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20164380 No.20164380 [Reply] [Original]

I bought the Russian token and I'm up 29%. NOT LEAVING THE SHIP TILL 3X

>> No.20164471


>> No.20164552

OP literally spammed it 5 times in the title

>> No.20164623
File: 21 KB, 1300x197, 5DACD31A-8396-450B-AB94-7217C2DABFF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels great. 57% up and knowing that this isn’t done by any means. Cyka Blyat. Vodka on me when we make it, frens.

>> No.20164659


Jun 30? How did you find this shitcoin this early? I only got in 2 days ago after this thread >>20122744 , did you make this? kek

>> No.20164697

Nope. I was just scouting cmc and came across west when it just 2x’ed. I would be 2x right now if I bought immediately

>> No.20164748

Never fomo, always do some research before you buy into something. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one hopping onto WEST, some big guy I know just market bought 200k ish yesterday and won't be selling till 40 M market cap

>> No.20164802

True. There are so many factors that this will be one of the best meals for the year.
>Only WEST/WAVES has good volume
>Unlimited PAMPING

>> No.20164816
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>> No.20165013

Russian circle jerk.

>> No.20165097

Guess they’re lacking funds for all the stuff they’re trying to build. Next week - WAVES YIELD FARMING FARM 100% APR

>> No.20165250

WEST insiders, have you ever been more comfy?

>> No.20165271

Dude. Even the most degenerate brainlet on the board does some research before shitposting. Waves - Sasha are fucking anti defi yield farming bullshit, and are building something much more grandiose than this defi bubble which is gonna pop in a few weeks.

>> No.20165302

Gentlemen. Let’s meet-up soon, and drink vodka off Russian virgins butts in black tuxedo’s. Hail Sasha. Hail WEST and the upcoming 10x.

>> No.20165344
File: 9 KB, 219x230, A1E29B77-AA58-4E22-B14A-183E92C82FFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We drink vodka out of virgin Russians buttholes? You disgusting monster. I’m in.

>> No.20165345

privjet fellow russki. before we shill further, we must drive the pajeets out of this thread.

I don't want those stinky indians buying my fucking WEST before it goes 10x, we need to leave some guys to catch the knives

>> No.20165471
File: 20 KB, 300x277, D4CBD9A8-1156-4038-9C80-8366131598C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax my dearest anon. I’m the one managing all those pajeets on the board, and all of them are short on money due to the pandemic. Those dirty cow shit eaters have their hands full on providing for their families. All prices on food have risen, while lot of them don’t have work anymore. My army of pajeets won’t have money to buy, but will shill once everyone has their position in. >>20165302 we’re in. Hope that you have enough girls ready. Vodka is like water for me.

>> No.20165584

Someone redpill me on this? Wtf does it do?

I had waves but is this legit from the same team? And why? Why do they have two tokens?

Also, why is there no good excjange to trade it on???

>> No.20165607
File: 416 KB, 540x969, 9461CD43-5DD0-42B6-BA7C-D8D06B9E34C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>20165302 Secretary here. “You disgusting pigs are invited. At the door entrance you have to show your WEST wallet and need to have at least 88k in there. Anything less and you’ll have the leftover girls.”

>> No.20165702

But how much WEST do I need to make it anons? Can my 10.000 WEST stack truly get me my yellow waifu and financial freedom?

I am a recovering stinkie, Mnot sure if i can handle getting betrayed again by sergay betraymoto (who is also, surprisingly, a slav)

>> No.20165787

10k is a good start. Just buy how much you can afford. This dish is gonna down the books, and is gonna make the 2017 ICO gemhunters cry a river. No one mentioned this, WEST didn’t do some shitty angel round, private round sale, so it’s all in dedicated hands at the moment. Opportunities like these are rare. Act decisive and fast because word has spread through the upper layers.

>> No.20165829

Wtf is with these orderbooks and exchanges

> waves exchange
> tidex

Are we really that early anon? Have biztards truly not ruined this coin yet

>part of boomercoin waves eco
> comfy af fundamentals
> big russian oil money
> putin confirmed backer

Am I truly going to make it this time anons?

>> No.20167134

Shit exchange

>> No.20167192

>Are we really that early anon? Have biztards truly not ruined this coin yet

>shit exchange

Yes anons, biztards are ready to be left behind. Imagine being this comfy on a bag.

>> No.20167205
File: 46 KB, 1280x676, B9609AB4-69E0-4AC5-AF80-137316C812F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree. Made an account but can’t even deposit my money

>> No.20167229

And yes. I tried clicking on the +.

>> No.20167260

Click on portfolio.

>> No.20167454

Fking shitcoin. Deposited ETH but there’s literally no fucking volume on that pair

>> No.20167565


>> No.20167610

Dumbfags like you shouldn’t be making money this easily.

>> No.20167688
File: 6 KB, 196x257, 790FF467-71D7-4B29-A809-F83E4B8EB73C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when you got left behind on STATERA?

Remember not buying LINK during ICO?

Remember being a cuck?

remember not buying WEST?

>> No.20167743

ARPA isn't Russian.

>> No.20167748
File: 950 KB, 1198x677, 175238E3-96EE-4813-9A37-3DBA4964F385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m so close to saying I'm comfy, but don't want you dirty linkies buying my WEST bags before I finish accumulating

>> No.20167779

We know. ARPA is a beta chink scam.

>> No.20167830
File: 68 KB, 992x558, CDD09011-3921-4FE4-BA96-FF01F9898F3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called me?

>> No.20168552

Imagine having a ticker that’s the same as the family name of a primate who calls himself a designer

Based sasha

Unintentionally bullish

Just became a 20k west general

>> No.20168733

yeezys are for cucks desu, makes me ashamed to be a WEST commander knowing that you made that association

fuck niggers fuck kanye

>> No.20168842

Designer of the most ugly shoes in history. Those retarded teenagers who pay top dollar for those $5 chink shoes are like the Kleros buyers. Retarded degenerate monkeys who follow the top degenerate. WEST is for the top dogs, for men who were like the top agents in the KGB period.

>> No.20168878

sasha looks like a cuck who actually didn't serve in the military, don't shill my WEST using such cuck language you fucking pajeet.

> Waves DeFi
> Big partnerships
> Impending Chinese marketmaker

can't you shill properly for once? You fucking statera holding cuck