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20207012 No.20207012 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I have about 10.5K LINK is it really just a suicide stack? I’ve been bummed out this whole morning despite the pump.

I see Assblaster posts and i’m just super bummed out.

>> No.20207048

The conference today revealed to the world the fat Russian that runs this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $5 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $2.5 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all LINKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing binance. The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in LINK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.5, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the stinky Linkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Stinky Linkies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you LINKies. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be stinky, don’t be a LINKie.

>> No.20207129

Hey I'm also assblasted cuz nolinker, it'll be ok anon we'll get thru this together

>> No.20207146

Listen bro. You're gonna make it.

Figure out what your "make it" amount is. 1 mil? 5 mil? 10 mil? OK.

Now figure out what price link will have to reach, multiplied by your stack size, to get you that approximate amount (dont forget taxes)

Now, you wait. If you've got 10k you're in like the top 5 or 4% of wallets. I'm in the top 6% and I have less than you. Still, I have my "make it" number in mind. Also, wont sell when it reaches that number, because I can just live off of passive income from link.

You're gonna make it. Just dont do something stupid like sell or swing.

>> No.20207166

How many nonsense LARP chainlink scenarios did you kikes type up? Like seriously you fuckers need to be financially RUINED. You are cancer to the human race

>> No.20207226

I’m not larping you mong, i’m really scared I won’t make it.

>> No.20207240

>being emotionally attached to a useless chuck e cheese pump and dump scam

>> No.20207485

I have a traditional 1K suicide stake. I'm tired of other changing the amount. Making it is in your mind

>> No.20207601

10.5k link puts you in a top 2500 wallet. Consider that before ETH and BTC exploded, everyone in the top ~20,000 wallets for each of these coins became millionaires.

You have the next ETH/BTC and you are in a top 2500 wallet.

>> No.20207664

hows 10.5 million sound?

>> No.20207726

>the top ~20,000 wallets for each of these coins became millionaires.
How much would you need to be in the top 10,000 to 20,000 range?

>> No.20207768

Probably only a few hundred. A few hundred BTC or even ETH doesn't sound too bad.

>> No.20207891

What the hell? I hate link now

>> No.20207903

It is a suicide stack but thankfully for you, assblaster and the other OGs were thinking 25 to 50 million dollars to make it so they went with 250k make it stacks. Your suicide stack is realistically worth about 3-4 million in the not so distant future.

Not bad for a linklet.

>> No.20207920
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If you stake it in LINK3D you can bump those numbers up!

>> No.20207946

My making it price is like $400,000

Enough passive income to not need to work I don't give a fuck about lambos. $20K/y is enough for me to survive without a job and do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.20207961

What's link3d?
Wait, isn't 3d bad?
I thought only 2d was justice

>> No.20207979

no youl make it to billionaire probly. just imagine if you stake how much passive link youl make.

>> No.20207987

u can literally retire off 500k if you werent a hedonistic wasteful piece of shit who still have the gall to complain about working.

>> No.20208044
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>10.5K linkies

Don't even think about selling now. I just bought 2k linkies today and I've bought a little bit here and there over the past year, I agree with what most anons like >>20207601 said, LINK will blow up one day and you don't want to regret it.

Don't worry anon we're all gonna make it, there will always be someone who has more than you or the strong feeling of selling might come up but just know your stronger than that.

One big reason why I went "all in" today is to do it for my future wife and kids, quite motivating for me.

>> No.20208082

I wonder what the realistic expectations for link value are for the next few years

>> No.20208210

I honestly think it's going to go well above $100 if not close to $500.

I'm banking on ~5yrs for LINK to blow up and finally making it.

I'm thinking long term for this, if it happens before that sweet, if not then I won't be some swingy always wanting to rope when a dip happens.

>> No.20208355

That's probably for the best, it gives more opportunity for linklets to increase bag size
And by the time it's going up to fun levels and "being the next thing" on the news anyone who is even DCA'ing today will probably end up with enough
Not to say that I have a problem with it going up to a nonsensical value in the next few weeks of course

>> No.20208452
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Corporatized nodes and public tokens are not your friend, nor are they fungible.

>> No.20208484
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Its the first defi smart contract for link that allows to to stake LINK and make divs based on staking bigger amounts early and rewards you for staying in. Its not another coin its a mart contract for staking LINK with better returns than linkpool

check it out and do not listen to the fud. its all from people trying to get in early

>> No.20208908

BTW I was fudding when I made that post I have no idea what the top# of wallets that made it are.

>> No.20208968

You really can't though unless you want to live alone in a third world shithole with nothing nice for your whole life. Then sure, you can.

>> No.20209036


Weren't far off. 10.5k pops him in top 3000, so you weren't too far off.

>> No.20209095

10k is the make-it stack, 1k is the suicide stack. Always has been.

As another anon said, choose for yourself what it means to “make it” though and just hold until it gets there, that’s all.

>> No.20209102

Maybe not off for Chainlink's top wallet # values but probably way off for BTC and ETH. I mean who fucking knows what range of ranks made it for those? There is no way to know. It could be only the top 500 wallets made it, or the top 100,000 wallets made it. Who fucking knows.

>> No.20209119

Yeah I'd like to know this, unfortunately I don't think ethsplorer has historical holder amounts

>> No.20209152
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AB underestimated

>> No.20209198

Fuck you

>> No.20209255

Well I'm going to assume anyone in the top 4000 of LINK makes it. I mean think about it, only 3999 people in the world have more LINK than you if you are in the top 5000. It is now too late to enter top 4k if you are just buying now for most people in the world. As you climb higher in the top 4k people with the 20k+ stacks will start splitting up their wallets in to two stacks of 10k or people with 100k might split up in to 10 stacks of 10k. So a lot of wallets in the upper end of the top 4K are going to be held by a single person using multiple wallets.

So in reality, it's not 3999 people in the world with more LINK than you, but some number less than that. Do you really think that less than 4000 people will become rich off of LINK? A project like this and only 4000 people can make it off of it? Hell even only 10,000 people making it sounds low, which would mean that the top 10k wallets might also make it.

>> No.20209279

>only 3999 people in the world have more LINK than you if you are in the top 5000.
I meant top 4000.

>> No.20209322

I need It to get to AT LEAST $400 to make it. Ideally, I mean.

>> No.20209333
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assblaster? you mean blythe masters?

>> No.20209343

>Better returns than linkpool
You are so full of shit

>> No.20209346


>> No.20209349

I only have 5000 LINK, I am in the top 5000?

>> No.20209390

The goal posts were moved when it became clear to normies that LINK would be a success. 1k is still the suicide stack if you ask me.
I bought in Nov 2017, bought more along the way and I'm still pissed I didn't buy more than I did. I think all marines are experiencing this.

>> No.20209402


>> No.20209408

Check yourself newfag.

>> No.20209432

Link OG here and its always been 1,000 for a suicide stack and 10,000 for a Make it stack.

>> No.20209463


>> No.20209494

So a 9500 stack doesn't make it but getting 500 more link magically turns it into a make it stack? Mathematically impossible.

>> No.20209597

Remember to long link on Phemex with 20x leverage, no kyc and with credit card support

>> No.20209644

those who hold 9500 do not hold 10,000, therefore they will not make it because they will be weakhanded little bitches and sell 8500 too early, leaving them with only 1k and feelings of suicide.

>> No.20209674

lol damn anon, I'm wallet #3900 or around there. i made it

>> No.20209791

Because you have weak hands. You're ngmi.

>> No.20209917

10k is a make it stack anon, con fucking grats bro.

you got it somehow. you belived early on.

you will be rewarded.

you lucky lucky mother fucker

>> No.20210506

It is all relative. You guys who live in west have entirely different idea about what 'nice' means.

I already live in a third world shithole only I have to work a terrible job shoulder to shoulder with a bunch or filthy assholes so I don't starve to death of die of exposure.
So for me anything that could keep any roof over my head without having to work that shit job is huge. My idea of "nice" is the one time I ate a brand name hot dog with an actual bun and mustard. Like, if I could afford a place and 1 hot dog like that every day without working I'd be set.

>> No.20210519

nice bro, what country you in Im gonna fuck all your women after I make it

>> No.20210627

I've lived just fine in Amurrica with about $1600 a month after taxes income. Thats 20k a year. 500k can sustain that for 50 years easily.

>> No.20210717


>> No.20210769

>traditional 1k suicide stake

I say this with all the love in my heart anon: 10k is and always has been the suicide stack. I'm sorry some retard lied to you.

>> No.20210913
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>tfw not even in top 15,000 wallets

>> No.20210956

what were you doing the last 3 years? going poo poo in your pants?

>> No.20210958

400 linklet here. It's a strange feeling that I'm gonna end up generating what, 5 link a month when I stake? So $5,000 a month of passive income. Is this not making it?

>> No.20210965

Fuck off

>> No.20210974

That would be more than 1% of your stack every month, what makes you think this kind of passive income is possible?

>> No.20210975

right there with you
I think going off a modest and likely apr it'd be more like 20/year

>> No.20210999


>> No.20211042

There's no way to count people storing their stack on an exchange. At least not using ethplorer.

>> No.20211054

Isn't that what staking brings to the table?

>> No.20211152


>> No.20211249

No one knows for sure because their are too many variables. Could be 2% in a pool with fees, could be 8% or more running your own node with your link as collateral.

>> No.20211332

Are you retarded? Where the fuck do you think the exchange stores the LINK? On an ETH address, which is what ETH explorer displays. Holy shit why do retards who know nothing about crypto try to talk about it.

>> No.20211543

You're the retard dude.
You can't see an individual wallet inside the exchange wallet on eth explorer

>> No.20211642

You're a fucking idiot, once again. It's an ETH address. You can't magically hide the address, it can be seen like any other ETH address.

>> No.20211848

>10k is and always has been the suicide stack. I'm sorry some retard lied to you.
this is based on literally nothing. just buy whatever you can afford and don't listen to ppl like this.