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20206808 No.20206808 [Reply] [Original]

this /thread will slide

First off, it's the Treasury that started the REPO crisis.
Then COVID pops up, the FED gets to provide enough liquidity (for now) to meet global demand for the USD. pic related.
Since the 'stimulus' the treasury as gain a fucking (((TRILLION))) USD

Nothing to see here retards, move on to your next shitcoin /thread.

>> No.20206868

Give me the basic gestalt

>> No.20207265

Like I know...Those are the dots, I've connected them. Anything I say is conjecture. This is as dumb as I can make it, god save biz if this not understood.

Treasury started REPO crisis (from link in OP)
>The repo market came under stress in September as demand for funds to settle Treasury purchases and pay corporate taxes overwhelmed loans available.

USD liquidity was need, FED 'prints'. The USD is used in global trade, more that 70% of global transactions are in USD. Even foreign bonds are denominated in USD as it gets a better rate. If you're an international investor would you prefer a stable 'safe haven' like the USD or some currency from a shithole.
(see image in OP) they satiated global demand for the USD (for now).

During all this 'Stimulus' 'printing' the treasury gained a fuckin trillion USD (link in OP).

Did the treasury start this whole thing? Why do they need a fuckin trillion USD extra? Questions, questions, questions.

There's fuckey afoot

>> No.20207364

You’re a faggot. Stop listening to peter schiff and max kaiser. They’re fearmongers. When markets dipped back in March, capital markets (banks, brokers, whatever) needed dollars because people were cashing out and raising cash. The fed injected liquidity so selling wouldn’t beget more selling. Stop trying to be where there isn’t any. Go look up who/bill gates/covid if you want a real conspiracy

>> No.20207497

>Stop listening to peter schiff and max kaiser
i never listen to them, Are they saying this?
>The fed injected liquidity so selling wouldn’t beget more selling.
totally agree
Sooo, its not odd that treasure has an extra trillion USD? or that the FED 'printed' just enough USD to meet global GDP. That COVID came along just in time?

>Go look up who/bill gates/covid if you want a real conspiracy
yea, yea, yea this shit has been around for a while. Bills dad is a Eugenicists. BORING, I'm following the money.

>> No.20207598

>back in march
The repo crises started in 2019 kid

>> No.20207654

A trillion is nothing to the treasury. Pentagon “lost” 2 trillion. Do you know what happened to it?

Treasury probably got some extra money from forex spreads and short term interest rates. You ever watch office Space where the guy skimmed nano transactions and wound up with a lot of money? Same thing.

>> No.20207842
File: 86 KB, 1136x488, Screenshot 2020-07-08 at 22.45.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A trillion is nothing to the treasury.
the graph shows differently. The treasury has NEVER held so much, not even close. I do hear you though on the 2t. Weird accounting coincides with world changing events, odd.

> You ever watch office Space
yea, check out the graph, it's exactly like the movie. Just one thing, it made a fuckin trillion (virtually) over fucking night. Just like the movie!!!!!

>> No.20208028

A few people are suspecting they are holding for the next round of stimulus they know will come soon so they will fund it with the money they already have. Seems a bit counter intuitive though. Normally they get shit passed into law before they have to fund their programs. Maybe they knew the FED would slow asset purchases so they took the money while it was coming in?

>> No.20208032

Feels like we are getting close to the endgame here...but then again, Clownworld

>> No.20208669
File: 861 KB, 1920x1080, AmericaIsA3rdWorldShithole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A few people are suspecting they are holding for the next round of stimulus
yep heard this, help the election for trump etc. ffs if anything COVID helped trump as the US was already starting a down turn. Now he can blame Wuhan virus.
This will last a while, pic related. Thought this wasn't known when the treasury loaded up its accounts.
If I was to guess i'd say it's to make payments on the national debt. As per The Grace Commision, the tax money collected doesn't even cover the interest only payment (the IRS collected $3.5t last year). Think how little tax will be collected this year. The US also needs to pay its bond creditors.
>Maybe they knew the FED would slow asset purchases so they took the money while it was coming in?
I just can't see that...the fed has demonstrated that it will provide liquidity. Of course, it's not really within the FEDs remit to provide the whole fuckin world with USD liquidity. But without it down comes this scam & the US dominance over the world.

No matter what, this is just another can kicking. they keep kicking this can down the road, its going to be worse when the can isn't kickable anymore.

>> No.20208713


Fuck off Jerome

>> No.20208715

youre that schizo from yesterday, connecting the dots/great reset. yeah things are bad but they get bad slowly so please stop acting like a faggot on 4chan

>> No.20208965

>youre that schizo from yesterday
nope, what /thread was it? I'd like to see what his view is.
I don't believe in a 'great reset' or a debt jubilee etc btw
>please stop acting like a faggot on 4chan
you first

>> No.20209417

Ok faggots good night, I won't waste my time next time

>> No.20209514

We know. Its like watching 2008 over again except 10 times worse. The big short round two. Ive opened as many shorts as i can without risking financial stability.

What else can we do?

>> No.20209602

Try to piece together a better view of what's coming I guess.
I'm pretty unclear of what it all means for crypto in general. It did drip down with the stock market a few months ago so..
Then again, if DEFI actually delivers big cost savings, it could potentially come out doing quite well

>> No.20209965

K I'm back, fuck sleep I'm working on something else.

this will be my last post as i need to focus on that something else.
I don't know whats happening short term but long term i'm bearish the dollar.
i'm thinking the below are the best safe havens (besides BTC/PMs)
NOK, Norwegian krone, they have 2 trillion USD worth of assets via the sovereign wealth fund. Imagine how long Norway can keep running with that kind of savings. Imagine what they will pick up cheap. They also have oil if you don't know.
Also shitholes that have already reached bottom (think Zimbabwe), how much more can they fall?

>> No.20210228

Yeah we are fucked lots of people saying worse than Great Depression

>> No.20210339

Yeah definitely looks like from the levels of dept in the system. Dept's been propping up the economy at least since 2008 (at least acceleratingly so in 08). And now all the cashflow and future growth that was required to service the dept has vanished like a fart in the wind.

>> No.20210430

When everyone's ass is depending on kicking the can, they will find a way, and because everyone else forgot how to fuck starting in 1970, there's no structural alternative for a minimum of 20 years, but probably 40-60.

>> No.20210882

The scary thing about this depression is that the media will not acknowledge it once it’s underway, people will have to figure it out themselves.

>> No.20210921

JP Morgan caused the repo crisis in Sept, not the treasury