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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20111200 No.20111200 [Reply] [Original]

I was promised a CEX soon

>> No.20111233

kek, decentralized shitcoin hoping for a centralized listing

>> No.20111244

It's going to be Huobi

>> No.20111253


triple dubs

>> No.20111265
File: 107 KB, 720x720, DMG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Anon, dmg threads are almost always blessed by kek.

>> No.20111354

Have cex

>> No.20111356

Ye, even tho they FUD, KEK graces DMG threads with sick gets.

Let this be a warning to all non-believers

>> No.20111359

Send it

>> No.20111377

Digits in your ID

>> No.20111390
File: 388 KB, 553x389, keough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fudders are top 200 holders. The fud is just a bit too fun. A bit reminiscent of LINK, but we probably won't go quite as hard with the fud as we did back then heh

>> No.20111404
File: 51 KB, 225x540, 1593874369199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CID is taking this shitcoin Over just wait and see biz. You will seethe at our dominance

>> No.20111405

It will never ever be listed on a real exchange. Uniswap is garbage and so is everything on it.

>> No.20111406

based and moderate fud pilled

>> No.20111411

Kill yourself niggers
Fucking shitcoin scam can't even reach $2

>> No.20111419

Also buy a bag youngbloods


>> No.20111683

The fudders are the team themselves..

One of the most popular fields for glowies once they "leave" the Agency is business and finance. Why? Well, first ask yourself what it is that glowies are trained to do? Manipulate people.
Greg is a service award winning 4D chess player and he knows how to influence others. And that's why this project is going to succeed. Gregs combined glowie skills plus Mastercard experience means that he knows what it takes to create a mature and successful business.
You can see it in the way this is playing out. suspicious car liens. slow to come listings. and built in plausible deniability regarding the new assets classes in 90 days -- all of this is to create cycles of fud all of which, when inevitably overcome, will build stronger support and trust.

This is a long term hold Anons, and do not fall for the fud; the path before you is being guided by our glowing leader.

>> No.20111935
