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20207417 No.20207417 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that no matter how much money you make, one day you will get a phone call that your mother is in the hospital after she suffered a stroke. Or it will be a call from your wife where she tells you the pain in her right side for the past few months was liver cancer and she has less than 6 months to live. Or you'll find out your kid got killed by a drunk driver. Or maybe it will be YOU that wakes up in a hospital after a heart attack, or it will be you that finds out that pain your neck is a cancer that has spread to your brain.

How do you short your own stack of money? Because you should short it, since you're going to lose it when you die. That's right----you are going to DIE, just like all of those people you read about in history, or like in the movies, or like the family member or pet or friend you know that died already. You are going to join them and no amount of money or memes viewed on the internet can make you forget this fact.

>> No.20207438

Oof someone lost alot of money today. Did you fall for the SLP meme?

>> No.20207455
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i bet youd fuck her huh you sick fuck

>> No.20207475
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No, I am in profit actually. I have just come to /biz/ to ask how to short your own fleeting existence. Memento mori.

>> No.20207533


You just make sure you keep everything encrypted.

But let people see the balances.

And leave a note saying "so long fuckers, enjoy staring at what you could have had, had you treated me better !! "

kek !!!

>> No.20207557


>> No.20207559

>How do you short your own stack of money?
Get a sick life insurance policy then die in a suicidal, but plausibly accidental fashion, preferably where it's a corporations fault.
>pass under a construction site and get bonked by a steel beam your buddy gives a little nudge
Kek in the afterlife as insurance kikes grind their teeth writing your kid a $60m check

>> No.20207631
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It's really so simple anon

>Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

>> No.20207687

I don’t want to die. I want to live forever. I haven’t truly made it until I can be turned into an immortal cyborg.

>> No.20208273

That first one about your mother hit me hard anon

>> No.20208373

Deep shit but what can you do ? Is the nature of life and death.

Now you getting me depressed anon, fuck you

>> No.20208476

Live every day like it's your last. Don't let this depress you. If anything, it gives me a slightly unsettling feeling to know we are constantly decaying beings, but it also should make you spend your days more wisely the more you meditate on how your time on Earth is limited.

>> No.20208544
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 5E5C87A1-DF0A-458C-A551-CDAA2D49F2E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Activate Quantum Immortality

>> No.20209209

I'm “living” in a third world countrie
I'm already dead op

>> No.20209369
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Is it just me or did they stick a cigarette in where his pecker used to be

>> No.20209420

I for one have a little part of me that thinks through Gene therapy and breakthroughs in medicine in the next 50 years there is a good possibility that we might be able to stop or even reverse aging in our lifetime. I plan to make enough money to afford it. You want to short your life span? Throw your money at bio and maybe you'll live to 1000.

That being said on a long enough timeline the survival rate of everything drops to 0. At some point you will get hit by a bus.

>> No.20209516

You cant escape the heat death of the universe.

>> No.20209520

Get your eyes checked, buddy.
It's clearly in his hand.

>> No.20209738


Do not accept rhetoric because you've heard it do much before. There's theorys on how to harvest energy from black holes... Free heat

>> No.20210204

It has nothing to do with hearing an opinion before, its actually very simple newtonian physics. The fabric of reality is ever being stretched, and the energy stored even in atomic structures will eventually die out as the finite amount of mass/energy gets dispersed. Even the center of giant stars are constantly approaching 0 Kelvin at a very slow pace.

Everything must die

>> No.20210236

Ya but if I could die tomorrow or 60 years from now, what does inaction and not doing anything help me? Worst case scenario it doesn't matter and I just die, but so what? I wont care, I'll be fucking dead. I might as well try to get as good at the game as possible while I'm here.

>> No.20210389

>Be OP.
>Discover that people die.
Yeah OP, and the water is wet.

>> No.20211012


It's a theory, another theory is that at a certain point expansion might stop, after expansion and after black holes evaporate the universe will start to collapse in on its self until a new big bang happens.

There is so much we don't understand that you can't just make blanket statements like "entropy must reach maximum" like it's a law of physics. Asimov was a good writer In the 50s but don't get science fiction and theory mixed up with what we know will definitely happen, cause we don't.

>> No.20211032

are you 14 years old or something dude.

>> No.20211276

OP is having a existential crisis. Drink some water and chill. The idea of life is to make it something while your here, not to emphasize the end.

>> No.20212083

It's not an existential crisis. You need to think about death in the manner I described in the OP every day or you are missing out on life.

>> No.20212133

This is negative visualization. Thinking about the death of your loved ones daily is supposed to help you appreciate them more while they are living.

Most people won't see this and think of you as a morbid schizo that forgot to take your meds though.

>> No.20212187

If you visualize losing everyone you know in advance, the grieving process will go by faster or there will be no grieving process at all. When my last dog died, I did not feel sad. I felt peace. I felt the silence of the existence he used to inhabit. And that was all.

Face reality. This is life. This is death.

>> No.20212221

what's the story behind these women fucking the corpse.

>> No.20212613
File: 21 KB, 300x291, 1515355102667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two sisters found a skeleton that their freemason grandfather probably used in some ritual and decided to pose with it to be funny

>> No.20213464

I think anyone who thinks immortality will be discovered in their lifetime is being foolish. The singularity isn't a real thing. Not to mention scientific progress just hit a standstill because of the virus.