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File: 255 KB, 760x449, 01-work-addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20124880 No.20124880 [Reply] [Original]

How do you fight work addiction? I'm too tired to take on extra days but at the same time, Whenever I'm not at work I feel like I'm being a lazy fuck. I think of all the money I'm losing by not working. I feel physically worse when I relax. Hobbies don't help.

>> No.20124923

Were you always like that? Or did you become that person by necessity? Makes a difference to know in which camp you re in

>> No.20124964

I feel like I was always like that. My parents didn't let me rest as a kid. I was always doing something.

>> No.20125004

OK so then you're a workaholic not someone who does this by necessity. Do you have a hobby that you like doing and takes your mind off work?

>> No.20125053
File: 18 KB, 399x400, 1593530115627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of wagies

>> No.20125076
File: 52 KB, 501x585, E6C4425D-E671-4B3A-B0A6-7ADC28137566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to fight this addiction? You are my favorite type of goy. Keep working and chase my dollar.

>> No.20125092

Unironically the only way to break free from Shekelstein is to be a workaholic, what are you talking about?

>> No.20125120

Of course it is. Keep working and think of nothing else. You'll achieve freedom before you know it!

>> No.20125140

Lmao no. The way to break free is to have enough investments and passive income sources. Workaholism is just one of many ways to get those.

>> No.20125152

How are you gonna get those investments and passive income sources if you dont work hard when you re young?

>> No.20125157

I have the same . But not for the wagy job ofc. That wouldn't make sense. I work the least possible for the boss and the most for my own projects. Beats watching TV or beating off

>> No.20125164

Mostly games because 21 YO zoomer

>> No.20125228

Ummm lol how long have you been in the workforce 2 years? Your desire to work will not go away but your appreciation for things not work related will go up as you get older.

Work doesnt always mean making money . This took me a long time to understand but doing things to better your life without the desire to make money is the most rewarding thing for your time

>> No.20125266


>> No.20125374


You need to understand that you perform better with sufficient rest. If your goal is to get the maximum out of your job then rest is MANDATORY. You'll be more efficient when you do work and you're not going to fuck up your mental health or psychosomatically compound stress so easily.

Demand a fucking day off bro and be a shitlord, channel that guilt into the next chance you get at work and observe the results of that.

>> No.20125413

In a company: slack your way up to management. Play work politics: working hard is for suckers.
Otherwise: borrow some money and take risks. Make (read: whitelabel) a product and sell it. Become a middleman and hire desperate retards.

>> No.20125472

If you're working for yourself I'd say this is probably worth it. If you're working for someone else and putting in more than 40hrs, consider whether it's worth killing yourself to make someone else money.

>> No.20125837

You're never going to make it if you just work hard (unless it's your own company that directly benefits from it), your boss makes 2x what you do just by going to meetings and delegating work

The important thing is networking, make sure everyone knows you and getting promotions will be easy

>> No.20126556
File: 92 KB, 593x959, ToxicParents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a perfectionist?
Did you parents only praise you when you got the best results on a test?
Do you think overworking yourself if the only thing which gives you value as a person?

It may be a good idea to change your perspective on your past and the mindset you got from your parents.
Your life won't change until you look back on your past and chose who you want to be and what makes you happy without the need of outside validation.

>> No.20126610

Take a week off and spend it hiking or something, away from the internet. Don't read anything related to work or career stuff. Refresh yourself

>> No.20126745

Aries or Capricorn?

>> No.20127441


What projects do you have going on anon?

>> No.20127736

Tips on networking as a software engineer?

>> No.20127879

Good goy!

>> No.20128640

get an active hobby like woodworking or gardening

>> No.20128724

You need to deprogram. The Jews have unironically brainwashed you to love being a wagie