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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20126477 No.20126477 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you think you'd need to buy 4chan?

>> No.20126567

1 million dollars, but without /pol/ /b/ /v/ I'd only need 100k
That or I buy 2chan and trade it for 4chan.

>> No.20126601

way more bruh

>> No.20126622

i think hiro paid 3-4mill. it has a ton of traffic but it is utterly un-monetizable

>> No.20126628

1 trillion. If I become a millionaire off of memes, I’m going to want to become a billionaire.

Real talk
>bout 3.5 million

>> No.20126667
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With freedom of speech? It'd be at least a billion. For constitutional lawyers.
As is, a million.

>> No.20126689

The sewer of the internet? No way. I bet /v/ is worth way more than /pol/ and /b/ simply because the subject matter is more marketable.

>> No.20126780
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If it amalgamated what is left of freedom of speech online it'd be the eye of the constitutional thus lawful hurricane and enter history as the last standing free platform, where law firms came to correct the errors and extended the founders legacy instead of shrinking and shredding it. The money would come.

>> No.20127006

1000 CAP, wait 12 months

>> No.20127035

I feel like a generous benefactor who purchases 4chan and turns it into a non-profit with full freedom-of-speech protection would be the way to go

>> No.20127102

You have to pay for it in BTC.

>> No.20127346

If it's so cheap then why doesn't some deep-state billionaire just buy it to erase it as a means to kill off /pol/-think and the like?

>> No.20127394

I think they will just migrate to some other site. Usually, afaik about intelligence agencies and other deep state shit from my "research", they would just subvert it and try to derail any important discussion.

>> No.20127396

hiroshimoot been suspiciously quiet since the split. Somethings obviously paying for him.

>> No.20127433

>i think hiro paid 3-4mill. it has a ton of traffic but it is utterly un-monetizable
Nonsense, nothing with a ton of traffic is unmonetizable. Even excluding ads and 4chan passes (which by the way he could make way more beneficial and therefore sell much more of them), there is a huge market for astroturfing by renting out permission for bots to spam political or commercial propaganda, or to harvest user data and sell it to advertisers etc. In fact this is probably already happening.

>> No.20128411

>erase it
Why? It's a data trove on their opposition

>> No.20128446


>> No.20129191
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they are active participants

>> No.20129210
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>> No.20129230

>paying money to be a glorified janny

>> No.20129239

35 YEN

>> No.20129355

probably a couple hundred thousand if you play the long game like what happened with Tumblr

>> No.20129424

Way more. The FBI has been using /pol/ as a honeypot for quite a while now. No way they would give it up that easy. Why do you think they implemented the archive?

>> No.20129463


>> No.20130380

They know we are a containment site with a containment breach once in a blue moon. Letting spergs loose makes them harder to catch and track

>> No.20130386

85 IQ points