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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20124683 No.20124683 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20124716

Lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.20124738

350% gains on my stack since the start of summer, cry more retard.

>> No.20124743

>he’s scared he just bought the top of a chicom scam.
>he must be new and doesn’t know VeChains antics are one of the primary reasons nobody touches chink coins anymore
I just feel bad for you anon

>> No.20124767

It’s down like 600%

>> No.20124817

Are you fucking retarded? Lying or just medically stupid? You can clearly see I'm correct, admittedly not quite 350% since May but it's almost tripled, I bought at 0.004 in May and it's now 0.01. Cry more you dumb fuck

>> No.20124836

Chinks pump and dump. You seem to be ignoring the pump part.

>> No.20124849

Just because the price went up doesn’t mean it isn’t a scam.

>> No.20124864

how much has it cost these companies to use this chinkchain? nothing because the (((foundation))) have given out authority nodes (you still don't know who they are kek) and nodes to companies for nothing

investing in this chink token is worthless, the only way it'd have any value is if the vet/thor ratio was worth anything, but it's not

>> No.20124869

so you're admitting I'm right? It hasn't lost 600% in 2 months like you just said? I'm not LARPing?
Fucking kid

>> No.20124886

>investing in this chink token is worthless,
you retards ignoring reality are truly comical - I HAVE TRIPLED MY MONEY SINCE MAY. HOW IS THAT WORTHLESS HAHAHAHA

>> No.20124897

Retard I’m not the same poster. Also, go back.

>> No.20124932

Look how mad.. does he know he just bought a centralized copy/paste Ethereum testnet from 2017? Fuck.. completely disqualified from participating in Devi.. should we tell him?

>> No.20124986

This fool sold last week thats why he’s posting