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20123696 No.20123696 [Reply] [Original]

Anons. I'm depressed, lost my job, my girlfriend and can't get drunk in bars. Drinking alone in front of my PC screen is what I've done since this corona bullshit. Living on my emergency funds have been an eye-opener how pathetic I am, being dependent on my job.

I'm thinking of gambling 5 months of emergency funds into this. Hoping that I can make a clean and fresh start. My fall back would be getting back to my parents home, which I fucking hate. Should I do this?

>> No.20123720

You ever question how pathetic your life is to be making larps so you can shill your shitcoin? It's sad anon. Seek help.

>> No.20123727

>gamble dwindling resources on some scammy bullshit
Yeah go for it, doesn’t sound like you gave much to lose. Godspeed anon

>> No.20123766

It might be a paid shill anon. Don’t burn yourself and only put a little money in if you really want to. In the meantime learn a skill that can generate income from home. Programming, graphic design, copy writing, all that work can be done at home and become a side hustle for long term. Friends cost money, if you like it or not. Work hard and be harsh on yourself.

>> No.20123773

If ur shilling fuck you. If not, stop drinking, start working out. And put your gamble money in Hacera. They work with Oracle and IBM. Possible x1000

Get in


>> No.20123828

At least shill your shit better >1000x yikes. IBM and Oracle have partnerships with 90% of the all crypto projects. And they are all paid.

Never thought I would read something so based here. Quarantine shows you how important it is to work on yourself. Think about your future self: “Would my future self appreciate it if I did this today?” Work hard dude. Time is money is not just a meme used by entitled faggots.

>> No.20123876

I really don't have much to lose besides this rented room since I live here alone now too
Thanks.. I tried to get into programming but I don't have the motivation to finish those courses.

What is that? Can't find any info about it

I have read that future-self thing in a book, I tried making a habit out of it, but totally stopped when I hurt my arm last year. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.20123944

First time seeing that project. Buy early and exit early. Don’t get dumped on.

>> No.20124023

Start weightlifting you cuck

>> No.20124133

hey anon that sucks, but why don't you stop drinking, start working out to get your mind and body back in shape, find any other job and a girlfriend?

>> No.20124167

Stop drinking today. Tell yourself you never can drink again. And never do. I stopped at 27. 8 years ago. Holy shit I wish I quit at 22. It sucks first few months. You'll have dreams about booze. You won't sleep well. You'll shake. Youll be in a fog.
Start working out 6 days a week. 3-4 cardio. 2 lifting hard. You need to get your brain reset. Sweat it out.
Read classics.
Don't put pussy on a pedestal. But don't mgtow. A good woman in your life can keep you sane.
Also if you're in some liberal shithole move. Move to a more sane area. With less people. Like 50k-200k pop in a red state

>> No.20124226

oh and for coins.
Safe bets. Link. Knc. Bnt. For some good potentially huge gains next few years. Ultra low caps will burn you. I've done a few x10s on them . But also many went to 0. Sharder looks like an OK micro cap. But who knows

>> No.20125202

Drink water