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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20177450 No.20177450 [Reply] [Original]

i love you frens

>> No.20177508

You don't even know us.

>> No.20177709
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We love you too, fren.

>> No.20177726

B-but im not white Anon....

>> No.20177767

yo, got 40k in cash. is buying a 13k car a financial suicide? be real

>> No.20177772

I accept you

>> No.20177797

is your house paid off? do you have a 10k stack? plenty of guns food and everything else? no and so no

>> No.20177847

>is your house paid off
live with parents

>10k stack
what is that?

>plenty of guns food and everything else

>> No.20177894
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>what is that?
if not larp lurk moar

>> No.20177915

never frequent biz chads cause im low iq who works as a filmmaker to make quick cash that's why i want to buy something nice for me i was frugal last 3 years. is 13k really going to hurt me me?

>> No.20177975

Nobody is perfect fren. You can Hail Hitler and love pajeets,it's ok

>> No.20178452
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Will you be my fren?

>> No.20178530
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>> No.20178692

>he lives with his parents and wants to buy a 13k car instead of moving out
disgusting manchild, grow up

>> No.20178750

>feel like killling myself
>see frens thread
>no longer want to kms

>> No.20178841

>13k car instead of moving out
move out meaning to waste money on rent?

>> No.20178882

Anon means a 10k Link stack, I'd put that money into link if you don't have a link stack.

>> No.20178932

>10k Link stack
how much euro is that and how do i do it

>> No.20179652

go on coinbase. buy link. you'll need to enter bank info to connect it to your bank, might take a day or 2 (which might be good, might want to wait for chainlink to drop a little but it could also just shoot up randomly, anything goes at this point...probably due for a correction soon though). coinbase is the most normie-friendly way to buy chainlink, very straightforward

>> No.20179923
