is they use golem tech
literally digital tranny shit

it will just dump again after v5, so ignore yellow threads for now

>> No.20215176

Whales can make millions by fomoing into the right projects though. It happened with TRX and probably LINK. So...
iExec is a fully functional working marketplace right now. You need to DYOR.

>> No.20215187

Show me the marketplace, lets take a look at it shall we?

>> No.20215192

Golem made graphene open source for anyone to use and iExec integrated it, rendering Golem a useless shitcoin. Fucking golemites.

>> No.20215204

Hahahahaha can you Livestream when U swing in a few weeks fudboi

>> No.20215210

Nice bait. Yea "no one is using it right now" is what you're going to say, and it's true, but it doesn't matter. Buy when it gets adoption, I don't care. You will stay poor if you invest that way.

>> No.20215297

Its worse than that, it doesn’t even exist in the sense theres nothing to buy or sell.

Yea man, enterprise adoption and uses for this obscure coin are going to materialize in weeks sending it to 1000$ a coin. Sure, dunce. Pull your head out of your ass and you can actually make money. Emotionally invested tards get hosed everytime.

>> No.20215328

don't think they're actual holders, they're paid shills, same thing happened in the weeks leading up to v4, then it dumps and they disappear till 4-6 weeks before next version release

>> No.20215347

This whole exchange is so adorably cringe.

>> No.20215368

Nah I'm a holder who genuinely believes in this product.

I wish I was getting paid to shill, considering Im Kind of doing it for free anyway.

>Reddit spacing for added gayness.

>> No.20215386

>it doesn’t even exist in the sense theres nothing to buy or sell.
Not true. https://pools.iex.ec/
Newfag spotted. RLC has been shilled here as long or longer than LINK has.
You are cringe. Look at the chart and sit on the sidelines nerd.

>> No.20215388


I mean everything I said.

>> No.20215394

Probably, 80% of /biz/ posters these days seem to be astroturfing shills. It is honestly digusting, I wonder if 4chan is US based, someone whose lost money here could unironically sue 4chan and its moderators for the amount of unregistered securities and scams being pushed here daily.

>> No.20215402

I bought some, and 1/2 as much tezos, and have a decent link stack. Which of these three should I spend 1k on, or a different currency?

>> No.20215419

Da fuck? I have had my Binance account for years. Why would it matter if you are in the US?

>> No.20215513

Newfag. RLC is oldfag territory.
RLC's marketcap is so small I think you'd be retarded to not buy more.
Dunno dude, but same. I just remember seeing people say they couldn't buy RLC even though they were oldfags. They will inevitably buy our bags at 20$ when it's on coinbase :)

>> No.20216100

I hope 1000RLC will be enough to make it in a few years

>> No.20216188

How does 11490000$ sound?

>> No.20216198

Based and 11490pilled

>> No.20216286

Sounds unrealistic desu

>> No.20216378

What's unrealistic is it not going that high

>> No.20216382
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>> No.20216399

Fuck off with that

>> No.20216430

Haha we already partnered