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20114697 No.20114697 [Reply] [Original]

I feel I should have gotten more :^(

>> No.20114703

you made it nigger stop flexing

>> No.20114761


>> No.20114789

You're a jeet

>> No.20114802

Everyone ib this thread ither than me has a brown ID

>> No.20114819
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>> No.20114840

i only have 20k and i know im going to make it

>> No.20114872

Fuck you ive only got 500, I’ll wash your lambo for more bnt tho

>> No.20114876

Thank you Rajvinder that makes me feel a lot better. Just need to hold now

>> No.20114922

Israeli scam

>> No.20114936

Dafaq man. What's your average price? I'm not seething because 30kplus link along with a decent bnt stacker.. but well done

>> No.20114952

With jews, you lose

>> No.20114986

Yea I feel that way too


Bancor has a positive feedback loop with knc. Each help each other. Knc alone will boost it enough to justify buying now.
Depends on your target

>> No.20115025

I boight at like 60c and sold.then back in at 1.10 when I fully understood the hype and potential

>> No.20115098

Are you all in?

>> No.20115110

To all you big holders here. What is your price target before you consider selling?

>> No.20115140

I don't think you can pin it down like that. If it suddenly moons to $10 around launch and is in the top few projects by volume on Binance, meaning there is a hype wave, then I will sell a bit.
But if it keeps just creeping upwards, then it launches and a large amount of liquidity appears within the first few months, then it make way more sense to just stake it.
Remember that staked BNT tokens get 50% of the trading fees no matter how much liquidity there is on a platform. If this really does bring institutional liquidity provision on board, like Chainlink has suggested it will, then the tokens AND the fees generated by them are going to be worth fucking tons.

>> No.20115154


Lol what a coincidence i literally have the exact same stack 52k BNT no larp. Stupidly I swing trade and gambled my stack down from 75K bnt but still happy to have what i have.

More and more I am thinking we made it man if BNT V2 gains tractions this thing could easily hit $1B+ Marketcap end of this year or sometime next year.

>> No.20115165

If you can’t beat’em, join’em
Israel has no right to exist

>> No.20115166

I hadn’t thought of it like that, thanks Anon

>> No.20115170


My dick can only get so hard bros. Institutional liquidity to fucking Defi is the holy fucking grail. All these hedge funds boomers only know how to buy BTC and just starting to dip their toes in ETH.

If they tap into the BNT ecosystem all bets are off and we are in for the wildest fucking ride ever. ITs gonna be 2017 all over again BEFORE the real bull run starts in late 2021.

>> No.20115183

Resisting the urge to up my puny 7k stack to 10k

>> No.20115209


Do it bro. Havent felt this comfy about a project since Link 2017 days honestly. Majority of biz is chasing uniswap scams for fractions of eth when real gem is sitting right in front of them.

Sickest part is they gonna watch it take off and FOMO at $5 looooool.

>> No.20115232

Fuck .. ok. I've just got this thing about always having 30k link.

>> No.20115247


Understandable LINK will do fantastic in the upcoming bull run I just feel BNT has way more potential upside if you connect all the dots and follow breadcrumbs.

>> No.20115314

50k+ is top 150 holders, nice flex thread bud
If you're a top holder in a legit project targeting a large market then you can make it if the project delivers. This is not exclusive to Bancor

>> No.20115355


Technically its top 100. 50 of the addresses are contracts and exchanges so you cant really count them.

>> No.20115433

Done. 10k bnt and still 30k link. Feels good man. Thanks for the push. We are all going to make it.

>> No.20115458

So whats a good ratio? 50/50 BNT/LINK

>> No.20115502

No 40% in BNT atm

>> No.20115514

Depends when you bought link?

>> No.20115516
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I trust the Bull. If he says we're with the Jews, we're with the Jews.

>> No.20115549

Where can you stake bnt? Can Americans do it?

>> No.20115551

Damn i'm close to pumping in the rest of my stablecones into this now. Could get up to 70k

>> No.20115586

Don't know what the burger rules are, sorry. BNT staking will take place after v2 launch which is slated for the 3rd week of July.

>> No.20115601

Got a source on that date? Im in the telegram and they say sometime in July but I havent heard anyone about the 3rd week.

>> No.20115626

I'm just playing Chinese whispers, I thought they mentioned that in the community call but I just double checked and they just said "July", so idk where I got the 3rd week thing from. Either way... SOON!

>> No.20115817

Gotcha, thanks

>> No.20115920

i've got 25,000 bnt

bnt will be the institutional liquidity protocol. i got goosepumps typing that.

>> No.20116007
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Yeah, feels pretty good looking at all the pieces and realising we're in the top few hundred holders of this.

>> No.20116974


>> No.20117564

Hardly worth it to buy 100 bnt then eh?