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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20186542 No.20186542 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I know, it's the the top / ATH, yada yada yada. I don't give a fuck. I need 1000 to complete my 30K stack. Should I just say fuck it and buy right now?

>> No.20186562

Might as well grab it before we go over $6 since we're going straight to $7

>> No.20186570

No, wait a few months. Then cope with the fact that you are a literal nolinker

>> No.20186573


>> No.20186581

Be the first person to buy $6 link, that’s pretty gangster

>> No.20186598


>> No.20186619
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>Imagine buying the absolute top

It's below $4 next month you dumb shit. Corona second wave is coming, they are already locked up 10 million people inside in Australia

>> No.20186702

Doesn't that mean there will be more bored people at home who will research crypto in their free time and unironically buy LINk?
Sounds like $10 next month.

>> No.20186710

Fucking send it

>> No.20186711

If you have 29k then you should already know the answer to that question is yes you fucking retard

>> No.20186958
File: 26 KB, 997x88, BUYS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it, boys.

T. Absolute madman

>> No.20186991

Did you market buy? lmao

>> No.20187023

No. The real buys were limit buys, as you can see. I only market bought less than $1 worth because I dont like having random cents in my account lol

>> No.20187073 [DELETED] 

I'm too drunk anon. Send me a LINKy pls. Been trying to get free gibs.

>> No.20187115

already profited an extra $100

>> No.20187232
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>Corona second wave

>> No.20187274

I just bought an extra thousand just because I'm pretty sure it'll reach ten by the end of the month

>> No.20187325


>> No.20187337


>> No.20187351

even though it pumped its not too late

>> No.20187374

How does $1000000000 sound?

>> No.20187386

I mean, the second wave has been here for about a month now.

>> No.20187402

Fuck you. I spit my faggy sparkling water all over laughing at this.

>> No.20187405
File: 21 KB, 565x686, Capture cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought $100 CAD worth. Please tell me Im going to make it, please

>> No.20187447

bought 500$ more at 6.17. I must be a special kind of stupid.

>> No.20187455

buy high sell low

>> No.20187473

you gotta hold until 7$ no matter what happens

>> No.20187477

it's the /biz/ way

>> No.20187497

$1000 buckaroos EOY is FUD, why would I sell before then?

>> No.20187504

You've had 2 years.

>> No.20187520

How does $100000 CAD sound?

>> No.20187530


>> No.20187566

corona wave 2 = digitized economy ramp up. institutions begin transferring onto blockchain. big investors finally come up, normie youtube is hit big by the news and everyone and their mother goes to buy chainlink, xrp, XLM, and other assorted shitcoins. this continues hypes to a max in 2021, and dies down in 2022. 2023 is unknown, the world is unpredictable at this point with the accelerating tensions in the world and in America.

>> No.20187644

Just pretend you are DCA'ing and spend that $1000
It's going to get spent on something anyway so just do that

>> No.20187674
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>> No.20187697

Like 43 USD, lol

>> No.20187718


Melbourne cucks don't count

>> No.20187914

Literally flip a coin. No one knows what's about to happen and you're not going to get a straight answer from anyone. Linkies are too euphoric and nolinkers are in the depths of despair. I market bought right before this pump because I got dubs. Fuck it.

>> No.20187917

sounds amazing

>> No.20187943

I think the GREAT DEPRESSION SCHEDULED FOR THIS YEAR is bigger than corona 2nd wave

>> No.20188026

Yeah, it's going to be fuck
The fiat value of everyone's holdings is going to be piss and the fiat value of everyone's fiat is going to be poo
Do have a serious stock up on non perishables and hygiene products vibe right now

>> No.20188058

Nah, just wait, it'll come down. Any second now. Just wait and buy when it's lower. Thank me later.

>> No.20188108

don't buy it'S coming down beloe $5

>> No.20188492

I've never been but from what I understand Melbourne us full if literal Chinamen

>> No.20188549
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>Corona second wave is coming, they are already locked up 10 million people inside in Australia

>> No.20188632

>I market bought right before this pump because I got dubs.
honestly this is a good technique

>> No.20189371

Did biz already buy linkies - hell yeah - great decision

Biz trying to call the top on Link? - bad decision

See the posts in last few days Sold at $5, $5.50, at $6..everyone is wrong. Take some profit. not all.

>> No.20189422

I might sell 1 link and buy a big mac with it

>> No.20189453

Shows how dumb average retards are

You guys literally only buy when it pumps because you feel "safe"

How retarded are you exactly? Why didn't you buy at $5? Why not at $4?

>> No.20189603

this. i only started lurking /biz/ when stonks started going down in March.
now I own 5K LINK