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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1106x553, killme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2020256 No.2020256 [Reply] [Original]

>work in trendy open office

>all the engineers on one side (2 of us)

>HR whores on the other side gossip all day, nonstop, do no work, all sound bounces I can hardly concentrate all day

>they all stare at me when i eat, i can hear them critiquing my bad diet

>once or twice a day, there will be some silence, everyone ceases trying to level up their popularity points with mindless, thoughtless garble.

>whores see this as a threat to their very existence

>"EWWW why is it so quiet, this is CREEPY"

>it begins again

>today all of my cryptos are in the negative, looks like i will have to endure this hell a while longer

>> No.2020263

Hold strong anon. Dubs say you will be out of that office shit hole by Christmas. At least you don't have to do plumbing like me. I'm tired of this shitty life.

>> No.2020264
File: 24 KB, 456x462, W6tjMKy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong, brother.

>> No.2020268

Grow up and learn to socialize. You could be fucking those HR girls instead of losing money investing in shitcoins

>> No.2020275


Ah yes. Thank you. I never thought to become what i hate. Thanks.

>> No.2020291

You need to go into the women's washroom and lay a huge fuckin log all over their toilet seat. That'll show them. trust

>> No.2020316
File: 26 KB, 557x349, Deficiencies-graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I feel your pain broseph.

All day long I have to sit in a cubicle and listen to fanatical christians talk about how they are going to "bring more people to jesus" and how everyone needs to work on "bringing more glory to god".


I am the only atheist in a company full of hundreds of christians, and I have to hide every day. The only reason I work there is that it is five minutes from home and my work is simple.

I have to hang on there until my cryptos or my option trading takes off.

Pic not related.

>> No.2020318

They're insecure and miserable like you but in a different way. They have no marketable skills, you're an engineer. They have to act happy because they could be gone any second. Empathize with them, Op. You become them when you reach management, if you never escape that is...

>> No.2020324

There's this great invention called 'headphones'. they have preserved the tattered shreds of my sanity far longer than any earthly tool should be able to.

>> No.2020328

there you go. all you needed. real talk.
but for real they're probably right. try eating more greens. it's all i do- don't need to get super fit just eat/be healthy.

>> No.2020434


Well maybe you shouldn't have taken a job at the local church.

>> No.2020464

where do u work?

there is a lot of freaky pussy to be had when surrounded by christians.

>> No.2020465


Fuck off fag

>> No.2020484

>clearly not good with girls
>trades crypto

yup, sure seems like the problem is with the world. you're definitely a really cool dude man sucks nobody is willing to see it!

>> No.2020485

>implying you have a choice and you're not just another idiot who can't admit when somethings deeply wrong with them
don't be retarded

>> No.2020499

Try working in a hospital. Im surrounded by bitches who incessantly talk, gossip and try to cause issues in the work place. I don't know how long I can handle being a wagie.

>> No.2020510

Maybe you shouldn't have been a rotten heathen?

>> No.2020526


Some people are unhealthy to be interacting with. OP probably is surrounded by people who shitty people and not good to be interacting with at all.

Fuck off with your "grow up" faggotry. Take your herd mentality somewhere else.

>> No.2020553

Used to work as a programmer in an advertising agency and it is hell.