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File: 85 KB, 1400x776, DMGDASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20211920 No.20211920 [Reply] [Original]

While you all complain about a correction after a 5x, I'm looking at ways I can buy enter the top 25 wallets again. Do you all understand this : https://medium.com/dmm-dao/dmm-dao-governance-dashboard-and-new-ecosystem-updates-dfc041dccd9

I mean really, truly understand what mTokens + new instances of $ flow (like the mentioned Aviation) could do alongside EXCHANGES implementing mTokens? It already happened with that 1inch exchange, but I'd suspect almost all exchanges will bend the knee.

I think there's a reason DMG is held by LINK whales, and its run reminds me of a hyper speed version of chainlink's 3 year phase.

Understand this :
"In order to support more yield-seeking users, our second proposal is to raise the total debt ceiling of the DMM Ecosystem from $10M to $20M. This would be done by readjusting the individual debt ceilings for each mToken to match user demand. As the revenue generated by the real world assets backing the DMM Ecosystem is higher than the interest due to mToken holders, the debt ceiling can safely rise to support more user deposits.
Once user deposits flow in, the DMMF (eventually the DMM DAO) will then be able to purchase more real world assets to raise the revenue generated in the DMM Ecosystem, which then enables the ability for the debt ceiling to be safely raised again. The debt ceiling is on a per asset basis and you can see the current values and the new proposed values.
mUSDC: 3,500,000 -> 8,000,000 USDC
mDAI: 3,500,000 -> 3,000,000 DAI
mETH: 10,000 -> 5,000 ETH
mUSDT: 0 -> 8,000,000 USDT
In summary, the debt ceiling of USDC and USDT would increase due to high levels of market-wide liquidity and increased user demand, while DAI and ETH would lower to make room for USDT and lower the Ecosystem’s risk exposure. The DMM Ecosystem is best optimized for stable value deposits, as non-stablecoin assets like ETH incur higher risk due to volatility and are generally more expensive to support than ones due to the hedging exposure."

>> No.20212119

To ensure this process can be decided upon in a decentralized manner, we have been working on creating an initial version of the governance dashboard to enable DMG governance token holders to put their tokens to use and vote for different actions to be taken. While this initial version is designed to be a simple interface to test the incentives and procedures, this governance dashboard will end up being the hub where all governance actions of the DMM DAO take place.

While not yet live, the interface will be hosted at dao.defimoneymarket.com and will give a glimpse into what is possible in the future. This dashboard will be used for voting in the following proposals listed below, using the DMG governance token. The beginning date of voting and for how long is still being determined, but our goal is to get this infrastructure up and running in the near term.

>> No.20212360

Yeah bruh

>> No.20212400

One of the most important takeaways from this. YIELD FARMING ------
"The idea would be that mToken holders (those who deposit onto app.defimoneymarket.com) would not only earn a stable 6.25% on their deposits, but they would also earn DMG over time by providing their liquidity to the DMM Ecosystem. This would enable more interest-generating real world assets to be purchased to grow the ecosystem. However, since DMM only supports lending on-chain (while borrowing is off-chain), the total debt ceiling would likely be a bottleneck and may crowd out new users and exchanges who wish to earn a stable passive yield."

anyone not stackin up dmg here is a brainlet.

>> No.20212591

I didnt buy link back in the day because of all the fud despite my instincts. Not letting that happenn with this one. It's hard when I'm all in and am watching other shit coins I may have invested in do a quick 2x, but long term I know the risk to reward with this is the best you can find right now.

I do think that if they fail to get traction with the tokens that this can be slow to take off or even fail, but I trust the team has a plan to encourage adoption-- especially after this last update

>> No.20212610

The only thing that would make me more comfortable would be for the team to address the maker dao fud

>> No.20212682

ask yourself what factors you can influence to make yourself more comfortable, sissy

>> No.20212795

It's not FUD. Why do you expect everyone to answer every little minute detail of everything. Unreasonable.

>> No.20212805
File: 257 KB, 1027x611, ronnie2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't say this often, but nice thread. Thanks, OP

>> No.20212934

This is the only other project that interests me other than Link.

>> No.20213141

same. we're all gonna make it indefinitely

>> No.20213160

Phone poster?
Same unironically

>> No.20213617

can someone higher iq than me explain the significance of raising the debt ceiling? how is this going to increase adoption when there is already only 2.5mm invested as it is?
Also how can they justify the increase, the new aviation holdings?

Also, really exciting to see 1inch trading distributing mTokens -- if we can get a more mainstream exchange (coinbase/ huobi partnership??) to do the same, this thing will really fly

>> No.20213826

Same fagging hard I see

>> No.20213930

You ought to clarify that all of this is only bullish on a months to years timeframe

>> No.20213964

thank you for explaining this for retards
so tl;dr buy dmg now and contribute them as liquidity asap

>> No.20214089

People have said this would "dump" since the 50 cent public sale. Stay thirsty fags

>> No.20214092

What the fuck is that period doing there?

>> No.20214116
File: 47 KB, 486x343, 64sd3r3s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an update from 30 min ago regarding CEX, dashboard and yield farming

there's more in the telegram since Corey is answering questions.

>> No.20214308

Nice thanks for sharing, team seems to be on top of the game

>> No.20214353

This is a bad thing you retard. Yield farming is ALWAYS bad for token holders. This will mean diluting current DMG holders

>> No.20214365


>> No.20214417

Yeah I'm feeling you, I have a stack of over 100k and have noticed the amount of new wallets around my value

>> No.20214521


increasing mTokens only helps the ecosystem grow. more mtokens, more capital, more assets, more revenue, the more DMG holders benefit from it.

>> No.20214651
File: 26 KB, 481x182, ggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding chainlink being use to track the $$ pulled from the protocol

>> No.20214794

neverending expansion phase of debt cycle?

>> No.20215009

>this guy gets it

>> No.20215286
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>> No.20215292
File: 228 KB, 445x1275, fttg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20215984


>> No.20216618
File: 107 KB, 720x720, drugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i'm shaking now

>> No.20217047


>> No.20217347


>> No.20217558

me too anon. me too

>> No.20217585

Just bought 100k Thanks OP.

>> No.20217881

So what is the point of the DMG token if you can't exchange it on their site for anything? You need USDC, DAI, or ETH to earn any interest, so where does DMG come in?

>> No.20218326

No one actually knows but the hype is pretty insane

>> No.20218424
