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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20161667 No.20161667 [Reply] [Original]

I f u ck ed up bros. I've only got 3.5k. I've been into link since fucking November 2017.
Pathetic. What do I do? Wait for downward retrace?, 2nd Covid wave.

Plz. I wanna kill myself lads.

>> No.20161678

Relax, asshole, I've only got 3.5k too and I've been here since 2018, and on 4chan since like 2006. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.20161696

You are a whale in 2025

>> No.20161720
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"All Linkies are equal. Some Linkies are more equal than others"

>> No.20161847

fuck off OP you didn't fuck up, I only got around 700.. :(

>> No.20161901

hahahaha are you's proffessional useless cunts or what
imagine being here for that long and not having a proper stack

>> No.20161952

I... I'm so sorry anon. Its comforting to know I'm not alone in my linklet-dom. All we can do now is invest as much as possible... I guess.

>> No.20161964


>> No.20161983

I only have 200 hundred and I'm starting to lose the little hope I had left. I guess I'll remain as a euroFagPoor all my life.

>> No.20161985

We're all gonna make it

>> No.20162010

You’re not the only one who has 3.5K and has been here since 2017. We make mistakes..

>> No.20162071

I know, I know. But this is a pretty expensive mistake.

>> No.20162091

i have only 10k.
i need 20k to be satisfied.

>> No.20162346
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>> No.20162366

im in same boat, I actually had 35k for a long time in 2017

>> No.20162374
File: 161 KB, 1020x1064, 1563028134434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never have enough, but remember most humans on this earth havent even heard of LINK yet and own literal 0 coins

We will all make it

>> No.20162388
File: 101 KB, 960x932, C7718A94-FD38-4B45-87CE-93556054C09A_1_105_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheer up frens. Remember that 81k/link by 2026 is still on the table. We are all gonna make it!

>> No.20162390

Been here since 2017 and only have 411. Continue to DCA.

>> No.20162396

yeah and we already have hyperinflation in the economy by then.

I need to get rich now.

>> No.20162467

Chainlink is immune to hyperinflation

You cant just print more of them

>> No.20162491
File: 72 KB, 463x462, 1395909138048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started a few weeks ago and I have 180.

>> No.20162508

>hyperinflation makes a cup of coffee more expensive
>chainlink scales with cups of coffee
>$1,000 cup of coffee EOY

>> No.20162555

Haha at least I've got something that will hold its relative wealth, and I'm not some npc saving his (((dollars))). I'll trade a few thousand cups of coffee for a bunch of good stuff when everyone else's money is no good.

>> No.20162583

I have 12 link, known about it since ICO

just kill me fuck being poor I hate it

>> No.20162658

That goes back to when I said, I want to get rich now, because it means I can have my yachy+mansion instead of 1000cups of coffee.

>> No.20163773

don't cry, youre like in top 5% holders