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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 608 KB, 667x400, qantas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20165991 No.20165991 [Reply] [Original]

One of Australias best ran companies taken an obvious share price dip from Covid but with travel bubbles opening up soon internationally with UK, EU, NZ, ect as well as domestic flights ramping up too

good time to look for a entry aussiebrahs if you missed out on the initial covid crash entry

>> No.20166066

Everything is riding on coronachan. Qantas has a lot of revenue streama but their biggest one which supports all others is heavily hamstrung.
With Alan quoting mid 2021 and the virgin takeover there is quite a bit of risk.
Qantas wont fail but may be stifled for a year still. Id look to early next year to buy any if i do buy at all

>> No.20166079

Don't like airlines, lousy unions

>> No.20166088

Lmao imagine thinking the time is now to buy into airline

>> No.20166989

damn so you dont think we'll see a rise to pre covid over the next few months? the last month had been promising if not for the melbourne 2nd wave

>> No.20167081

You had its rise from the major sell off. I got in at 3.10

>> No.20167423

I dont think our gov will let it fail, we need all the flying kangaroo planes to drop a sufficient amount of nukes on melbourbe

>> No.20167512

Buy when it goes back to $3AUD

>> No.20167543

>reopening soon
>t. nervous airline bag holder for the fifth time this pandemic
Hard pass cunt

>> No.20167755

why go down? Travel is projected to have steady but confident recovery

>> No.20167801

less and less people are scared of covid esp young people who want to travel in droves as soon as these bubbles open up
covid will be more and more perceived as a nothing burger over the next few months

>> No.20167814

We are at somewhere around 0.2% of the total infectible population globally. Be patient

>> No.20167845

It’s not up to young people, it’s up to governments

>> No.20167894

They're literally parking the A380s in the Arizona desert, fuck all international flights, and their most profitable route is fucked up cos of a bunch of Victorian Housos. I missed the bounce, waiting for it to dip more.

>> No.20168020

yes and death rate plummeting, of course some countries are fucked and will continue to have flare ups for some time. but on the other hand big countries are lifting their lockdowns and preparing for travel bubbles. The normie cooped up Zoomers/Millennials have expressed significant interest in traveling

>> No.20168057

yes and these countries that are beginning to control the virus are desperate to reopen their economies in particular the travel industry. Travel bubbles and air bridges have been a mainstream talking point for a couple of weeks now

>> No.20168144

Thinking about going into this

>> No.20168183
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, epicdogesbruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an EPIC board anon.

>> No.20168206

You arent confident these governments arent going to be ontop of corona flare ups and act accordingly. The world is much more polarised politically the management of the economy recovery is key to sitting governments survival i think a year is a bit too conservative things are going well for travel for a few weeks
i dont think virgin going under will help qantas
also how do mean Alan?

>> No.20168294

i dont think itll dip much lower. This melbourne fiasco will be well handled from now i believe in the onions lord Andrews will grip his power like a onions bottle

>> No.20168365

oh alan hull of course my bad

>> No.20169176
