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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20102588 No.20102588 [Reply] [Original]

What is it about Straight White Right Wing Men and their refusal to wear masks? The results are in, we've got the poll results. This is the combination for the highest rate of non-mask wearers.

Just wear the damn mask.

>> No.20102621

He probably already has breathing issues, look how fat he is. Americans hate anything they think attacks their FREEDUMBZ yet they're kike slaves.

>> No.20102628

but I thought the narrative was that minorities were disproportionately victimized? maybe you should tell marcus to wear a mask

>> No.20102637

blacks don't need to wear masks cause then cops will shoot them

>> No.20102689
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Trumptards have low IQ

>> No.20102700

Post poll and results.

>> No.20102704

the only people who suffer are genetic waste. the rest of us need to continue living. if you are a weak creature then stay in your basement.

>> No.20102717

The problem is when Karen walks up to you without a mask and spreads it to you.

>> No.20102748

America likes to act like they the greatest country in the world yet even literal poverty striken shitholes are handling COVID better

>> No.20102765
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There's clearly some kind of ritual going on. Make a big deal out of your sacrifice's inability to breathe and then force the population to restrict their own breath, even in just a mild manner. Very similar to the masses taking Eucharist in honor of Jesus, another one of their victims.

>> No.20102807

Why is this being posted in biz? Wtf is a mask going to do when youre touching it evert 45 seconds with ur dirty ass hands that are touching shit all the time. Youre just making some kind of fucked up bacterial trap in front of your mouth making u sick.

>> No.20102830

Because it’s fucking gay. Masks typically prevent bacteria from spreading when people are contagious (see Japan’s mask wearing culture pre coronachan). If I’m not sick, I don’t need to wear a mask.

>> No.20103057

Its a fantastically executed psyop by an enemy country. Russia, north Korea, Israel, who knows? Let the Americans cause their own death. Someone's getting a raise.

>> No.20103124

He's wearing the mask in that image, though.

>> No.20103131

Fuck you juden

>> No.20103270


Stupidity, plain stupidity which is also called ignorance.

>> No.20103398
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, A672DB65-44DD-40C4-BBC6-F469F8B5EB6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowhere on here does it say anything about protecting from or preventing anything. In fact it says it shouldn’t be used to do so on the back of the box which I’ll post also. Yet this is an “acceptable mask and will keep bugmen no balls Melvin leftists from screeching at you. It’s not about the virus or protecting anyone it’s about taking your rights away and making you fall into line.

>> No.20103417
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>> No.20103437

seek help.

>> No.20103452

are you retarded? do you not cover your mouth when you sneeze/cough? you fell for the CCP psyop numbnuts.

>> No.20103464



>> No.20103477

>not sick
This virus evolved to spread before symptoms are obvious. Wearing a mask is common courtesy like shoes.

>> No.20103493

Trump 2020
Candace owens used to be a lefty.
She is dangerous because she makes every lefty sound retarded. Lefty's cannot help getting emotional and desperate for handouts from commies

>> No.20103511

then you get over it like a regular flu because you're a functioning human being with an immune system

>> No.20103523

Americans are subhuman desu, the more dead ones the better.

>> No.20103527

The coronavirus meme is stale, get better material.

>> No.20103530

this is your brain on a multidecade diet of flouride & corn syrup. try to avoid maiming yourself with a firecracker tomorrow mong.

>> No.20103531


No the fuck it’s not and it never will be no matter how much you pencil dick weeb fags push it.

>> No.20103551


Ok Melvin try not to get stung by a bee or too close someone eating peanuts or triggered by someone who’s not wearing a mask and end up literally shaking.

>> No.20103560

Because real men don't like being told what to do especially by people they perceive as weak.

>> No.20103595


spoiler alert faggot, only non healthy or people with compromised immune systems have shit to worry about.

and how the fuck are people that are throwing bitch fits about masks, not concerned with a lack of gloves? if it’s really that bad and really that much to worry about wouldn’t surface contact be a big issue too? just face it, it’s a literal nothingburger that everyone exaggerated and lied about.

>> No.20103705

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.20103862
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>how could a more convoluted path for particles possibly reduce the chance of spreading disease

>> No.20103881

Personally I wear shoes to keep my feet dry

>> No.20103920


We’re not saying it doesn’t we’re saying we don’t give a fuck.

>> No.20104006

Shut up faggot. You'll be first in line to gleefully get micro chipped. Dumb goy

>> No.20104105
File: 103 KB, 623x676, 1589306661736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid-19 can only spread when you're working a job or having an economy or watching fireworks outdoors, not when I'm protesting and peacefully taking over police stations with my woke af BLM / Antifa bros who are totally not all gay but I would accept them anally if they were

>> No.20104134

covid isn't real