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20138406 No.20138406 [Reply] [Original]

Doesn't it trip you out that 99.99999% of the world's population is just getting around watching Marvel movies and tiktok and doesn't have the faintest clue about oracles or DeFi or 4IR or anything?

>> No.20138434
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that means the system is working as intended. we few autists huddled on this board shitposting and hoping against hope that our altcoins will moon are the outliers

>> No.20138447

I wouldn't say it trips me out
but rather keeps me feeling sane

>> No.20138469

People don't give a fuck about have believe money and most are smart enough to stay the fuck way from pyramid schemes, imagine my shock

>> No.20138474

you crypto coiners are borderline delusional. why dont you try investing in something with actual value like Ford or General Motors

>> No.20138531


Depending how you look at it, either trips you out

Or ... its bullshit, because majority of people are not going along with it.

>> No.20138566

defi is unironically early stage, once you literally understand this you will hodl eth like your life depends on it.

uniswap didnt even exist in 2017, who knows what revolutionary dapps will exist in 2021+

>> No.20138568

Using that logic, Marvel movies are actually good.

>> No.20139061

Well you are not wrong. Wage slave society. Perhaps it's not us the damaged autists. Perhaps it's them who have submissive genetics and bloodtype, along with a soul only slightly above those of animals.

>> No.20139103

I'm the risky type. I'll try my luck with Apple or Tesla.

>> No.20139327

they are fairly good for big budget summer flicks

>> No.20139413

Its also trippy how even after 40 years of using "the internet" the majority of users don't really know about tcp/ip, http vs https, voip, scp, bgp. . .

No one (normies) likes math. No one likes knowing whats in the sausage.

This stuff is "math sausage". Placing in the race doesn't look like a bunch of normies walking around understanding how Oracle and chainlink will be used to create more flexible Dapps.

Its when that stuff is being taught more in schools to more people who will develop. Everyone else will just be looking at a UI and they'll never know.

>> No.20140272

Don't be so harsh, anon. We are herd animals. That's not a bad thing. We have only a small percentage who have the capacity to lead the herd, either for good or bad. That's by design. Do you know how chaotic it would be if everyone were capable of leadership? What good is leadership if no one follows? The choice is: do we take the responsibility we were given to lead our people to their benefit, or do we selfishly prey upon them?

>> No.20140468

thats not how it works, most people are capable of leadership in the right circumstances. its all about social context

>> No.20140503


>> No.20140543

In a utopia you would not need a leader if everyone was able to make their own independent choices.
It's better to make decisions on a local personal level than let someone with no clue make decisions 500km away.
This is what true democracy should be..

>> No.20140862

Utopia doesn't exist and only suffering comes from its pursuit. Hierarchy is in our genes.

>> No.20140936

Not really because I know I’m not normal.

>> No.20140942

they're ok. not good, not bad, just bland consoom bullshit