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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20166345 No.20166345 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else pissed off at how difficult it is getting to /make it/ in today's clownworld?

>governenment taxes every shekel
>unsurmountable regulatory barriers of entry in almost every industry
>corporate bailouts to friends of government and politicians when times gets tough and investments don't pan out

I run a cryptocurrency fintech and the amount of redtape and fucking paperwork makes me want to shoot myself, not to mention the insane attention-to-detail you need if you are going to be compliant with tax legislation which is often a million pages long and incomprehensible unless you are a wagekek accountant at a large company.

This shit is frustrating me to no end and I can't help but feel like taking the doomer pill and just living off gibs until the entire system collapses, because obviously this game of """capitalism""" is rigged towards those who are already wealthy and have the means to lobby government. Bullshit is what it is.

Anyone else have similar experiences? What is the best option for entrepreneurs in the West today if they want to /make it/? I feel like GTFOing to some third-world shithole or meme tax haven because it seems like that is the only way you can realistically and legally compete with established interests.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.20166588

no writing about antisemitic politics, even if they dictate all of business and finance. I asked once and now the mods make fun of me.

>> No.20166632

shalom my friend, cool it with the anti-semitism please we are a /halal/ board here

>> No.20167550

Get out of the tax system. Legally if possible.

>> No.20167757

It's probably because your doing it all by yourself. Hire someone whos career is getting justed every day.

>> No.20167933

yeah literally everything is a meme. the only way to actually make it is to buy link. the jews have their claws in everything these days. not to mention most of the real world is just sucking metaphorical dicks so shekelstein will give you more funny paper. dont even get me started on the government, why tf are we even taxed at all? everything needs reform please god let the kali yuga end in 2025.

>> No.20168717

Use those funds you would have paid in tax go buy 2nd citizenship.

>> No.20168798
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>following government rules on crypto

you are in a field where you dont have to play their game retard, work on improving yourself and building relationships with good people

>> No.20168882

i come up with my own creative ways of doing so, what are some of the ways you do it?

>> No.20168919

i tried hiring experts to streamline my operation and save my time. wound up spending more money than i would have saved doing it myself, and after the time i invested dealing with them on the issues they were hired to deal with, i would have been better off doing it myself. its a zero sum game it seems

>> No.20168937

Do we need to hire a HR or is there no possible way to avoid rot from the inside? (Progressive rot).

>> No.20169482
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Who do you think has the manpower to shill like stinkys besides JIDF? And despite the constant 700k dumps, those Jews still have the majority of the supply "reserved". Buying link not only supports the Jews, it's also not going to make you much money. All those kikes need is liquidity to dump into and the constant dumping will be a permanent break on price rises.

Your idea is right though I agree with everything else. Even buying crypto to make it but I would recommend Monero over everything else. Not only is it primed to moon, it also actually works as money. It actually has the potential to defeat the federal reserve and tax jews.

>> No.20169510

Meant for >>20167933

>> No.20169859

Why aren't there any politicians running on the platform of
>reduced taxes (and necessarily, government spending)
>reduced regulations

It can't just be because of 'dictatorship of the small minority' and people never voting for the removal of free shit, can it?

>Anyone else have similar experiences?
I run a small 'friends and family' trading house. The way this works is just
>pay the lawyers and pretend to like it

Preventative complexity isn't that different from preventative costs.
Complying with regulations is always harder for small companies than larger, especially if those regulations were set up to protect the large company.

>> No.20170310

Cry about it, faggot, do you know how hard people work for way less in Asia? They slave away their entire lives to remain poor. Too bad that your protectionist policies have expired and you opened your country up for competition. And guess what? You’re learning that you don’t have what it takes after all

>> No.20170497

>Why aren't there any politicians running on the platform of
>reduced taxes (and necessarily, government spending)
>reduced regulations

The vast majority of people are not entrepreneurs and never want to be, because government schools kill every bit of being able to think outside the box and self initiative
What you end up is a population where almost everyone is nothing more than a potential wageslave who couldn't care less about the issues you brought up, even if they are in his own personal self interest