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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20115157 No.20115157 [Reply] [Original]


New tokenomics

ZERO volume on bibox and gateio requires kyc.

Haven't tried the other exchanges.

Does anyone think this is finally legit? I don't quite understand if they're going the maker path or the synthetix path or some hybrid.

It's interesting that they'll finally make an algorithmic stablecoin and apparently have a working fiat on/off ramp infrastructure that already works.

So while dai and sUSD have a huge lead, JNT seems like it lets you make a stablecoin like jEUR and withdraw it straight to your bank account.

They claim they can get to the top 100 coin list by end of the year if they make these changes.

Given how conservative and hesitant the team has been to make any kind of promises before, I suspect they are really confident in this but previous pivots have never seemed to work out.

On the other hand, they've never seemed confident in previous pivots, always seeming to call them experiments and say they're trying them or they're hopeful, rather than say they believe there will be a specific outcome.

>> No.20115172

Defi is definitely very hot right now so I think they have a chance based purely on whether they can deliver a half-assed product in Q3 and hype it.

Any JNT marines still around?

>> No.20115280


>> No.20115381

Nobody who got justed in 2018 is around here?

>> No.20115389

lel. this thing still alive? I just JUST pretty bad. rip 1 btc

>> No.20115405

kek no.

>> No.20115425

There is no hope. They exit scammed in 2017, now they just string anyone who hasn't realized that it's a scam along. After they deliver nothing in the next two years, they'll latch on to the next crypto trend without actually developing anything

>> No.20116025

bouncy castle vibes. what have they done for over 2 years other than sending useless email newsletters?

>> No.20116226
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I have a couple thousand of these janitor tokens still. Im skeptical but anything is possible at this point

>> No.20116286

God imagine if jnt starts using link

>> No.20116409

Hi Jibrel ruined me finanacially.

I wrote articles about it to reddit and then biz. Held through all the fud but the project is fucked.

I guess they were to ahead of the market, now that everyone is sucking on the dick of "de-fi"

Jibrel marine, over and out. :(

>> No.20116557

so you have lost all hope? there's still a chance you know

>> No.20116705

I have 10000 JNT still sitting in my wallet.