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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2018880 No.2018880 [Reply] [Original]

You're poor because you're fuckin lazy

You're poor because you obsess over stupid things like crypto coins

You're poor because you choose to use indicators which lag price

You're poor because you don't stick to something

You're poor because you touch shit like forex and options without understanding them

You're poor because you're constantly chasing pump and dumps and one time things

You're poor because not one thread ever mentions probability or statistical edge

You're poor because you lack discipline

/biz/ will always remain poor

>> No.2018886

More like, you're poor because you were born poor.

>> No.2018892


if you're poor it's your parent's fault for being plebeians

>> No.2018900


Absolutely not

If you're born poor it is not your fault.
If you die poor, it is absolutely your fault.

>> No.2018903


if you die wealthy, you die miserably

>> No.2018907

Salty anon who won't be on the Bitbean shuttle.

>> No.2018921

>You're poor because you obsess over stupid things like crypto coins
I made $8000 last week on crypto. Stay mad nocoiner.

>> No.2018956


I'm going to assume you made $8,000 on a few trades, not a large number of trades.

I'm going to assume you have no objective analysis methodology or any type of plan you consistently follow.

You likely bought something, happened to play out. Now you attribute that gain to skill and say crap like "Stay mad nocoiner" and probably bragged to your friends about that one gain, failing to mention the hundreds of loses you've incurred over time to achieve that.
You likely loaded the boat as well, probably bought the most you could, even bought some more when it went down.

You're trading an un-established market, filled with non institutional participants basically a bunch of people like the /biz/ board handing crap back and forth, how can you establish a well defined edge over something that hasn't matured? Furthermore why would you risk your hard earned capital in such a market?

>> No.2018964
File: 101 KB, 867x720, 1482587825428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably did over 100 trades last week. Stay poor nocoiner cuckboi.

>> No.2018967


because your potential for a larger payoff increases. Like how VC Investors will fund hundreds of startups with the knowledge that most of them will fail. It doesn't matter as long as they capture atleast one unicorn(billion dollar company) in the process. Think Twitch, Uber, Robinhood, Twitter, etc.

>> No.2018970

>You're poor because not one thread ever mentions probability or statistical edge

This is absolutely something I've noticed about biz.

Biz trading advice seems to be 'Buy and hold X, hope it moons'. Nothing about finding a consistent strategy and just grinding it out, which with compounding can become far more profitable than searching for the moon coins.

>> No.2018972

Leo stay mad nocojner

>> No.2018973


Return is always proportional to risk

>> No.2018984


Exactly, the whole point of the game and really the only way you will survive the long term without "luck" is developing a consistent plan with a statistical edge and trading it like a machine while your account compounds slowly but consistently.

Every idiot on here is chasing the next crappo coin pump and dump and just magically assume they will make money over the long term.

>> No.2018998

Crypto coin faggots are annoying. They shit up this board. And crypto currency trading is not a business its literally gambling at a casino that hates you.

The rest of your post is bullshit. Zuckerman is lazy as fuck. Bezos made a company out of literally being to lazy to drive to walmart.

That one kike that owns telsa and space ex has never invented anything and literally gets rich off weaponized welfare.

>> No.2019019
File: 16 KB, 500x281, 1489703782610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an example for you now. Do TA and look for triangles. It's literally free money.

>> No.2019021


Sent from my yacht

>> No.2019025
File: 133 KB, 2456x1215, example for the nocoiner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic kek

If my coin falls under the support trendline i can just sell and only take a 10% loss.

>> No.2019036
File: 118 KB, 2450x1214, ezpz lemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2019040

Congrats on figuring out what stock brokers were paid to do 200 years ago.

>> No.2019041

>You're poor because you touch shit like forex and options without understanding them
You're poor because you don't understand them. They're fucking easy to understand. Takes literally minutes of reading to understand and a few weeks to get "good".

>> No.2019045


Do you have objective rules to draw your triangles to the extent that you could give your rule set to a foreigner and they would draw the same triangles? Or do you have a large amount of subjectivity going on there?

Have you backtested (not forward tested), backtested the results and can show you have an edge over time consistently drawing your triangles? Do you have an objective way of placing your entry prices / stop loss and take profit?

10% loss? On one trade? That's absolutely ridiculous.

Also trading some kind of triangle structure would be a breakout entry, crypto pairs act like forex do they not? Where it's almost better to fade the breakout instead of expecting it to work out, because we all know forex breakouts fail most of the time.

You have no strategy man, I am not trying to insult you, but if you agree with me you'll progress further in your trading and move away from your triangle nonsense.

>> No.2019050

You gain knowledge by doing and analyzing, not fucking dithering in your computer chair. New and uncharted territory requires people to explore and document, which is exactly what /biz/ is doing. Take your institutional investors and your TA tea leave reading and shove them up your ass.

>> No.2019062
File: 125 KB, 2460x1213, GNT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading crypto in this year is a YUUUGE opportunity imo. You're really wasting your time if you're a nocoiner these day. You can literally increase your portfolio by 100 times in a year.


Just trust the triangles, faggit.

>> No.2019067


Enjoy losing your money guys.

Yeah man for sure you keep thinking you can learn how a market works in a few minutes and that it takes a few weeks to get "good".

>> No.2019085


Naw man, you're wasting your time as a coiner chasing a bunch of nonsense that you have no idea about with your triangles and shit.

Fuckin triangles, I remember when I thought triangles were cool like 7 years ago when I was retarded and thought I knew what I was doing.

>> No.2019119
File: 160 KB, 2455x1212, nocoiners on suicide watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao stay poor and cucked then

>> No.2019157

you are so mad right now. protip its not good for your blood pressure
saged nigger

>> No.2019193

As someone new to this, wtf is this? It looks like lines drawn at random following vague randomly chosen trends in the chart. Choose a bunch of different points on the chart and you could draw the inverse.

>> No.2019209

>says you can't make accurate predictions on emerging markets
>tells me I'm going to lose my money
>doesn't realize that's a prediction in and of itself
Look at the faggot with the crystal ball

>> No.2019220
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cause and effect

>> No.2019452

How does one start learning how to trade? What material can I learn from?

>> No.2019653

Why are you ignoring that a big number of people actually did make a LARGE ROI on cryptocoins?
You sound willingly ignorant.

> failing to mention the hundreds of loses you've incurred over time to achieve that
it's not a loss until you close the transaction though

>> No.2019704

honestly m8 i hate reading these posts because there is no material to learn from. just take some money that you're not afraid to lose and start making moves, you're going to have to lose some to learn

>> No.2019729
File: 12 KB, 238x250, 1480387410398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You're poor because you lack discipline

Absolutely true, if I had started taking Modafinil 3 years ago I would be showering in money right now.

>> No.2019814

>it's not a loss until you close the transaction though.

Yes it is. If the coin you're holding needs to go up 30% for you to break even, you're probably better off selling it and trading a set-up that has good odds of making you the 30%.

>> No.2020143
File: 60 KB, 500x495, dsdsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these random autismo arrows and circles

If anyone is actually listening to this guy, kys.

>> No.2020171

>You're poor because you're fuckin lazy
>You're poor because you don't stick to something
>You're poor because you lack discipline

fucking true REEEEEEEEEEE
how do I fix that?
just today I wanted to buy an advertising banner on some site which would increase trafic to my webpage for 30% AND I FUCKING LOST IT BECAUSE SOME BITCH BOUGHT MY LAST PLACE WHILE I WAS WATCHING A FUNNY YOUTUBE KITTY VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2020175

Wow such insight

>> No.2020178

Also kill yourself, nocoiner peasant

>> No.2020179


Someone redpill me on this

Is it as helpful as they say?

>> No.2020261

It gave me super autism like focus, and reduced my social anxiety so I didn't stumble over my self. However, I was traveling and was staying in a hotel, and I couldn't help thinking about all the depraved sex acts that likely happened on the bed I was on.

>> No.2020284

You sound like you just saw the recent surge in crypto prices and are attempting to justify your decision not to buy the dip and missing yet another boat.

>> No.2020545

Depends on what products and markets. You have to understand statistics more than technical analysis. TA has many confusing lagging indicator garbage as OP correctly pointed. Just grasp the meaning of trend and support/resistance. You have to understand statistics more. Risk/Reward and probability- expectancy of any method and trading strategy should be analysed. Get a coursera course or something in statistics and learning some basic R language there should also help. You will be able to create and test your own models after a while. Also checkout futures.io and elitetrader forums. Don't expect to achieve anything without loads of work.

>> No.2020827

Market microstructure
Tape reading
Supply demand

Obscure Kat poop Chinese deD cat bounce

>> No.2021606


Depends completely on your genetics and whether or not you're already a high performer. To me, because I am not the later, it works phenomenally. It gets you in the same mental state as a really long and good meditation session, where your mind is pure silence, focused on what matters and nothing feels like a chore, no matter how tedious or boring you might have perceived it to be, before hand.

>> No.2021613


For me, it also gave that kind of focus but that does NOT mean that that focus can't be stuck on something absolutely not worth focusing on.
This was 50mg. Also, it fucked up my sleep schedule for ~a few days.

The worst was focusing on work/school so much that I couldn't connect with my fioncé (LDR) since I just dismissed most attempts to contact me as distractions and then forgot about it.