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20112608 No.20112608 [Reply] [Original]

wtf is going on with Vechain?!!

i bought 2 mill few months ago and now up over 200%.

should i sell now or hodl?

>> No.20112703

Coinbase soon its just the beginning

>> No.20112706

sell before it dumps. It’s a centralized permissioned network with hidden validators and as such cannot even claim to support DeFi. Take your winnings and feel lucky, then put them in something small that at least has the ability to participate in defi. Almost everyone that has touched this scam got burned.

>> No.20112719

holy fuck VECHAIN is now top 20 ahead of NEO.. king of chink coins

>> No.20112726

Coinbase refuses to list centralized networks. VeChain has no plans or intentions to become decentralized. It will unironically never be listed on coinbase in its current form.

>> No.20112730

Op if you listen to this faggot, you’ll lose an oppportunity to get rich

>> No.20112774

Stay poor....remainder :XRP is on Coinbase

>> No.20112796

this, been holding this since VEN days and 9.5$ ath, i just sold at the right times, nobody got scammed or burned, everything was just in a bubble. Some people salty cos they didn't know how to press the sell button in an obv bubble or when market is overvalued

>> No.20112874

These are just bagholding plebbitors trying to get a little of their money back. Be very careful with this project. It has more salty bagholders than any other project. It’s hardly even their fault, they were lied to by the team constantly about partnerships and that it would be the most used enterprise (centralized) “blockchain”. It has bled out for three years so even hitting one cent is huge for these plebs.

>> No.20112878

Vechain 2.0 coming soon.... they getting ready to enter DeFi and take over the game.

>> No.20112901

Bought 170k of this chinkcoin when it was sub 1 cent for ages and sold before the big covid dump. Feeling fomo again but trying to resist buying in as the current price looks like an obvious top.

>> No.20113095

Bought this when it was VEN around $0.40, Shulda sold when it hit $9, was up around $200K!

Held on for a X-NODE instead and it eventually dumped 90% when mainnet happened. FML!

Still up though...

>> No.20113275

it's going to be posted on coinbase, pretty obvious

>> No.20113358

I'm heavily invested in Vechain and never have heard news about DeFi for VET. Got a link?

>> No.20113521

Exactly. I bought VEN at $0.25, sold on the way up (rebought on the way up) and sold on the way down and bought on the way down. You can love a project and still scrape profits along the way. 25 million VET bagholder here.

>> No.20113583

>Muh muh Ven
Lmao you fucking dorks. They announced it when they said they were going to switch over the main net. You fucking retards had to switch your coins over and would’ve gotten the same value. Dumb fucking retards.

>> No.20113605

Vechain is going to be leading provider of DeFi to China

>> No.20113607

It's being pumped by the Chinese govt atm, not sure why

>> No.20113768

Its being pumped by binance because of coinbase listing, there is nothing else to it.

>> No.20113828

>nobody got scammed
apart from the worthless X-Men Superman Nodes, Chinese Lottery draws for holding during the drops and the BMW rumor is true debacle. Shitcoin

>> No.20113881

>nobody got scammed or burned
>t. Sunny Ru

>> No.20113883
