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File: 119 KB, 1080x1048, 106632554_3053836418045216_7641065090657097555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20121723 No.20121723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What good are you gonna bring to the society after you've made it?

>> No.20121728

death and destruction

>> No.20121731


>> No.20121749

I'll post reviews of all the hookers I sleep with online

>> No.20121800

I will pay my taxes.

>> No.20121828
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>> No.20121980
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>> No.20122014

Thats a man

>> No.20122033

a vegetable garden and five white kids

>> No.20122058
File: 1.70 MB, 1000x1000, elephant baby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of money towards elephant conservation work

>> No.20122064

I want to mix my cum with Sayuri's on his cute little tummy and then lick it off and snowball him.

>> No.20122103

Yeah this I'm gonna do my part to repopulate the planet with actual humans

>> No.20122451

So much this

>> No.20122796

extremely based, i'm not even waiting to be rich

>> No.20122812

A 100 acre ranch and a multicultural harem of girls from all over the world

Dead serious

>> No.20122851

stopped reading right there


>> No.20122883

Yea yea 4chan has an all-white bias, I get it

But wouldn't you want a harem of:

5 Latinas
5 Asians
3 Blondes
3 Brunettes
3 Redheads

And maybe some African queens if you like that sort of thing

>> No.20122893

he cute

>> No.20122933

That's actually very wholesome. I like elephants and it fills me whit rage when niggers kills them.

>> No.20122957

No Asians, and yes one bad black bitch who I can hang out with when I want to make fun of the dumb white bitches

>> No.20122959

lets not get carried away.
Asian yes.
Europeans yes.
lest just keep it safe and stop rite there

>> No.20122990


Latinas can be of any race bro.

>> No.20123016

You only get the Colonist achievement if you have at least one of every race

How about some Eskimos? Sexy sexy Eskimo ladies.

>> No.20123211

Post pics anon.
Sounds hot

>> No.20123270

why is she so cute?

>> No.20123286

Biz is a tranny board always has been always will be
Simple as

>> No.20123430

I hope your lying.
It’s been proven, settled science.
Plus their cousins died out in some Siberian island and it wasn’t even humans fault.

>> No.20123472

I'm gonna completely seclude myself from it
>but we live in a soc-
Not for me nigga

>> No.20123487

Im going to spread my genes like Genghis khan

>> No.20123552

I like this. You need to establish a pecking order amongst the hos

>> No.20123626
File: 2.76 MB, 446x320, elephant scratches.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elephants are sweet, intelligent being with an unrivalled capacity for empathy. They deserve better, anon.

>> No.20123672

baste and policepilled

>> No.20123779

If elephants were as smart as us they would fuck things up even worse

>> No.20123847

nigga are you retarded?

>> No.20123886
File: 69 KB, 580x552, elephant ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I say they were as smart as us? Maybe smarter than you, judging by your reading comprehension. I'd slit your pig throat for this lil' nigga in a heartbeat.

>> No.20123911
File: 12 KB, 480x640, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misread your post, accept my humblest apologies based anon. Fuck's sake.

>> No.20124179

not-based and bilzerian-pilled

>> No.20124275

I'm gonna start my own society, fuck this one.

>> No.20124457

Imagine how much you children would hate you and for good reason that their entire existence was predicated on their coombrain father's image board tier lust rather than a genuine desire to procreate with the best possible mate to raise a strong and healthy child

sex without procreative intent is inherently vile, most won't realize this until it is too late for them

>> No.20124466

I was just pretending.
I wanted to be silly.

>> No.20124471
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based and ecoterrorismpilled

>> No.20124474

I will impregnate hundreds, nay thousands, of women with my superior seed.

>> No.20124957

I will use my 0xMR gains to build an ark and put two women of each race on it.

>> No.20124994

why elephants? there are some species of animals where only 200 exists on the whole planet.

>> No.20125015

contributing to family's endeavors e.g. funding cousin's music career, paying for college, health insurance, all that shit. start with close to home then branch out if i so choose.

>> No.20125107
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Society can suck the shit out of my asshole. I might invest into space stuff but only for personal gain bot for advancing humanity.

t. Give me my space rockys

>> No.20125144

If you have to "make it" to be able to do this, then you have no business mudding up the gene pool.

>> No.20125257


Well if I got really rich I would definitely try and make LFTR a reality. Even better if it could be perfected down to small portable reactors that could be centrally built and easily deployed.

>> No.20125387

It's a fair point anon, there are lots of species that need to be saved, but I can't reasonably save them all, and that is no reason not to help in the saving of one I feel very passionate about saving. They break my heart. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/05/six-wild-elephants-die-trying-to-save-each-other-in-thai-waterfall#:~:text=Six%20wild%20elephants%20have%20died,Yai%20National%20Park%20in%20Thailand.&text=The%20BBC%20reported%20officials%20as,elephant%20slipped%20over%20the%20waterfall.


Tell me they're not super based, anon. We kill them because their tusks make nice cutlery and gives chinamen boners. They deserve better.

>> No.20125931
File: 92 KB, 1060x716, queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make a tesla killer