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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20115471 No.20115471 [Reply] [Original]

>-$250,000 in debt
>19 years old
>No job, equity, or value to my name
Should I just sodoku?

>> No.20115478

Suck 250 dicks and charge $10. Wallah, you have paid off your debt

>> No.20115479

>-$250,000 in debt


>> No.20115482

maybe take sam hydes advice or pray for hyperinflation my man

>> No.20115486

Just gotta buy when it's low anon, just keep chasing that elusive profit

>> No.20115501

Did you take a payday loan to buy Bitconnect or what?

>> No.20115505
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How does a 19 year old even manage to get $250,000 of credit? Assuming it's not federal, declare bankruptcy and eat the 7 years of shit credit. You'll still be in your 20's, no biggie.

>> No.20115520

>Should I just sodoku?

>> No.20115541

how does that effect your credit and getting access to credit in the future? Never seen this firsthand.

>> No.20115674

Basically once you declare bankruptcy, banks will not loan you money under pretty much any circumstance for 7 years. So no car loans, no mortgage for a house, etc. After the 7 years are up, you basically start your credit over from scratch. Get a secured credit card, use that for a year to start rebuilding, then get a low limit actual credit card, use it for another year, don't miss any payments, and you will be back to having decent credit within 10 years of the time you declare bankruptcy. It sucks but is not a death sentence. In fact it helps a lot of people who are bad with money to not have access to easy credit while they learn good habits, as you have to rely solely on cash.

>> No.20115793
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>> No.20115824

Yes Sudoku is a better alternative to seppuku

>> No.20115860
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Stay classy, /biz/nessmen.

>> No.20115881


>> No.20115883

Declare bankruptcy b4 killing yourself. Crypto does not give a shit about your credit rating.

>> No.20115960

Your not even 20 yet don't do anything stupid. See how far in debt you can go, there's no debtors prison so see how far you can go in debt or claim bankruptcy and get out debt before your 30. Also never ask 4chan for advice on anything that life changing.

>> No.20116198

Suicide without being terminally ill or at least in constant physical pain is stupid. Go with bankruptcy unless it's student loans and you're a burger in that case you're totally fucked.
Good luck

>> No.20116231
File: 451 KB, 588x633, drmanhattanpivvrlink1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YT Sam Hyde - Money Tips, do this and buy Pivvr

The new folks are probably curious? What is Pivvr?

>Well if you've been paying attention you've noticed that any shittoken can do a 200x on uniswap these days. Of all these shittokens, the ones least scammy (and thats not saying much) are the PoL tokens. What is a proof of liquidity token? Its a token that proves its liquidity.

Now its easy to launch a token with a huge marketcap because mcap is simply last price of token X total supply. I could create a token right now and make it have a billion dollar marketcap with one trade. But its deceiving. Because you cannot extract 1 billion dollars from the token.

>Why cant you? It would make sense that a token with a billon dollar marketcap would be worth a billion dollars. Wrong. You need liquidity. Liquidity is the total amount of bitcoin buy orders for that token.Thus Proof Of Liquidity was born.

In the proof of liquidity model the total supply of tokens is sent to uniswap along with a seed amount of ether. This seed amount of ether ensures that there is liquidity. But we weren't satisfied with that. We needed more liquidity.

>So we decided to pair a deflationary proof of liquidity token (thats right its liquid and it shrinks - take that to the bank jack) with a stable coin.

What does the stable coin do? It adds double the liquidity.

>How? Because not only can you sell your Pivvr tokens for eth on uniswap, you can sell your pivvr tokens for the pivvr stable tokens which are ALWAYS worth 0.001 eth or 1 pivvr token.

Now smart people will think about this and think, hey wait, theres a problem, if the tokens are back 1:1 with reserves, eventually you will run out of stable coins as the pivvr price goes up.

>And you would be correct.

As the price of pivvr tokens continues to rise the stable coins will be HOT commodity because they are all you to make gains (the increasing price of the pivvr token) without exposing yourself to risk (its always 0.001) ether.

>> No.20116248

Do a bankruptcy and then die

>> No.20116444

Seriously please explain how a 19yo got a quater mil in debt please.
Declare bankruptcy, lose your assets and start again.
It will be the first time you have to start from scratch and probably not the last.

>> No.20116482

Buddy how did you manage that much debt in the first place? Are these student loans for a prestigious college at least?

>> No.20116508

i would rather have 250k in bankruptable debt than 25k in student debt

>> No.20117774


You could do that, or seek wisdom in truth and in righteousness...


>> No.20117843

OP you haven't even responded to your own thread. There are things we need answered before we can even begin to get you on the path to fixing this problem. No don't kill yourself over debt. I'm heavily in debt myself (not at your level) but I always know the last resort is simply filing for bankruptcy or debt resolution programs. It's stressful being under debt like that but you shouldn't let it be so stressful you take your own life. If you're still there OP I hope you take that to heart

>> No.20118102
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hearty chuckle

>> No.20118782


>> No.20119205
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I had a sizable inheritance I got from my grandpa when he died a few years back. I mostly kept the money as emergency fund but I started reading about options trading. So i said fuck it, I decided to go into options trading. I open up a robinhood account and I don't know what the fuck went to through my mind at the time but I decided to put everything in on margin. I predicted AMD was going to fucking moon around February but turns out that the stock plummeted that month and fucking lost everything. I'm seriously this close just putting a bullet in my brain because I don't know to fucking do. I'm completely fucked my financial future for the next 10 years.

I told my parents that I was going to university this year and try to get a degree in engineering but now if declare bankruptcy I can't get a student loan and credit is fucked for the next decade.

>> No.20119234
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Who cares. You can do very well for yourself with IT certs or going into a trade. Fuck going to college it's not necessary in 2020 and if we're being totally honest the job market is insanely fucked anyways. Declare bankruptcy, get some skills, enter workforce, accumulate wealth the hard way, by the time youre 30 youre debt free and wiser than most. GL fren.

>> No.20119258
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pic related
just go to a SUTER friendly country anon and never go back to your home country
the debt is literally imaginary, you don't have to participate.

SUTER is real.

>> No.20119264

don't declare bankruptcy, don't pick up to collections agencies, don't answer, just get on with your education and deal with the rest later. You gotta live off the radar, and get your dad to pay for your phone plan, and pay your dad in cash as you go to uni and work. Just don't pick up the phone to strangers, block their numbers if they call asking for you, toss out any mail you get from them and don't sign shit- problem solved

>> No.20119332

I had a business partner who fucked me over for a lot of money, securities, and credit, and I'm still working with feds and detective to jail this homo.
From what I learned, is debt is bullshit, anyone call collections to harass you every day of the week, and they'll just leave you alone if you ignore them so long they don't have a legitimate reason to sue. By talking to them and admitting to any details against you like confirming your name and saying you're working is basically you taking responsibility and saying "sure you've got the right guy, sue me now, and we won't guarantee that you'll be in the clear, we might be scamming you too l0l".

>> No.20119348

This is funny because I was supposed to become a 7x Felon as a non-US citizen, I moved to an EU country, raked up 20k USD in debt in cash loans because I'm ridiculously stupid and continued being a drug addict... Now, I could move to my last spot, LA suisse. But, pandemic Hit, my income was sliced, and now I've got to go back to work for some stupid shit tier office... As I was self-employed earlier...

>> No.20119351

Prove it, or lose it OP. As it stands right now, you're a faggot.