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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 12 KB, 640x640, AMPL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20131176 No.20131176 [Reply] [Original]

Who's ready for tonight's 10% rebase?

Newcomers must watch this

>> No.20131193

im making $2k a night wtf bros

>> No.20131214
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, 1562520963007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in

>> No.20131570

that clip kind of garbage anon
but am ready

>> No.20131627

Better AMPL vid. Plus guy is based and fuuny af.


>> No.20131768

how do you see your current eth and ampl values in pool?

Uniswap UI only allows for you to see value of tokens currently in wallet (which is useless since they are parked in geyser) and zapper.fi UI changed and no longer displays

>> No.20131796


>> No.20131843

re read my post friend

>> No.20131860
File: 1.95 MB, 407x303, 1592492056853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to reiterate, by value I mean respective amount of eth and ampl not zappers determination of USD value

>> No.20131888

shit they removed the ETH/AMPL stat
fucking annoying

>> No.20131939
File: 111 KB, 693x470, 1460855548032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and write support, its what I did, never understood why devs would neuter info instead of just giving a toggle or option to see additional info. Uniswap UI on pool page is also pleb tier - on swap page it allows you to enter whatever values you want even if they arent in your wallet (great because it allows you predict slippage) but on pool page you have to work with some percentage slider nonsense. I need to start marketing myself as a UX consultant

>> No.20131951

Maximum BASED detected. Just put in another 5 eth

>> No.20131975

My body is ready.

>> No.20132002

How long do we think 10%+ rebases are going to continue for?

Nice, stuck another 8.8 ETH in as well

>> No.20132327


>> No.20132400

This is crazy

>> No.20132428

When do we sell? No way this is sustainable.

>> No.20132449

Take profits after we overtake the shitcoin known as MAKER

>> No.20132672

Maker is shit
Use AAVE instead

>> No.20132725

you still don't understand this. It has no ceiling. Hold forever.

>> No.20132738

I'd like to know this too. When will it be time to sell and how quick will the decline be? Its hard to say with a project like this

>> No.20132777

Its in price discovery. 4x approx 10% compound interest days in a row. It did drop - from $2.80 to $1.70 . But back at $2 now.
If you bought at $2.80 you are now still approx break even due to 4x 10% positive supply compound days even though the price is 30% lower.

10% daily compound interest. Say that out loud.

People starting to wake up to the potential here - and the realisation that there will be no pullback, that this is going to continue until a MUCH HIGHER market cap is found.

>> No.20132817

This. Of course maybe 10% rebases wont continue for ever but rebases WILL almost definitely continue until a marketcap is reached where people can start to say maybe its too high. 200m I expect...maybe more. Just hold cause eventually its gonna breeze past 1 billion mc.

>> No.20133170

I'd love to see it come down to $1.30 and just stay there for a month rather than being at $2 and 10% .... 4-5% daily would be ok with me.

>> No.20133239

Check out Crypto frog videos on AMPL. I think someone else posted one. Hilarious but informative

>> No.20133560

agree, this becoming a biz coin.
please let it sleep under $2 for a week so we can accumulate 5-10% compound before more whales wake up lol

>> No.20133905
File: 202 KB, 1354x712, Screenshot 2020-07-06 at 12.46.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy doesnt get it (reading $ price chart when all that matters is market cap), but he is accidentally right lel

>> No.20134070

Agree. Steady gains keep the moon boys, fudders and day trading wankers at bay.

>> No.20134183

Ampl is so unique you can’t even do normal TA on it.

>> No.20134280

Well that'd get pretty boring since from here it's just a 45 degree angle...

>> No.20134393


Exactly. It's not like it dumps 20% every night.

>> No.20134471

Yeah but that does tell the full picture

>> No.20134562

i bought yesterday, but my wallet today shows the same number of tokens, why?

>> No.20135292

it doesnt , refresh or look in etherscan.
unless u bought after the rebase cut off - it is 10pm est time . if you bought before then, then you have more coins. definitely.

>> No.20135618

Send it Rakesh.

>> No.20135917


>> No.20136804


>> No.20137320

you mean tonight's 10% cum

>> No.20138392

Just bought

>> No.20138805

i think they removed the breakdown details because possibly they were a guess and inaccurate.
does anyone know of a way to calculate this manually? the fucking uniswap pool detail page is useless...
further, i think the 'danger' of uniswap pools is there is no mechanism nor design goal to keep 50-50. it could theoretically drift 100-0 over time.

>> No.20138852

that'd just be 0-0 in that case, wojak

>> No.20139898

Y'all thinking its a money maker. Its a money maker only if the price continues to go up every single day. Most of you invested in last few days - when it has been bullish. When it turns bearish - its bad. Its going to crash to $1 pretty soon and after that the the negative re-base will hurt you everyday. Think before you invest. It doesn't matter if you hold 10% of the market cap. if market cap goes down by 30% your value also go down by a factor greater than 30% (more then 2x of 30%). Think anon and do the math.

>> No.20140379

of course, if market cap crashed it hurts you, like i very other case but considering the role this can play in defi there's no reason why this wouldn't go to and stabilize to at least 100mil, but probably even 500. Especially once it gets on Aave, Compound and the likes

>> No.20140601

If you invest $1000 right now and get 500 AMPL @$2 per coin. Now imagine the price going down by 5% daily and it hits 50 cents. Ideally your value should be $250. But due to -negative re-base, it might be closer to $100. So kinda like an option. Its not a fud. We need to understand the risk. The big whale will dump on us. I am in a small amount. I want to see how it plays out and then go big.

The guy who bought the top $3 - could not have made money, right?

>> No.20140702

You are too dumb to be giving out advice or opinions. Everything you said is wrong and ass backwards.

>> No.20140995

I apologize and I promise never to do it again. Thank you for making me see the light.

>> No.20141113

yeah dude but you actually get more coins with the negative rebase, so overall you'll still gain. At least that's how I understood, can someone who has done proper research confirm?

>> No.20141144

anon, you get less coins as price goes down.

>> No.20141174

You get more coins only if the price is greater than 2.09. Can we pump it please?

>> No.20141178

but only once it gets below 0.95 right?

>> No.20141601


>> No.20141611

Positive rebase Starts at around 1,06 negative rebase at around 0,95

Hurts to read that you don't know were you Put your Magic Internet Money at

>> No.20141684
File: 89 KB, 701x1024, 1576583358985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I Just hold ampl in my ETH Wallet and get the rebase? My amount didnt Last night

>> No.20141730

Yes the rebase affects all AMPL outstanding

>> No.20141917

Hmm, I got me a bag Like 20 hours ago,amount didnt Change in rebase

>> No.20142002

view wallet on etherscan.io - will show token transfer of new amount

>> No.20142018

>a bag Like 20 hours ago,amount didnt Change in rebase
go to your adress on etherscan at click the coin logo of ample, then click on
>Filtered by Token Holder -your adress
if you sent your AMPL before 10pm EST your correct amount should show.

>> No.20142113

It’s weird that etherscan doesn’t show the holders of this coin, or is it just me that can’t see that?

>> No.20142171
File: 136 KB, 494x273, 1A875658-745E-43F8-BDE0-82B635190954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, it works now! Weird that IT didnt get actual when I open my address.
Well, nice got like 10%

>> No.20142230

the tech is so outstanding that even etherscan is glitching