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20156461 No.20156461 [Reply] [Original]

So.. is this a better buy than adding more to my Link stack or what's the deal here?

>> No.20157155
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Not an ICO LP buyer but was in just before 200 unique addresses, my opinion is dyor
There may be a way to calculate what the value over time of a LP stack would be based on the total value flowing through the LINK network and the amount of network activity the LP NaaS secures. Wouldn't that be wild?

>> No.20157211

Sounds like that would have way too many variables to even come close to calculating. I'm probably just a brainlet though

>> No.20157310
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1 LP:10,000 LINK is the golden ratio

Personally as an ICO buyer I consider the current price to be quite inflated -- there will doubtlessly be competing staking pools as Sergey himself is disinterested in LP dominating the space so as always dyor and consider the pros/cons

>> No.20157444

the price of LP shares is criminally undervalued.

>> No.20157463

Just understand that you need LP to stake on LinkPool. Without LP you can't stake on LinkPool. Staking on LinkPool will be more profitable than any exchange or pool because LinkPool nodes have the best reputation and get the most jobs. If you don't have LP you can't stake on LinkPool and will lose out on the entire reason you bought LINK to begin with, so why would you sell your LP? After the Pajeets and other fucktards sell off however LP they got cheap during the initial sale, very few LP will be for sale and it will be obscenely expensive. I don't think it's better than LINK though.

>> No.20157511

I tried running the numbers earlier today but i'm a brainlet.
4000 LP shares, 1000 public
at 49 ETH per LP thats $11711 for 1/4000th of LinkPools revenue

so to make.. idk 6% yearly youd need to make $702
$702 at 1/4000th of LP revenue would mean LP revenue is $2.800,000 yearly revenue for LP

They take what? 25% of nodes rewards (probably subject to change)
So all nodes combined on LP would need to earn $11,232,000 annually

Those are all pretty conservative numbers but $11m annual node revenue for a leading node provider isn't insane, is it?

>> No.20157521
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yes they are slated to dominate the space right off the bat if their current data feeds and task volume continue to grow in proportion with the network but don't delude yourself into thinking the space will be monopolized

>> No.20157526

That's the big question isn't it; how profitable can you realistically expect staking with LP to be in terms of % return?
And if Link moons harder than LP, wouldn't you be best off holding Link and then diversifying into LP later on?

>> No.20157571

>1 LP:10,000 LINK is the golden ratio
Because 1LP allows the staking of 10k link. How is that expected to change? I remember reading that the ratio will decline with time.

>> No.20157800

I expect the Sun and the Moon. Buy more LINK, send your LINK to AAVE, get a loan, and buy some LP. You can't lose that way.

>> No.20157830

please someone (You) me, i want to know if my math is autistic or not. does that all look right and am i delusional for thinking $11m is basically nothing and LinkPool is virtually guaranteed to generate more than 2.8m in fees

>> No.20157843

How much was the distribution at 200 holder?

>> No.20157922

You won’t be able to because everything will be bought up.

>> No.20157953
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Actually the ratio will initially be smaller and will gradually expand to ~10,000 LINK:1 LP with network usage as per earlier LP announcement from Jhonny

>> No.20157996

Fuck I regret not getting in the ico. Link was cheaper then though

>> No.20158034

Ah thanks for clearing that up
I'm not even sure what that means. I mean, I'm sure someone would sell 0.02 LP for a trillion dollars. So it would just be.. very low volume, very price I guess. But does that equate to it mooning harder than Link?

>> No.20158038

i threw $400 (1 eth) at it during the ICO and I have 1.4 shares. I have x30ed from there

>> No.20158058

Want to sell one of those for 45 ETH right now? We can do through the DEX so theres no funny business

>> No.20158111

Your math is correct. Lets further discuss whether or not $11 million node earnings is realistic for Linkpool.
The total market cap of Chainlink is $5.6 billion. How much revenue does the network need to create in order to be worth this much? Ok right now prices are entirely driven by hope and hype but in the long run node operators want to get revenue for holding Link and running a node.
Lets put it conservatively and say the Chainlink network generates 4% of its marketcap in rewards which is paid to node operators and pools, which are just large node operators.
That would be about $220 million.
Linkpool needs to fill 5% of all data requests (maybe less if they fill the high value ones) to earn your $11 million. Seems plausible, which means that the current price of LP is somewhat fair.

>> No.20158114

If you need lp to stake in the first year or two then lo will be a hot commodity. There’s only 1k in circulation and not much of it is being sold. I bought one for 9k a month ago.

>> No.20158131

Yeah, open a buy order at 45 and I will fill it.
(I'm probably going to re-open the order at 42 and gamble to buy my LP back, making 3 ETH in the process, just saying).

>> No.20158134

Nah lp is still undervalued atm. People will run the price up

>> No.20158785

This. Also linkpool is very exclusive, especially once it's live. Imagine if coinbase and binance offer pooling services with no requirements for entry, thousands or tens of thousands of people staking with them means that the staking profits will be divided by that many people. Plus given linkpool's barrier to entry it also means they will charge a higher % cut than LP most likely. With LP your token represents a direct share in the staking service and its profits. Linkpool have been running nodes since day one building reputation and the team work with/are a part of the chainlink team.

>> No.20159672

Do you want to stake your linkies? If yes, then it's a good buy.

>> No.20159729

Are Americans still not allowed to buy LP shares?

>> No.20159800

No, but who's going to check?

>> No.20160733

16k link but could afford only 0.12 LP recently


>> No.20160786

have you seen the order book on the dex today, even compared to yesterday? you'd better hurry up

>> No.20160932

Wow it went over 50 ETH per share today. Nice

>> No.20160942


Price is up but there are two fewer holders today than yesterday when I checked. from 657 to 655

>> No.20160959


Eh, just buy link. There's a lot of pretty plausible linkpool fud. It's very illiquid right now as well. If staking becomes a thing, there will be lots of places to do it, don't sweat this one.

>> No.20161396

>there will be lots of places to do it
Good luck with that. Normies won't be able to stake decent amounts for at least 12+ months after staking launches. LP gives you early access.

>> No.20161457
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These calculations are still not taking in to account the fact that you get priority staking with your Link stack by owning LP. The returns could be 10%+ annually, since we are talking about the most profitable nodes out there. Furthermore, as you've said, the expected revenue for Linkpool in your calculations is very conservative. And don't forget Linkpool will offer Ethereum staking when 2.0 goes live as well. Other features are probably on the way.

LP shares could go for 200 eth plus and you could easily argue it's still not overvalued.