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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20174459 No.20174459 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, what went so incredibly wrong?

>> No.20174486

pump and dump from the start
Too bad you couldn't see it

>> No.20174501

Biggest and most blatant scam of 2020. Even ghost had a better chance of being legit lmao

>> No.20174553

I dont actually own any Im just here to rub it in the face of these birdshit spammers

>> No.20174581

Might want to buy some before a major CEX listing and new asset class

>> No.20174621

Its obviously not a scam, targeting a large market, has a good team. It's not because it isn't pumping every day that it's a scam.
Read their medium blog posts and watch their call with chainlink if you genuinely want to learn more, godspeed

>> No.20174661

Nothing? i bought under 50 cent and right now I'm 3x on my USD, waiting for CEX announcement.

>> No.20174696
File: 235 KB, 1130x612, REKT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is you after you get dumped on even more at new exchange listing. retard

>> No.20174724

>real world monetary backing through loans!
>ends up being scam car loans
>no decent exchanges

>> No.20174886

When the team uses only Coinbase open API wallet and brands Coinbase logo as partnership on their DMM homepage - it tells the whole story.

No need for any kind of further discusion.

>> No.20174984

pretty much this

>> No.20175093

Pumping tomorrow. cap this

>> No.20175124
File: 77 KB, 1282x544, Annotation 2020-07-07 125603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all according to the plan

>> No.20175318

>up x4.2
>w-what went w-wrong goy-I mean guys?
what a fucking psyop thread kek

>> No.20175334

lower low incoming. keep bagholding though

>> No.20175533

I spend a completely ridiculous amount of time on /biz/, and one of the greatest tools in my shitcoin identification arsenal is watching the growth rate of threads on a project within its first week of being mentioned here.
Good projects usually start with a couple of occasional threads that go through and die with few replies, and then slowly pick up speed and interest until they get a level of traction. There is also usually one or two excited shills who are happy to defend criticism about the actual implementation or project.
Shitcoins land with multiple threads, and multiple people in each thread being "Super excited!" for this new paradigm. There was never a chance for that interest to grow organically, there was never a discussion on here that brought attention to it, or where people actually argued about the nuts and bolts for lurkers to see.

This project had all the features of the latter. Instant multiple threads, far too much excitement and certainty for something that wasn't actually being discussed or critiqued. It reeked of people getting together somewhere else, colluding, and then dropping this on /biz/ all at once. I didn't even look into it, I really trust my instincts on these reads at this point.

>> No.20175579

>+960% up from ico price
keep coping though

>> No.20175678

>i made money on a scam so it's not a scam

>> No.20175705
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>This project had all the features of the latter
Really? Because I've been lurking this board since 2016 (didn't buy LINK because I ignored the memes back then for a similar reason, big regrets) and I feel the opposite. This project is a refreshing reminder of how meme magic is properly done. All fundamentals aside, in terms of meme potential, i'm by far the most bullish on DMG across all the projects being shilled on this board.

>> No.20175714

>I missed out so I must C O P E

>> No.20175720

>All fundamentals aside

>> No.20175752
File: 408 KB, 1079x1027, 1593983603251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precisely. On meme value ALONE, this project is already more hype than all others on this board, with the exception of LINK.

That said, this project ALSO has insane fundamentals, fits right into the defi wave happening right now, tying real-world loans to the eth chain. Literally couldn't be a comfier hold.

>> No.20175816

At this point I've seen dozens of these come and go, but good luck playing pass the parcel with your money. Just remember to take some profits before the music stops.

>> No.20176017

>At this point I've seen dozens of these come and go, but good luck playing pass the parcel with your money. Just remember to take some profits before the music stops.

Eh, i already took my profits. Still have thousands of DMG left over. Gonna forget about 'em till $10 at the very least. I never try to time/play the market, I just buy and hodl valuable projects, and DMG is a no-brainer if you've been on this board for a while like me, and I didn't even buy LINK

>> No.20176338

This guy is so fucking full of shit. We had an instant 4x from public sale price that's why there were so many threads. Now everyone is waiting cex listing and new asset class.

>> No.20176443

I would agree with you if it wasn't for DMM being mentioned several times on this board before the DMG token sale was even on the horizon.

>> No.20176460

>This guy is so fucking full of shit. We had an instant 4x from public sale price that's why there were so many threads. Now everyone is waiting cex listing and new asset class.
Also the presale password was leaked here, allowing anons to buy in before the 4x. this is hype

>> No.20176461


who's everyone, there's less than 6000 people holding this coin

>> No.20176500

>there's less than 6000 people holding this coin
>literally not listed on any public exchanges
>already 6000 autistic investors from /biz/
>not bullish

>> No.20176604


I got in at 1.3$, I can tell you for sure, that a lot of people don't even know this exists and they'll pump it.

Not everyone is sitting all day on /biz/ and being an autist, I'll get bored in a few weeks and come back in a year.

>> No.20176708

accumulation phase.

whale watching:
$890k wallet value, 193k LINK, 890k DMG. Sold almost 100k LINK for DMG

0x9bf1872ec7fdc896279369a8f3ead3a3bc4969fd. Sold SNX for DMG
$770k wallet value, 166k LINK, 48.5k DMG.

$577k wallet value, 90k LINK, 50k DMG

$550k wallet value, 100k LINK, 300k DMG sold all LEND & SNX for DMG

$500k wallet value, 109k LINK, 159K DMG

$280k wallet value, 50k LINK, 54k DMG

$160K wallet value, 33k LINK, 286k DMG

>> No.20176726


>> No.20176751

Hope these guys have iron hands cuz I need a pretty high price for both of these to make much money

>> No.20176796

nice anon

>> No.20176824

It would be much easier to list out what went right.

Here is the list:

>> No.20176832

I spend a completely ridiculous amount of time on /biz/, and one of the greatest tools in my shitcoin identification arsenal is watching the growth rate of threads on a project within its first week of being mentioned here.
Good projects usually start with a couple of occasional threads that go through and die with few replies, and then slowly pick up speed and interest until they get a level of traction. There is also usually one or two excited shills who are happy to defend criticism about the actual implementation or project.
Shitcoins land with multiple threads, and multiple people in each thread being "Super excited!" for this new paradigm. There was never a chance for that interest to grow organically, there was never a discussion on here that brought attention to it, or where people actually argued about the nuts and bolts for lurkers to see.

This project had all the features of the latter. Instant multiple threads, far too much excitement and certainty for something that wasn't actually being discussed or critiqued. It reeked of people getting together somewhere else, colluding, and then dropping this on /biz/ all at once. I didn't even look into it, I really trust my instincts on these reads at this point.

>> No.20176878


stop spamming this, go on /gif/ and wank

>> No.20177123

its starting to get attention from popular twitter accounts too -- people with lots of loyal followers who have a track record of calling early gems

>> No.20177206

Has that swing fucker SatoshiFlipper started shilling again? I might be worried if so. He tends to shill it on it's way down to pump his bags from his followers

>> No.20177231


>> No.20177266

Pretty sure you wanted to post this in >>20165938.

>> No.20177279

i dont think he's onto dmg, i was talking about folks like llluckyl and a couple others (20k+ followers between the three of them)

>> No.20177325

Ah good, fuck that guy.

>> No.20177861

Just got on CMC a little while ago goys.

>> No.20178055

kinda.... still not fully updated, just slighty more so

>> No.20178106

its shit tier come on dude. who the fuck going to buy dmm tokens for some bs 6% loans on shit cars. cringe af

>> No.20178152

This project is worthless, just lol at thinking you can trustlessly automate all physical interventions needed for real world assets....

>> No.20178438

it certainly isnt there...yet. but the plan is to get as close as possible -- do you think that putting real world assets on-chain is just never going to happen?

a stable 6% at no risk (even if every single loan defaults you can get your ETH back) is pretty unheard of especially in traditional finance. So i don't understand what you're laughing at here..

>> No.20178456

>at no risk

top kek

>> No.20178669
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>> No.20178722

a car loan scam trying to ride the "defi" wave created by a scammling glownigger

why wouldn't it go wrong?

>> No.20179226

i'm already down 20k on this scam

>> No.20179232
File: 61 KB, 812x1024, 1b77pc4c2cl21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is overcollaterilzation. Try to keep up buddy.

>> No.20180129

nice thread for taking screencaps...
you will be handed the rope soon, fuders.
t. someone working at a well-known CEX

>> No.20180165

I wonder how platforms like AAVE allow people to borrow thousands of dollars at no risk for the loaners... must be a scam right?

>> No.20180223

>my dad works for Nintendo

Kek fuck off draper

>> No.20180267


>> No.20180844

I feel the same way anon. I like this project for what it is, but the meme magic has a feeling I unironically haven't seen since links early days. we're not the only ones who recognize it either. $100 EOY is fud

>> No.20180921

we can tell you're a newfag. old biz found gems and discussed the nuts and bolts of winning projects in long ass threads all the time, that def happened with this token too. maybe you missed it. anyway, the buzz around this coin has old biz vibes all over it.....the hype, the ironic fudding, the memes. unironically our coin.

>> No.20180922

never trust the faggot anon who types these longwinded fuds
You're the guy who fuded SLP, I know it. Fuck you bitch, go crawl back into your hole.

>> No.20180971

FTX...we know.

>> No.20181316
File: 65 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like what 2 weeks? Fud harder

>> No.20181332

it was a short lived /biz/ uniswap defi ponzi scam

>> No.20181406

I swear the word phrase suicide stack wasn't even around in late 2017 early 2018 and got called a new fag by 20 people last night, people compare DMG to link and Link tanked for months and crabbed for years before it went from 40ish cents, then it got mentioned in a Google thing and skyrocketed. People have no idea on this board.

>> No.20181688

How? ATH is 1.70 and it is still 1.55.