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20147113 No.20147113 [Reply] [Original]

They are changing there name to axion, but isn’t that an admission of guilt? They already screwed up by using hex in their name without permission.

Also, they forked a copyrighted contract. https://github.com/BitcoinHEX

Do they not realize Epstein’s lawyers couldn’t save them now? Unless they reach a settlement, this is going down hard.

>> No.20147159

your an idiot if you invest in this shitcoin, trace the wallets back and you will see jack created Floyd coin

>> No.20147335

Wait, that only applies if the new token is a fork of hex right?

>> No.20147362

He made Bizcoin and a plethora of other scams too. Now he is on to his biggest project yet with his real identity "Jeff Kirkdeikis". Ask anyone in the discord and they will tell you they speak in the exact same way and even post the same links to questions like " how do liquidity pools work."

>> No.20147374

That depends, they already violated copyright law with their first name. If they stick with the proposed principle of just being twice as good as hex, an inflationary token with a similar use, it may not matter anymore.

>> No.20147424

You fucking retard hahahahaha
guy named QE created Floyd token, and this retard is not able to do what jack has done

good luck on missing out

>> No.20147454

Have fun giving a large share of the profits you should be making to Richardheart.

>> No.20147473


>> No.20147506

sure man
we will see

>> No.20147508
File: 128 KB, 750x920, 1B15D569-A713-4B9F-919E-9B925D460D74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he blatantly paid himself at one point haha shit this is too good.

>> No.20147530

Get in or miss out... Its your call, be "virgin" hex investor. Or "chad" Axion investor

>> No.20147590

I choose neither.

>> No.20147658

I guarantee not a single fudder in this thread read the announcement.

The momentum Axion has right now is immense.

>> No.20147663

And you’re sure they own the copyright? Kek, they were contracted for the work, so I doubt it.

>> No.20147722

>Violated copyright law
The HEX name is public domain. Only the logo is not.

>> No.20147907



>> No.20148103

What the fuck does HEXHUB trademark have anything to do with this

>> No.20148134

Hex schizos on suicide watch

>> No.20148143

Anyone that trademarked anything to do with the name hex and it’s use in crypto could conceivably come after them.

>> No.20148188

I doubt they would ever win that lawsuit, but now the name's original anyway, so who cares?
I have yet to see any proof of any of the "Jack led another scam" claims anyway.

>> No.20148304 [DELETED] 

Lmfao, they held the name once and profited off it. Doesn’t matter that they are changing now, it’s too late and acts as an admission of guilt.

Also, ask the devs from biz literally followed him over, it’s Elvis lmfao.

>> No.20148343

Lmfao, they held the name once and profited off it. Doesn’t matter that they are changing now, it’s too late and acts as an admission of guilt.

Also, the devs from biz literally followed him over, it’s Elvis lmfao.

>> No.20148414

JFC, they still haven’t resolved the pyrabank problem.

>> No.20148486

The entire "Jack is Elvis" FUD is based entirely off a single image where a guy made promo graphics for both hex2x and bizcoin, and that person isn't even Jack or Elvis. I've asked bizcoin devs, they said they don't know.

And admission of guilt by rebranding? Damn you're stupid. HEX name is not copyrighted. You can use it all you want, make a coin named HEX even. You retards linked a literal copyright for something called Hex Hub. Jesus christ you're dense.

>> No.20148710

Hex2x popped up right after Elvis lost the vote for making biz inflationary, and biz ranked. That’s just a coincidence right?

Yeah, doesn’t matter, someone’s holding a piece of the name in crypto, and it’s trademarked. Yes, changing the name after legal pressure from HEX is an admission of guilt. Without a settlement, they are still liable.

>> No.20148790

Changing their name won't help. If they airdrop 1:1, then it implies that the value of Hex2X <-> Axion or w/e the fuck it is, came from the name.

You need a new project with absolutely no ties to Hex2X. Because of that airdrop, they're fucked so they might as well just pull and start over.

>> No.20148821

Hex2x is inflationary. Why the fuck would he leave because of a vote to make a coin inflationary to copy the design of another inflationary coin? Nice try.

And no, Hex Hub (sounds like some website trying to do something with Hex) would not have jurisdiction over people making value off Hex name (if it was trademarked in the first place). For fucks sake, it's probably making value off Hex name itself.

>> No.20149147
File: 459 KB, 1124x1720, 0C64EEB6-4866-46CC-9EC1-84028E2A60E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I didn’t post Hexhub. Also Elvis talked a lot about hex as well lol. It’s just a bunch of strange coincidences right?

Pic related to copyright claim.

>> No.20149353

Ok, post evidence of Elvis talking about HEX. Onus of proof is on you.
And those are website terms of conditions, retards. Read it closely. It defines downloading and reusing the materials on the website, such as infographics or site decorations. HEX is a crypto. It is standalone from the site. The terms of conditions on a site literally cannot claim copyright over a fucking cryptocurrency, nor does this Hex website try to. You are really fucking grasping for straws.

>> No.20149442

So mirroring materials on the server wouldn’t include the token itself? Or the name? You’re sure of that? I didn’t keep anything, so I can’t prove the Elvis claim. You don’t have to believe me on that one, but it’s him lol.

>> No.20149484

You are one stupid nigga.

>> No.20149505

why do u idiots bother with these shitcoins?

>> No.20149624

Nice ad hominem, we both know this is a sinking ship, you’re just doing your best to protect your investment. I don’t blame you, but the writing is on the wall. If they did nothing wrong, why change? If they didn’t want to be in Hex’s shadow, why take their name in the first place?

>> No.20149653

Who knows lol. These endless hex clones are ridiculous.