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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20176919 No.20176919 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine using chrome and firefox. Can't think of anything more cucked.

>> No.20176955

I have 300 BAT but I can't cash out so it's pointless. TheGoldenOne started accepting it so I donated to him but otherwise it's dumb. No one uses it.

>> No.20176988

>voluntarily being tracked and viewing ads
I use Brave but only cucks have BAT enabled

>> No.20176992

belongs on /g/ and they'll shit on you there too. fuck bat.

>> No.20177026
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1591456224310-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine having to KYC yourself just to look at Ads. Can't think of anything more cucked.

>> No.20177088

its free money for clicking on a popup, who gives a fuck. stop acting like you standards and morals. you're a whore for money if you're on biz.

>> No.20177112

/g/ is gay as fuck. They complained of crypto back in the day causing /biz/ to be made.

Then the retarded neets who didn't pay attention and filtered the crypto threads missed out on sub $100 Bitcoin.

>> No.20177336

The only people who hate KYC are people who avoid taxes. The only way to avoid taxes is to be extremely poor. Checkmate poorcel.

>> No.20177833

even the people who defend BAT don't know how it works

>> No.20177849

Imagine using a chromium browser copy and shitting on chrome

>> No.20177920

wtf are you talking about? a notification comes up, you open it and get your bat for loading it. not hard.

>> No.20177951

Can you donate without verifying your wallet??

>> No.20178016

You dont have to click the ad for the bat you fkn idiot

>> No.20178017

Yes, I've never verified.

>> No.20178076

The only thing KYC should tell you is that I'm making money nigger