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>> No.20099487


>> No.20099490

Do any of you guys actually make more money than the boomers? When did you start and how much have you profited since then?

>> No.20099532

>load vs no-load
They really make this as complicated as humanly possible, but I intend to figure it out.

>load funds
>come with a fee
>no fee for this!

>no-load funds
>typically no fee
>50 dollar fee

should I just stick with mutual funds that are load funds, since TD Ameritrade doesn't charge for those?
very cool of them not to make it obvious which funds will and will not come with a fucking fee equal to the size of the entire investment (in this case)

>> No.20099539

up +40% ytd on 390k

>> No.20099554

Never touch funds ever. There exists no time ever where they ever do better than spy, and spy is really shitty compared to what you can get.

>> No.20099574

just buy etfs

>> No.20099577
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oh hohohoho, I'm going to buy a loli with my profits.

>> No.20099578

ahhh you were buying a mutual fund, not an ETF
Look for the NTF ones first and see if there are any of those that you want to buy
I don't have much experience with mutual funds in my personally managed accounts, I have bushels of them in my managed and 401k accounts but I don't really interact with them much

I make as much money as the boomers
started when I was born, made some nice profit since then

>> No.20099592
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Lol at NKLA

Did big money dump on retail?

>> No.20099606

i started investing with 200 keksa last
september. Then I scaled up as much as I could even investing almost my full paycheck like a rabbid madman.

I have doubled my total amount invested and am on 14k (minimum wage in my country is 500kekerinos) and going up hopefully. I got a couple of x5 potential baggers.

>> No.20099625
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Up to 50k from 5.2k, started June 17th. I withdrew some money to pay rent, food, credit card. But no more withdrawing from my account, just have to use my paycheck wisely (Mech E university student)

>> No.20099632

Friend at Tesla has told me they are working on implementing Lidar on some future vehicles. Unclear the reason why.

>> No.20099635

You're going to have to share them and take pictures for the suppliers to blackmail you with, if you're ok with that.

>> No.20099640

You guys hate nio. I dont understand. Have fun being poor. They will be 30 to 80 next year

>> No.20099656

Fucking how trading options?

>> No.20099666

Any advice? I have no intention of playing the market daily or withdrawing my funds for several decades at least. This is a "why not?" option for extra funds since I'm in my early thirties and want to start investing.
My primary intention is making money through my home business. Looking at the list of NTF Mutual Funds there's just over 4,000. I get that one is basically as good as another when you know nothing about either, but is there one that you find yourself putting into your managed accounts often?

>> No.20099677

Yeah probably. I fucking hate investing in bubbles though. There's always the risk of the rug pull and I'd rather see my money in companies that do cool stuff. Too bad all we'll ever get is bubbles for the foreseeable future

>> No.20099679

portfolio pls?

>> No.20099699

Yes but wkhs is a bubble too isnt it? I'll just pull out at x2 or 3

>> No.20099709

Bros is the USPS contract only for EVs?

>> No.20099719

I use two funds. SWPPX & SWTSX. The total fees is 0.05. The advantage is the whole dollar amount I put in can be used right then on the spot so nothing is wasted. The other advantage is when things are popping the SWPPX will give me slightly more gains while when things are kinda sluggish/down SWTSX will keep those gains a coming. Bonds are a joke. Really the only way you'll want them is when you've en massed a nice fat wad after 30 years and you want to keep as much of it as you can for later in life.

>> No.20099758
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Mostly stocks. 85% stocks and 15% options, at max. I have only done options if I felt like it was a for sure thing (nothing is for sure)

2000 shares of WKHS at 5.90. Have 1875 now because I sold some to pay rent, food, credit card. Had 12.5c Aug 22 calls that I got for 0.90 and unloaded them at 7. Currently have 20c Aug 22 calls that i loaded when we dipped hard to $14, already up 75% on those.

>> No.20099766

But had made good trades that got me up to 12k before I got in WKHS.

>> No.20099789

It’s only 4 companies competing for the contract. Two of them are very pajeet-ish, one of them is based in Turkey lol. Not happening for that one.

WKHS has a solid chance, I honestly think it’s been prepped for the contract way before all this happened the way that the Secretary of Energy, Mike Pence, Trump, are so supportive of it. And they recently got The federal Stamp of manufacture and passed FMVSS tests, it all seems so planned.

>> No.20099797

fellow horse :)
You think I should I buy the dip on monday open?

>> No.20099800

Fuck see this makes me want to go all in on nio. I at least could turn 7700 into potentially 15 or 25k

>> No.20099813

>Bonds are a joke. Really the only way you'll want them is when you've en massed a nice fat wad after 30 years and you want to keep as much of it as you can for later in life.
I forget how inexperienced most posters are in these threads. This is literally not true. If you are in big money you actually make more money than returns in the market with bonds and rollover. Long expiry bonds are guaranteed "5 bagger" and sometimes even "10 bagger" returns but over several decades. There are only a handful of companies that their stock would have done the same thing, and you get to eliminate having to guess or time the market. Speculation is always hunting for growth and has to constantly shift allocations to follow hopeful new growth. And the rollover investment returns on bonds are incredible.
Big money was accumulating bonds starting in 2018. You just don't have enough money to become a literal bank.

>> No.20099837

Imagine being literally this retarded while feigning any kind of experience at all.

>> No.20099859
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/out/ is based tho

>> No.20099873

can also be based sometimes, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna get rid of any cross-board puns.

>> No.20099875

This is my problem with this board. I look at myself as a future millionaire, though mostly through my own business.
Most of the people on here seem to be working with very little cash and looking to 1000x it by EOY or they're looking at the poor house. In that situation, I can see why mutual funds look like the worst idea ever.
I'm looking more for something EXTREMELY safe, with no intention of touching the money for several decades, and constantly putting more money into it.
For this, my research suggests that mutual funds are the way to go.

>> No.20099890

Fucking lol'd. Are you a circus clown or independent comedian? 10/10 act anyway.

>> No.20099916
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>sometimes even "10 bagger" returns but over several decades
yeah that's boomer shit

>> No.20099934

>Investing in fiat

>> No.20099937

Yes, it has a strong potential to win the USPS contract. WKHS is guaranteed to receive 50-75% of contract at a minimum.
- The vast majority of mail routes are under 100 miles, and WKHS all electric produces the most cost savings over time, solving the USPS burning hole of fuel/maintenance as vehicles age.

- Trump needs Ohio this November, this contract is a big job creator giving him something to rally on pre-election in the state, on top of winning over moderates and slight lefties by showing support for EV.

- Rural mail routes can go beyond 100 miles per day, and this will have to be taken into consideration. I predict one of the 2 hybrid vehicle Michigan based candidates will receive 25-50% of this contract, as Trump also needs Michigan, and this gives him something to rally on there.

- Louis Dejoy, the new USPS postmaster general, is a big supporter of technological advancement in the transportation industry. He is also a major Trump lapdog.

Plus an investor injecting 70 million securing WKHS $19/share, obviously, no one does that on a gamble. Whoever that is, has money, power, and $19/share must have been a nice deal for him if he knows something we don’t.
Just know, the bidding ENDS, July 14th, but the contract will be rewarded within 90 days, so if you’re in it long, know that.

>> No.20099951

Is NIO the next horse? I hate China but I like money more then I hate China

>> No.20099952

fuck off cryptonigger, back to your moon thread
maybe I'll hire you to open my mail in twenty years
if you behave

>> No.20099953
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>MtG nerd
>basically The Man in the Yellow Hat from Curious George
Fucking big kek my man.

I should check in with Rudy. I guess MtG collectibles are an actual alternative asset market that you can make bank off of if you know what you’re doing.

Too bad I don’t.

It’s because of your search bubble or whatever. Your history/cookies and shit. Maybe even stuff related to what you search for from your IP.

You mean the ECB?
The “fake gold” thing?
Again it’s just too far off my radar, just like the dam thing.

>> No.20099958
File: 96 KB, 932x440, bonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally mountains of papers and studies confirming this you mouth frothing poorfag.
The best time to accumulate bonds is typically when the stock market is overheating. That would be now but the Fed actively destroyed the bond market.

>> No.20099959

What's the name of your circus? I'm convinced, you're a solid investment.

>> No.20099965
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Is it?
I wish I knew more outdoorsy shit.

>> No.20099990

why do you have so much time to respond to posts?
>day trade nigger
oh, right, you don't have any actual work to do
I think your tendies are ready, btw

>> No.20099995

this board is full of newfags trying to get rich over night and discord groups that shill a stock all at once trying to get those newfags to buy the top... and then those newfags always remain with very little cash because they chase shit... best to have a solid investment portfolio with bluechips maybe some etfs and then a speculation portfolio.... if you want to become a millionaire with a $500 robinhood portfolio then be prepared to put in some work

>> No.20099996
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>in twenty years
in 20 years you will be in a diaper wishing you bought spy or qqq instead LMAO

>> No.20099998
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go lurk, it might inspire you.
it does me.
i wasn't into guns but wanted to be and so started lurking /k/ and now i've got a decent collection and go shooting pretty regularly.

>> No.20100001

I lost money desu but often I don't even know what I'm doing so...

>> No.20100002
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She looking fine.

>> No.20100006


>> No.20100008

Beep boop

>> No.20100035

Yeah that's true. Whoever dumped 70 million @ 19 per for sure won't settle for anything less than least double the return.. So 38 per ballpark (140 million)

>> No.20100045

post portfolio or gtfo

>> No.20100067

I'm up 47% this year on 240k

>> No.20100085


>> No.20100090

A large amount of rural mail carriers use their own vehicles anyway, wouldn't be worried about the 100+ mile thing. If anything they'd get handmedown LLV's from the city's that are getting the upgrades.

>> No.20100092
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So you do research in the clown archives at clown academy for the best jokes, do you?
Your pic is a literal lie. Pic related is real return for that retarded fund.

>> No.20100097

It still is worthwhile putting some of your gains into bonds while waiting for the market to come down, it's just less likely your bond prices will keep going up.

>> No.20100119
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And here's SPY
It literally had double the returns.

>> No.20100130

>looking at literally just the price
Unironically what I am talking about when I say this general doesn't understand money.
That is a smoothbrain OOF right there

>> No.20100139

This is your brain on clown science.

>> No.20100148
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>> No.20100161

You have some learning to do, poorfag.
take a bath, robinzoomer. We can almost smell you through the board.

>> No.20100173
File: 62 KB, 632x441, Screenshot (1477).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's >>20100092 right you know.
gray is SPY.
pretty pronounced.
guess you can't teach an old dog.....old tricks?

>> No.20100174
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>take a bath, robinzoomer. We can almost smell you through the board.

>> No.20100211

Nio is good long-term, could reach 80-100 if sales keep increasing

>> No.20100235

Such absolute bullshit. A 30-year bond with a 5% coupon will earn you about 4.3x your initial investment upon being fully repaid. That’s assuming you reinvest all of the coupons at 5% and therefore compound it along the way. The math is not complicated.

>> No.20100249

Mutual funds would have been the right answer though now ETFs are slightly better. Doesn’t really matter though.

>> No.20100259

Flat is justice.

>> No.20100263
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nice satan tripsss
my managed funds mean "managed by other people". It looks like they are heavy into IVV and IVW.
In my robinhood and TDA accounts, I buy ETFs instead of mutual funds.
If you want an SP500 mutual fund through TDA, find one on their NTF list or search for a large cap growth/blend fund.
you can also buy etfs like SPY or basically any of the vanguard ETFs. there isn't anything wrong with mutual funds; they are "outdated" for the modern zoomer investor because of their mechanics, but in this case "outdated" doesn't mean "worse", they are perfectly fine investment vehicles.

>> No.20100265

Correction 4.4x with semiannual coupons.

>> No.20100281

Canadian poorfag here. I'm going to fall for the memes and drop $1000 in monopoly money on PGM and WKHS on monday. How should I split this?

>> No.20100305
File: 275 KB, 1145x2037, 547CD181-7F3A-460D-B0A7-D1C3116EC89D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of bragging how much money your fucks are making, why don't you look at the news and tell me if Monday is going green or red.

>> No.20100326
File: 98 KB, 634x658, Screenshot (1478).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memelines say red

>> No.20100334

No one is going to give you a real response based on news or info, just conspiracies

So I'll contribute. Monday will be the color of my ID

>> No.20100336

That chart only shows the price change. Bond funds pay out dividends from their interest payments. Total return = price change PLUS dividends. Idiot.

>> No.20100344

man it's all fucked up right now
but it'll be ok in the long run

>> No.20100355
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Now you know to start actually reviewing the verification page before confirming the order. There are a few complications about mutual funds that you have to accept if you want to invest the full dollar amount. Basically, minimum load and transaction fees. And that they only buy or sell an hour or so after the closing bell, and you usually have to get in the order hours before the closing bell.

It's kind of silly to me to use MF's because you'd be stuck leaving $200 in your account if you used VOO or IVV or whatever.

>And how can I avoid it in the future?
It says right there on the bottom of your picture.

Your brokerage offers MF's that they don't charge transaction fees for.


We're a long way from monday. An earthquake could hit, Kim could launch some missiles, the Fed could announce another round of corporate buys, Regeneron could announce some preliminary results from their antibodies, some bullshit company could release something about vaccines, Any world leader could have an anyeurism and drop dead, and we could get "virus numbers" that are surprising and have some sort of big impact on investor sentiment.

>> No.20100367

Stocks only go up.

>> No.20100374

guaranteed green

>> No.20100390
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Nightly reminder: BUY MSFT and white women are whores.

>> No.20100394

>It's kind of silly to me to use MF's because you'd be stuck leaving $200 in your account if you used VOO or IVV or whatever.
mutual funds can tade in fractional share without any issues, that's one of the long term bonuses of mutual funds that has always existed

>> No.20100413

0% and 100%

>> No.20100429

90% wkhs 10% pgm.
I would suggest not going in pgm at all but you can at least gamble that 10%.

>> No.20100430
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I'm just going to believe these answers and ignore the rest.

Have a present!

>> No.20100440

The main advantage of mutual funds over ETF is your investment dollar don't go to waste. Ex: You toss 200 a month into your brokerage to buy an ETF, that ETF costs $150 per. So each month $50 dollars just sits there doing nothing for you. V.S a mutual fund which uses that whole 200 right then on the spot. In our first example you'd have to wait 3 months before you could use up all of your 200 a month wad in the ETF (50 x 3). That extra bit of green used right then on the spot could've generated you more gains instead you've pissed it away due to having to wait.

>> No.20100444

That chart includes dividends on both SPY and the bond fund, inbred. What do you think the black D's are?

>> No.20100446
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Was US markets closed today? (Friday.)

Happy almost 4th of July btw! Hopefully the leftist extremists won't do anything too horrible.

>> No.20100454

Everyone this weekend is going to:
> go to a bbq
> have a burger and some pork ribs
> salute the flag
> drink beer
> watch independence day

If that doesn't want to make you do your patriotic duty and buy stocks, I don't know what will. God Bless America.

>> No.20100456

if you have fractional shares its doesn't matter

>> No.20100458

>Was US markets closed today? (Friday.)
Yes. Markets in US reopen Monday. So sunday night futures as usual.

>> No.20100471

Thanks, guess I'll gamble and go in very heavy on the WKHS and hope I'm not left bagholding

>> No.20100474

Im in PGM, only go in if its for long term, only 250 shares at around 1.3-1.4.

>> No.20100490
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thanks fren

>> No.20100491

Not gonna lie, all of these posts by people who are up 40, 50, or even 100+% on their giant accounts is incredibly demoralizing. In one of the greatest bull-run years ever I'm up a whopping... less than 5%, because I bought a bunch of garbage ETFs like OILNF and PALL in January before I knew how to properly set stop losses and keep falling for stupid memes like IVR and think I'm having iron hands when I'm actually just losing money like a retard.

I'm 31 years old have a net worth of less than 400k. Every day, literal zoomers show me up as an idiot and a failure. Please let NIO fucking pump, this is my last chance not to rope within the next 5 years

>> No.20100501

Why are people saying things such as "debt is free" or "Debt is the new asset". Is it because of the increased cash flow from JPOW, or the bailouts coming to large business? I understand the idea of rising inflation bettering borrowers, but is this all it is attributed to? Stupid question sorry.

>> No.20100520
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Taking best guesses for when oil will recover

>> No.20100530

2-3 months

>> No.20100540
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and I said I think that's a silly way to make the investment decision. It's a small chunk of money left over each time you contribute.

I can see the appeal, but I actually don't mind having some cash in there un-allocated. I always try to have some in my accounts, in case an opportunity arises.

>pissed it away
you've missed pretty inconsequential gains even if you leave $149 unallocated for a month. And you never know if next month will be the drawdown that gives you a better entry point anyhow.

>> No.20100553
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Trending stocks?

Websites that track what companies are trending?

Anyone know any?

>> No.20100554
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it's fine
don't think of things in terms of "this is my last chance", ever
you're still young, the important thing is that you aren't losing money and you're still in the game. there will always be opportunities to make money. there will always be opportunities to lose money, too; you have to avoid the latter so you can be there for the former

rei is so forceful with those cows...

>> No.20100575
File: 230 KB, 1080x1528, sakura hibiki (dumbbell nan kilo moteru_) drawn by shanyao_jiang_tororo - bf818d70ddcde807abfcbd6526fa6556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for stupid memes like IVR
>I'm 31 years old have a net worth of less than 400k.
you're better off than many
you're a shitload better off than me
Fuck, I'm net DOWN after some foolishness.

Just keep running forward, it doesn't help to worry about how far and fast everyone else is going.

It's because interest rates are near zero, so companies can borrow a buttloads of money and have it sitting in their bank accounts for very little cost. And when the small businesses that don't have access to capital markets start going bust, they could get some good bargains to buy up with that cash. OR if shit REALLY gets bat and they're desperate for dollars, well look at that they already borrowed a whole bunch of cash.

Although you might be talking about debt as in the credit market, which is people buying corporate bonds? I'm not sure, but I think I answered your question.

>> No.20100577

where were you when wkhs was spammed here sub $4

>> No.20100582
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that is zoomerspeak, we have to translate it to boomerlanguage.

look on tradingview main page, click on "most active". it will show you the stocks that are most traded that day (highest volume)
or any other site should have a most active/biggest gainers/biggest losers section

if when you say "trending"you mean "momentum", IE coherent price movement in a single direction, then there are other ways to screen for that

>> No.20100592

Credit spreads are extremely comfy. Join us

>> No.20100614

Remember that the people with big gainz are not the majority, and the people who have tiny to moderate gains aren't going to be posting their portfolios
If you haven't lost much money you're doing fine, there are always more chances. Learn to trade at your own pace. It's also a good idea to put a chunk of money into something safe like an index, so at the very least you'll be getting something out of this bull market, and have something to hedge against your more risky plays.

>> No.20100619

By trending i mean being talked about on social media

>> No.20100624
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>I make as much money as the boomers
wew... which one are you again? The former graphic designer?

enjoy all that legal loli piss, and the pheromones and hormones that will make you a much more successful lobster.

>> No.20100636

Like some new product being hyped in youtube ads or twitter hashtags

>> No.20100637
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I can't help you, I don't use social media

>which one are you again? The former graphic designer?

>> No.20100644

Hopefully not for a while, I want to buy at march bottoms or below

>> No.20100662
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x815, Should I Watch Kaguya?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The former graphic designer is the canada? The beisbaru or the anxious wreck?

Wew I just get everyone all mixed up.
Small price to pay for not having all the problems of forums that require posters to register accounts and all that.

>> No.20100672

What makes you say that? Reopenings, more auto use and lower reserves?

>> No.20100679

I feel like they're doing it on purpose as a campaign option. Have the pence go early to stir up interest, get big money backers invested in the startup, then have trump make the post office pick wkhs so he has a big win to campaign on in ohio in October

>> No.20100697
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>By trending i mean being talked about on social media
Yes and you would be wrong to do so.

>> No.20100709

Fuck this weekend is boring. Might as well go to /pol/ and be really depressed about the current state of the US.

>> No.20100718
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>The former graphic designer is the canada? The beisbaru or the anxious wreck?
Oh fer god sakes. That is me and I am all of those. All same person.

>> No.20100727

WKHS isn’t a startup. They’ve been around for a while.
Also the visit wasn’t to a WKHS plant. That was lordstown motors. WKHS has a 10% stake in them tho, and iirc they designed the engine used in their pick up. So lordstown is likely to be the factory that churns out delivery trucks in addition to the factories already making the trucks WKHS has created to other entities. I think UPS and some other businesses have been buying.

>> No.20100762

How do you know what new companies are being talked about? I don't use social media either, but I hope theres a webscraper that can see whats being talked about

>> No.20100765
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> NIO and SOLO we’re more actively traded than WKHS on Thursday
Ok what the fuck does this mean? I know the HORSE will continue to run, but these other two legit seemed like memes. Fuck NIO has a strong buy rating.
If their volume continues like this, is it sign of a moon mission prep? Or is it just retards buying in thinking it will moon cause some faggot on twitter said so?

>> No.20100767
File: 202 KB, 474x602, c612cacaf093a8986fd4264521ec07287f2a6d6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have like 20 youtube videos I've been meaning to watch, and some documentaries.

Looks like Dalio's Bridgewater just put up one within the past week. He's a smart man who says some very interesting things, even if sometimes he's boring and wrong.

I would guess that you'll get more dopamine from /pol/, but if you're interested in economics or finance...

oh heh heh oops!
I had some good conversations with you before all this rona nonsense, maybe even last year. You said some things that were very interesting and unintentionally encouraging.

I may have to dig out and go through all my /biz/ wisdom screenshots now that I'm again at a bit of a loss in life again.

>> No.20100779

just use stocktwits

>> No.20100781


>> No.20100795
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>> No.20100797

Boomer hell

>> No.20100801

mondays going to be deep red isnt it

>> No.20100814
File: 273 KB, 683x565, 1562118510552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because trending means different thing in stock trading lexicon.

>> No.20100816


>> No.20100819

>$50 fee buying vanguard shit

fucking lol

>> No.20100844
File: 241 KB, 480x640, catcup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with holding 3x ETF long-term? I know the losses are compounded along with gains, but it's not like they can go to 0?

>> No.20100858

Oh i thought you meant wrong to see whats being hyped. I didnt kno ppl used “up/downtrend” still, but this is a boomer general

>> No.20100860

Hell most people anymore are so ass deep in debt that they couldn't lay there hands on 10,000 in cash if some shit came up. Or worse they piss away all spare green each month on "splurge" shit.. So yeah if you got a wad of green looking at you in the bank already your ahead of most people anymore.

>> No.20100883
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>boomer general
optimistic doomer striving for redemption general

>> No.20100888


>> No.20100896
File: 846 KB, 1192x671, 7CBCECD8-2539-40BE-BA7E-FB736B063809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanguard and Schwab don’t play that nicely together. It’s why I was forced to by the equivalent (but slightly worse preforming) ETF, VIG.

Most people would probably be buying something like VFIAX, but would see that $50 fee and buy Schwab’s SWPPX for no transaction fee.

>> No.20100908

stop chasing moon missions and pick companies with half ass okay fundamentals, a good story for the times, and growth potential. if you specifically try to ride the moon missions you will never catch them.

Buy stonk with line pointed up.

>> No.20100921


>> No.20100926

Imagine that only in a Holodeck.. Goodbye monitor and any headgear for that mater. Hello swanky bedroom sim..

>> No.20100953

bro you are so cute tho

>> No.20100960

Politics doesn't take chances like that. Contract bidding is a formality that accountability types demand in these transactions but its so easy to rig that its very likely its all been wet up for them.

>> No.20100967

Learner here
If a broker has an account minimum of say $1000, if your account balance drops to $999, are you still allowed to trade? Or is your account frozen until it goes above the $1000 threshold?

>> No.20100983

NIO is a sleeping giant and is going to be on TSLA level buy now while you still ca

>> No.20100985
File: 691 KB, 896x1640, 4BD9A9C0-065C-4E97-9B84-8F6D5F0CD8B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine technology that could turn fantasy into reality
Yeah... before sci-fi there were tales of magic
Same stuff really, reality is sometimes quite painful

Kek I have to agree (but for me in a straight but also anxious wreck kind of way.)

>> No.20100988

I read where WHKS and USPS was already working together on some other stuff before this contract even came up. So it kinda gives them an edge you know. USPS knows they can deliver the goods and what quality of work to expect from them.

>> No.20100995

a 3x ETF like TQQQ goes down long term due to math fuckery called "geometric compounding" especially in the crab market we have currently.

Imagine the NASDAQ is sitting at 10,000 goes down 5% one day and then the next day it is up 5%. It broke even right? Wrong, it's actually down .25%.

(10,000) * (0.95) = 9500
(9500) * (1.05) = 9975

This is awful for 3x ETFs (For TQQQ this would be up 15% and then down 15%) because of their extreme swings will eventually cause them to become valueless given x amount of time.

>> No.20100997

Substantiate your claim. Chinese companies have a reputation for faking shit and then tanking. Why should I trust this chink shit ?

>> No.20101022

3 days left until monday

>> No.20101043

There's nothing wrong with it. A 3x ETF goes up long-term far faster than what it tracks through the compounding effect. This is easily verifiable with e.g. etfreplay or portfoliovisualizer, and the quality of the tracking can also be verified on the ETF's manager's website as well as through the likes of yahoo finance, finviz or tradingview.
Just never get inverse ETF, they don't inverse anything and just always go down in value no matter what the thing they're supposed to inverse does.

>> No.20101062


is it seriously so hard to just look it up yourselves to see how you're both wrong retards?

>> No.20101070

See, that much I get

If you have +5% then -5%, or -5% then +5% you end up -.25% either way
And with a 3x ETF you end up -.75%

So if you expect the market to go up over time, shouldn't it work out in your favor then?

>> No.20101074

Thank you. I know the reserve interest rate is 0%, but how does that translate to banks rates for big loans? Is that information publicly available?

>> No.20101096

assuming infinite growth of course itll be infinitely profitable. If it normalizes it won't be as fun.

>> No.20101097

Kek, I figured it up. Your typical starbucks loving person blows $20 a week on coffee (rough average). That's 1,200 a year on just coffee. Assuming they do this for 30 years during the work grind that's 36,000 they piss down the shit hole.

>> No.20101102
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I started back in April this year and I've made about 4k just from 90% luck 10% kinda smart plays I think at least were smart. Tho I accept I got in at a weird time and now I want to make sure everything going forward is a smart play.

I'm not the gambling type so I prefer safe investing. I've been selling these past 2 weeks and going all cash with my account.

What should I do with 15,000 usd to make sure I'm ok if there's a crash? I'm considering just going all tech with microsoft, nvidia, google, and amazon.

>> No.20101117

Someone said to get into GRAF before close on Thursday so I bought in at 20. How high will this thing jump? Automated driving seems like a big deal.

>> No.20101129

k but coffee is comfy tho. and starbucks is a waste of money so don't go there.

>> No.20101131

source or gtfo

>> No.20101133

imagine locking in sub-inflationary returns for 10+ years and being paid back in worthless principal

>> No.20101137
File: 20 KB, 720x419, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck why do these leveraged etf questions and stupid discussions keep coming in

>> No.20101149

check their documentation, it's up to the broker

>> No.20101162

Well be prepared for some bumps and I do mean literately. Watch for cases of self driving cars running over people to skyrocket.. Or worse, your driver dude be fast asleep in back while the car drives itself. Shit happens.. Driver dude gets killed or the car runs over someone. Driver dude, like "hey wasn't my fault, the car was driving not me"

>> No.20101163

>As a levered product, TQQQ is not a buy-and-hold ETF; it’s a very short-term tactical instrument.
Literally fucking read your link.
Why not invest in a 1x ETF then? every time the market does that the 3x ETF will be going up with the exact same pattern long term except your are losing that amount (in your example .5%) due to compounding, so objectively worse to invest long term in one than a normal etf

>> No.20101177

If that's the case, why doesn't everyone just invest in TQQQ long-term instead of QQQ? What's the catch

>> No.20101179

Oh I know. I drink it every morning. Via my good old drip style maker..

>> No.20101180
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>> No.20101181

Please explain in your infinite wisdom why it's a better idea to invest in a 3x ETF than a 1x ETF despite compounding?

>> No.20101195

>What's the catch
look at the graph and you will see it

>> No.20101197

Since you don't know the first thing about the stock market, how about you shut the fuck up and fuck right off? Maybe >>>/x/ is more your thing.

>> No.20101209

Yes, because FAANG had an amazing run. Just that simple. If you think it might be flat or average it's better to get a regular ETF.

>> No.20101216

Higher drawdown, that's it. Combine with TMF like in >>20101180
and you get smaller returns, but still infinitely more than plain 1x.

>> No.20101226

No point in comparing yourself to cattle is there?

>> No.20101227

TQQQ goes up exactly the same as QQQ long term, every time QQQ goes up 1% TQQQ goes up 3% and when it goes down 1% TQQQ goes down 3%, this gives back the exact same amount long term EXECPT your are losing money on compounding like I explained in >>20100995

>> No.20101229
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TQQQ almost crossed lines even after a 10 year bull run lmao

>> No.20101240

Youre arguing the right answer, with the wrong logic and the wrong premise but with the correct facts.

>> No.20101241

Coffee culture is so fucking cringe
You are burning beans, then crushing the remnants and drinking the juice
It's burnt bean juice and it smells like shit
Just take a caffeine pills holy shit that's the feeling you're associating that disgusting sludge with

>> No.20101244

gaining money on compounding
Proof: >>20101180

>> No.20101255

You only say that because the only coffee you know is american hot water + food coloring """coffee""".

>> No.20101259

I don't like caffeine pills
I like coffee

>> No.20101265
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I'm not too knowledgable about it, but I believe lower rates should "trickle down" I think. But of course banks aren't lending individuals next to zero rate loans.

>That's 1,200 a year
A extra $1,200 per YEAR?!?
That's basically a down payment on a home, and anything left over can go to paying off any student loan debt!

A penny saved truly is a penny earned.

>> No.20101273

It's disgusting and any other opinion is cope
Hot chocolate is an objectively better beverage
Coffee beans are fucking foul

>> No.20101290

You drink decaf?

>> No.20101303


>> No.20101309

Why not?

>> No.20101329

they have to put it through some chemical process to make it decaf
you don't have to drink coffee if you don't want to <3

>> No.20101330

What am I supposed to be seeing, the giant drop off?

>> No.20101344

It's prime rate + bank rate, the Fed lends at prime rate and Bank rate is what your bank adds onto it.

Variable means your rate changes with prime, fixed means it won't change. Variable is historically a better price overall statistically speaking, but right now, fixed might be better.

The terminology change from country to country.

>> No.20101346

Hot chocolate is literally disgusting. You just take a large bean, break it up and sip its juice. It doesn't even have notable amounts of caffeine for fuck's sake! Saying it tastes good is pure cope. It's rancid bitter shit with no taste except poison.

>> No.20101348

Index funds are best choice


First crypto currency index fund

>> No.20101355

I don't want to smell it either and I don't want to see cringe shit with people using their own grinders to make bean juice on a mountain or listen to people talk like they actually enjoy something they have to drown in flavored creamer and sugar just to choke down because they are chemically dependant on caffeine and don't want to admit it

>> No.20101363


First crypto currency index fund

>> No.20101370

You don't think that though

>> No.20101371

Yeah, among other things. You're also supposed to see that 3x55k is far lower than 500k, the regularity of the trend, the lack of dip yet retained gains when adding tmf, the ability to 50x your investment passively over just 10 years, and many other cool things. They used to teach that in elementary school -- how to read graphs. Guess they stopped that too huh.

>> No.20101372

I generally don't, but man an after dinner decaf is a treat.

Now that I'm staying somewhere with a K-cup machine and plenty of pods... yeah i have a decaf many nights.

>> No.20101379
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Ive noticed a trend with companies stock going public. There's an immediate rise followed by massive lows.
Is there any watchlist that keeps track of companies about to go public?

>> No.20101384

what on earth hot chocolate have you been drinking that uses beans and is bitter

>> No.20101405

I actually do, and society decided it's so strange that I learned to hide a grimace when I'm forced to eat shit like chocolate cake because simply refusing has people start believing I'm an alien or a demon or somesuch. I hate people, and I especially hate people like you.

>> No.20101426

You are wrong about chocolate and you are wrong about coffee and on the day of the mug your kind will be first against the wall

>> No.20101427

Are you one of those americans who think chicken thighs grow on trees?

>> No.20101480

What tool is this? Curious how soxl, soxl/tmf, compares

>> No.20101485

No? Who the fuck grinds their own cacao beans when making hot chocolate? What kind of weird bougie shit are you doing?

>> No.20101486

Yeah, I noticed all of that, what I was really after is addressing any risks with the long term strategy I have panned out. I think my strategy is pretty solid after all

Thanks for the help anons

>> No.20101490


>> No.20101507

He's got coffee brain he won't understand
Hasn't had his 17th daily cup
Just wandering around in a fog
Probably has a caffeine withdrawal headache right now

>> No.20101549
File: 1.97 MB, 1530x1380, Screen Shot 2020-07-03 at 7.34.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-Bros... are you experiencing inflation right now??
Is it true that Taco Bell tacos have gone up like 10%??
Has anything you bought spiked? Video Games? Food? Drugs? Women? Booze?

I should've watched Rudy's videos lately. There's so many podcasts an videos and whatever the fuck that I'm behind on but I should really be learning new skills for careers, or books, or Self-development or whatever...

>> No.20101557
File: 10 KB, 246x205, deebly goncerned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't find summer work
>Not eligible for gibs
>Started trading stocks as a last resort
>Make as much as I would have at a wagie job
Something feels wrong about this

>> No.20101561

>any risks with the long term strategy I have panned out.
As you noticed it's exactly that: if there's a dip, the dip will go very low.
If QQQ somehow manages to go down ~35% without the market stopping through breakers for the day, you're bust. But that's unrealistic to expect. Even if you're left with 0.01% you'll be good to go on the recovery and a small amount extra compounding.
This site >>20101490
can help you analyze max drawdown to see how robust the strategy is. It also has quant measures to help identify how regular the trend is and such.
It doesn't help with more adaptive strategies like rebalancing on triggers like price action or other signals, though. For that, I think you can use tradingview though I'm not entirely sure you can make a portfolio on that site as opposed to strategize on a single symbol.

>> No.20101572

>No? Who the fuck roasts their own coffee beans when making hot coffee? What kind of weird bougie shit are you doing?

>> No.20101580

Don't forget to set some aside to pay the gubbermint its protection money

>> No.20101582

Don't act like people don't do that shit
Don't act like that

>> No.20101589

Good idea. Thank you senpai

>> No.20101590


>> No.20101593

Daily reminder that you haven't made anything until you cash out.

>> No.20101619

I feel like taco bell prices are up like 20%+
besides that, it's w/e
I have a house with a mortgage, and most of my other money is in stocks, so I don't think that some inflation will be so painful.

"inflation" isn't even such a simple concept; you might see prices for certain things (food, TVs, cell phones) stay low, while prices of other things go up.

>> No.20101626

Please tell me TSLA will go below $1000 again one day

>> No.20101631


>> No.20101635

TSLA will go below 1000 again one day

>> No.20101636

The catch is if you buy the top you'll do worse. If you buy the bottom you'll do better.

>> No.20101642

TSLA will go below $1000 this fucking week lol

>> No.20101644

my point is that it isn't a common thing to do, most people would just use cocoa powder or baking chocolate, and add sugar and milk. If your hot chocolate is bitter you've made bad hot chocolate.
no wonder you hate hot chocolate, your perspective on how to make it is fucked

>> No.20101648

Do you /biz/raeli duty by going out and spreading covid as hard and fast as you can to cause the second crashening otherwise it'll never drop again.
Be the change you want to see in the world, anon.

>> No.20101656
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TSLA will go below $1000 one day

>> No.20101666

And most people don't roast their own coffee. Hell, most people don't even grind their own coffee (they sure as hell should, though). You could also add milk and sugar to your coffee. But if you can't like the raw taste of pure coffee, you've either never had coffee (see: american food-colored water), or you are a very, very broken man.

>> No.20101679

Look at the price of meat in stores.. Shits high as fuck now..

>> No.20101681

Unironically likely.

>> No.20101682

Idk about this one anon. Too many chinese companies being shady imo. One where even if it mooned i wouldnt feel too bad cause i wouldnt want to be the one whp bought just as the lies are revealed and it gets an instant plummet down

Refer to luckin. Instant/near instant 75% loss. Stop loss isnt gonna save you unless you put it real low.

>> No.20101687

whats the best way to brew coffee at home that isnt the american way you're talking about ?

>> No.20101706

Based, thanks bros I really need it to. I think somebody might shoot my kneecaps out or beat me with a crowbar while I’m walking to my car. Owe a little money

>> No.20101716

Both hot chocolate and coffee are beam juice in some form you fucking autists.
Anyway how much HSY and DNKN should I buy?

>> No.20101721

Best way is with a good espresso machine. Since they're an investment of their own, another good option is a stovetop moka pot. Vacuum coffee is supposedly great, but I haven't tried. If you're a turbo-cheapo, you can do turkish or iranian coffee using just a pan.

>> No.20101730

Don't ever compare hot chocolate to coffee again

>> No.20101733

Yes but it coffee profitable for you?

>> No.20101734

it won't, and you're fucked, sorry. $1500 next week by friday.

>> No.20101741

Imagine drinking crushed beans soaked in a pan
This is your brain on coffee

>> No.20101753

You sound as if I've personally slighted you anon. How about some BEAN JUICE to calm your nerves.

>> No.20101755

You mean IPOs?

>> No.20101759

Start with organic beans. store them in a way that keeps them fresh otherwise you’ll miss out on the best oils if they aren’t stored properly. Grind morning of. Use filtered water, not simply water from the tap. Heat water using kettle with minimal or no plastic parts. Use coffee maker with little or no plastic parts (I use a chemex which is basically just a glass beaker that you put a filter on). Pour hot water over beans. Enjoy.

I’m still working on optimal water temperature and grinding. Don’t want to grind the beans too fine but too coarse is no good also.

>> No.20101764

>Imagine drinking crushed beans soaked in a pan
>This is your brain on hot chocolate

>> No.20101771

Please god no

>> No.20101785
File: 59 KB, 613x738, Capture NIK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikola looking bearish
CCI showing a potential downtrend.
Weak CCI move up would confirm.
Trend decrease in volume.
No definitive support.

Dont buy this shit

>> No.20101826
File: 611 KB, 1500x2250, 38b3efb0e2bdfd5dce9cf93fbdd666f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah he actually said taco bell's up 10-20%, I hadn't finished the video.

Said Florida real estate prices have been going up, but the collectibles, a game he bought during the holidays tripled in value, and people are going nuts speculating on the value of magic cards, it sounds like. Damn.

I don't know what to think. I'm wondering why I've lost money like a fucking asshole while being an active investor from 2018-now, in the insane bull run. And I'm wondering why speculative assets and garbage microcap stocks are suddenly darlings of the markets. Precious metals seem to be getting fucked. What's next?

That's why I'm asking. I haven't been buying my own shit since all this started. I want my smgbros to give me a reality check. And maybe help me theorize and then speculate.

>> No.20101842

Why would you buy stock in a company that has zero to show for itself anyway??. Funny as fuck though. Stock rockets to 90 per via just an idea.. Gives me hope for WKHS

>> No.20101859

Are there any no fee options at all for Canadian investors? I've gone down every one listed in the pastebin and it seems like no? Fuck this country. Some of these platforms would even charge 3% twice - once to turn $CAD into $USD and then again to turn $USD into the stock for one movement.

>> No.20101866

>Gives me hope for WKHS
unfortunately wkhs has delivery vans that look just like you would expect, boring.
if only they had highly stylized, impossible to manufacture, super high quality renders of edgy black delivery vans, yeah maybe. like batman car looking delivery buggies.
because of this it will only go to $40-60ish

>> No.20101868

>talks about bonds
but unirocnially are you going to explain how this works because looking at>>20100092
it seems like you are wrong?

>> No.20101886
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Especially on weekends, we might as well be Finance general. The board only wants to talk about finance if there's a tranny, or if it supports their conspiracy theories, or if they get to shill silver and shitpost about Schiff.

>> No.20101890



>> No.20101933

I use questrade and at least their ETFs are near $0 fee when you buy them. Interactive Brokers Canada is at least $1 per trade but they have a bunch of hidden fees.

>> No.20101961

let them stay poor anon. UPRO/TQQQ masterrace

>> No.20101986

Only wealthsimple trade, except they're only fee-free for canadian stocks and not everything is available. Also it's trash in every way, better use ibkr and pay up. As >>20101933
says, it's chokefull of hidden fees (you get no realtime data by default, each market has a separate extra fee so nasdaq + nyse are 2 separate packages for example, you get no L2s without even more fees, otc is its own market so likewise, options also need extra data, every snapshot request costs something) and their platform is ass so questrade is well worth it instead.

>> No.20101989
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>> No.20102001


Guess I'll just deal with it and use questrade. Cheers.

>> No.20102046

its going to drop next fall, 2021 dingus.

>> No.20102050
File: 67 KB, 755x739, Capture HORS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking like an uptrend on the 1hour chart
support at fib level
CCI signaling uptrend

Lookin good desu

>> No.20102064

Based El-Erian
But how did he not know they bought the rights like a year ago?

>> No.20102073

Price target?

>> No.20102113

Now see what happens from the great depression until now.
Bonds aren't always anti-correlated with stocks.
When interest rates are decreasing, they are anti-correlated but both increasing. When interest rates are increasing, they are correlated with low stock gains and negative bond gains.

>> No.20102121

i dunno really but definitely gonna moon

also google might buy fitbit (FIT) and shares are 6.29. They got cucked by EU regulators so keep a good eye out if they get un cucked

>> No.20102179
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>> No.20102223

Look at ZM and LK. China will do literally anything to pump their stocks. That's why I'm buying more this week

>> No.20102228

>If you bought near the top of the 90s dot-com bubble your gains wouldn't be that great.
Thanks. This is why I stay away from dot-com and ecommerce shit right now.

>> No.20102231

I should have respond to this post too. >>20101180

Further diversification into gold is a protection against stocks and bonds becoming correlated.
Here is an example article

>> No.20102278

Google already said they're buying for 7.35 per share. So if you buy now your only looking at a 1.06 gain.. If the deal happens. WKHS would deliver more for your dollar even now..

>> No.20102280
File: 338 KB, 1403x1201, Screenshot_20200703-204023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you anons have a site to an option IV tracker? Recall an anon who was selling puts earlier this week and I asked him but don't have the link anymore yet all the IV trackers I found suck.

>> No.20102306

oh they already said their offer then nah i'm already in WKHS tho hoping for another dip to get more since i didn't believe in the horse at first and only got 20 shares

>> No.20102325

>This is why I stay away from dot-com and ecommerce shit right now.
while totally missing the point where it's not just a literal website that's called "pets.com" anymore but there are actual products this time.
stay poor!

>> No.20102336
File: 66 KB, 588x815, 1593284276484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be careful about those comparison graphs. If you compare asset A and asset B and start your graph when asset A is in a bubble and asset B has crashed with a crash for A and a recovery for B in the middle of the graph, then asset B will naturally have a better return.

>> No.20102382

Trump speech at mt rushmore just now specifically mentioned going to mars. SPCE and TSLA bullrun imminent on monday premarket and possibly all week.

>> No.20102400
File: 877 KB, 2584x3616, e5522a7a63ef98a4b48fd761f3f1550d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good point but goddamn is it frothy out there. Sure, Shopify might actually be the next Amazon, and yet they're not even really a competitor with Amazon. And Fastly might be an amazing product, NVIDIA might be in every datacenter and videogame console 5-10 years from now. And LULU has caught fucking fire.

But there's some real frothiness there. This EV bubble is going to end in tears. And I suspect the same for the DDTG crew (I don't actually follow that, but there's always a bagholder in this shit.

>> No.20102432

Kek, This is why RTX is a much misunderstood company. Yeah everyone knows they're in the weapon and airplane game. But they also have a space unit and other shit as well. All those upcoming mars/space tourism/space launch vehicles need components right..

>> No.20102436

>“Having this distribution agreement in place ahead of the readout from CytoDyn’s COVID-19 clinical trials..."
>ahead of the readout
it's nothing

>> No.20102481
File: 451 KB, 1918x695, Screenshot (1434).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might have been me.
i use optionsprofitcalculator.com to get a rough view of it's log scale for profit and loss.
also use ToS's stock hacker to find stocks with a share price of $1-5 with options and high IV (pic related)

>> No.20102557
File: 890 KB, 533x800, 79338995_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helena's swimsuits, Unf.
Wish Jack got one or alternate outfits.
Two more days without the market.

>> No.20102594

>Babcock and Wilcox
Id buy that just based on the name. Then make a bunch of memes about holding the 2 cocks.

>> No.20102640

God damn these stupid ass low quality anime pics are annoying. Fuck you.

>> No.20102641
File: 67 KB, 658x603, Screenshot (1482).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TDA has one under their calendar section under research & ideas, pic related.
check your broker, and if they don't have one then they're big gay and you should go TDA

>> No.20102649
File: 385 KB, 907x1280, 1x35tjkz2aa41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUT Asia opens Sunday night, and now I have some skin in the game with SMICY and NTDOY!

I don't even play the games, and I haven't watched any of the series since I watched that one on the moon and realized it wasn't 2deep4me lore, it's nonsense to justify making coomer art and selling microtransactions, formerly VN's.

UBW was probably as good as it got.

But yes, helena was drawn to have a nearly ideal pear shaped body. I've really warmed up to the whole smol bust thing, but I still do love some bigass tiddies.

>> No.20102648

are we going to have a comfy 20% drop off the cliff this week?

>> No.20102672

When is 4chan ever right about anything

>> No.20102691
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I want to own more, I might sell some Workhorse Monday. maybe.

>> No.20102702

when wkhs was shilled at sub $4. you had to be pretty stupid not to buy in, as it had no downside at that point

>> No.20102703

What are your thoughts on IPO ETFS are they a good source of holding? also what do you think of SOCL which is a social media ETF think its gonna be pretty good during election time

>> No.20102762
File: 79 KB, 1148x804, TD Ameritrade classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a heads up that TD Ameritrade has a bunch of courses with plenty of information. knowledge is power

>> No.20102789

i bought at five, just saying, why would anyone do anything with real money that people on 4chan talk about

>> No.20102800

bro i know you know $400k is way comfy. i'm 31 too. pretty much everyone i know has student debt, car loan, cc debt. i literally could never tell them i'm worth about $380k because i know it'd change how they view me.

i'm in the same boat as you, learning how to use my money to make more money later in life. you're gonna make it bro just be careful and don't risk it all on one thing.

>> No.20102802

Sad really, nobody carries any actual dollars on them anymore. It's all swipe with the plastic now. But actually looking at the green gives you a since of purpose you know. Gives you a look at what your busting your ass and playing the stock game to get. I've got 81 sitting in my wallet right now.. What a nice image, sleeping with a wad of green and a gun under your pillow and on the other side a beautiful woman..

>> No.20102823
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should I buy Tesla? or wait?

>> No.20102825

Doesnt seem to be the one. Recall going to the site but I didnt bookmark it and screenshot seems to be gone.

>> No.20102836

I'm still waiting until next earnings for workhorse. call me a faggot if you will but the earnings is still not good enough for me.

>> No.20102839

for sure, best of luck

>> No.20102872

Ooh they are the reactor guys. Nice. Im gonna watch this all now.

>> No.20102873

Kek, I make shit and I'm 37. But I've got no debt other than a house. Closing in on 100,000 to my name. People wonder how the hell I survive much less have what I do on piss poor money but the key is keeping the debt monkey off my back and living in a low cost of living state. Also buying a house during a housing shit fest helped to.

>> No.20102880

nobody is ever capable of telling me what the downsides are or why there is a lack of downsides on this board. For that reason I refuse to listen to you people. pickingone three-bagger out of over a hundred p&d meme stocks is not enough for me to listen to this board.

>> No.20102883

Isn't that average networth at 30? Assuming you've been working since 18 or 21, seems fairly reasonable if counting 401ks and at least a $50k/year income.

>> No.20102886


>> No.20102902

what state?
i'm in california but i have no family anymore so i'm kinda like what's the point.
i do have some friends here though so i'm a little afraid to move somewhere else. i'm socially kinda awkward

>> No.20102904

Bitch, it's a speculative small cap growth stock. If you're waiting until the fundamentals catch up you're going to buy in so late it's irrelevant.
By your logic you shouldn't have bought AMD and you still shouldn't buy AMD and in fact you should likely never buy AMD.

>> No.20102916


>> No.20102917
File: 32 KB, 649x542, NetWorthGrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 31 years old have a net worth of less than 400k. Every day, literal zoomers show me up as an idiot and a failure.

>> No.20102925
File: 141 KB, 1080x1350, NancyDabinMMLD-1272424947059580929-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt rich people compare themselves to other rich people

totally delusional from the real world

i encounter atleast 20 people a day asking for 1$ for the bus

and this guy complaining he only has 400k

>> No.20102931
File: 531 KB, 600x762, 27ED0FE6-2953-4B02-B486-0C970024955D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s come so far.
Yet doesn’t get good press.
Takes about 25-30years to recoup money and be cheaper then natural gas.

>> No.20102942

Yes that's exactly right. Fuck AMD and fuck speculation, 25% EPS growth over a 5 year period or gtfo.

I have one stock that doesn't meet that criteria currently, and that's only because it's IPO was in 2017. It's already broken even and is going to post a 600% gain in August, and that's not speculation, it's literally going to moon so hard I'm going to cover my trading screen in semen, and if it doesn't I leave for the sexy horse when it posts good results in August.

>> No.20102945
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>> No.20102950

What broker should I use? Just pulled out of Robinhood.

>> No.20102953

What is your net worth?

>> No.20102960

i dont imagine people riding the bus would be the ideal demographic for beggars to target.

>> No.20103010

Kentucky. I get by on just 27,000 a year.. Bagged a 3 bed, 1.5 bath house, w/garage and basement when the market shit last. Pay only 400 a month. Previous owners redone the whole main level to. Tile,etc. Smallish city so my driving is stupid low mileage. Our virus friend only cut that down even more. Hell during the past few months I've spent only $100 on gas.

>> No.20103016
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depends what the stonks do

no you encounter then at 7-11 and the corner store and grocery store parking lot and outside the casinos

im in vegas and u cant walk 2 feet without getting asked for 1$

i have to cringe when someone says i have 80k and im 22 already poor me

and they dont see the actual poor people because they only compare themselves to people online who show off their porfolio

its quite literally mentally ill.

>> No.20103033

What is it currently?

>> No.20103071

wait I thought you were in Florida...

>> No.20103080
File: 609 KB, 783x582, Screen Shot 2020-07-03 at 9.42.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other $400k anon here (not the one complaining about it not being a lot, i realize how lucky i am)

i got really lucky buying a house with an FHA loan in 2012 with 3.5% down. it doubled in value over 4 years and i got to keep all the extra money when i sold it.

i also started a little iphone repair business in 2009 before that industry blew up. made 6 figures for like 2 years, that shit was insane. i worked like 60 hours a week though.

i didn't go to college because i grew up in the jehovah's witness cult and when i left my family said they'd never talk to me again. 8 years later they still haven't.

i'm really sad and i miss having a family, i dont' know what to do. it's hard to find a girl to start a family with because i don't really know how to be normal. i grew up very different from most people (cult) and my life now is different form them. i'm a boomer in a 31 year old body.

yes this is a blog post but i really like you guys so whatever suck my dick

>> No.20103083
File: 54 KB, 808x828, Eb1JIdXX0AA1z1Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

born florida till last year and i been in vegas 1 year and my lease is up

and now i moving to asia but they havnt sent me my passport and international travel might not be open for months to come so im stuck

i dont tell people

its not high but its highest ive ever had in my life

>> No.20103086

Something a lot overlook is this. Say your making $200,000 a year. Cool right? Well by the time your average high roller takes out his debt payments, yearly expenses and kiddie payments to the ex-wife he's only left with a fraction of that... Its not how much you make, it's how much you have left after you pay for all your shit that maters.

>> No.20103094

oh then its just typical beggars thinking a bus ticket sounds like a reasonable thing. they just want drugs and/or alcohol.

>> No.20103095

ok, ranjeesh, what's the point

>> No.20103102

Why don't you tell strangers on a stock trading forum?

>> No.20103107

that's cool anon, are you from there originally? what are the people like? i've never been to the midwest before but i honestly feel like a lot of millenials are going to end up there because it's the only way we can afford to make ends meet. i see all the cities getting bought up by foreigners, and working class millenials moving to the midwest.

>> No.20103110

theres no such thing as normal. trying to be normal will make you come off as very boring, or a big phony.

>> No.20103118

you can come live with me...
I'm not in Asia though

>calling Kentuckyanon Indian
the point is to buy that one fish oil stock, big pharma will come knocking at their door with more green than you can imagine

>> No.20103125

Conformnity is binding to the most socially acceptable axiomics.

>> No.20103136

One day I’m going to be rich and I’m going to fuck so many hookers

>> No.20103149
File: 2.90 MB, 580x490, eunbi&#039;s eunbis2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no when youre homeless you actually do need to take the bus almost every day somewhere

plus rich people buy cocaine which is more expensive drug form than the small bag they buy. rich people spend way more on a 8 BALL or whatever

fkin normies

its showing off

i get angry when someone posts ya bro look at this 50k i made today

why am i gonna show other people what i am making

>> No.20103154

So you're saying that it's how much money your prospective husband has that matters, not his salary before expenses. Deep thoughts from a gold digger. But what if some of those expenses are for a nice house that you get to live in? Or would you prefer it that you guys shack up in a van so you have more of his money left to gamble on the horses with?

>> No.20103156
File: 2.71 MB, 2000x1414, 1593134953594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do it... I'm gonna buy more workhorse.

>> No.20103168

No one here will think that you are showing off for answering a simple question that I asked you.

What is your net worth?

>> No.20103171
File: 213 KB, 495x495, DCDF2D39-BDA3-401E-9A3C-DE32A03F9B16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the spirit, America fuck yeah.

>> No.20103179
File: 9 KB, 245x250, 1592695505111s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very true anon. wealth is living below your means.

>> No.20103192


another day, another thread




happy midnight everyone

