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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20098029 No.20098029 [Reply] [Original]

i..... th.... the... the overall trend is up.... the trend is... that it just keeps going up

>> No.20098081
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we're going to be so so so rich.

>> No.20098090
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>> No.20098116
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this shit better dump, i need to buy more

>> No.20098130

What are you trying to say here?

>> No.20098187

Short it then. Pussy

>> No.20098219

It really will collapse before $5. Wow

>> No.20098225

So, triple top and we go to $0.50
Or we're due for a pump

>> No.20098235

>oracle integration
>growing network
I’m gonna go with the latter

>> No.20098267

Q3 just started a few days ago

more than enough time for both a dump and then a violent green dildo to happen

>> No.20098280

>more than enough time for both a dump and then a violent green dildo to happen

man this sentence out of context is insane if you think about it

>> No.20098318

How much of a dump are you guys even expecting. I can see maybe sub $4, but anything more needs to be black swan level and so many people are expecting another big dip like march that if it does happen it’ll be eaten up instantly.

>> No.20098363

Ok, I'm gonna let you in onto a secret here.
Sergey is the market maker.

He's paid by Swift and the banks of EU to keep the growth healtyh, in check, hence the 700k dumps.

>> No.20098388

I think it's teasing holders right now scraping right under 5. It's gonna dump. Probably to 3.70 range for a week or 2 before heading back up to break

>> No.20098393

I am not "expecting" any number, singularity can happen tomorrow morning and I'm stacked up and ready.
But I have enough fiat on the site that if any larger dip happens I'll snatch even more LINK again. Comfy beyond comprehension.

But if I need to speculate I don't see it coming lower than that $3.8 range where everyone would buy in larger amounts.

>> No.20098442

Yea but there two/three conferences coming up next week, dip can happen after those if it lackluster but if they’re good we mooning.

>> No.20098510

>I can see maybe sub $4, but anything more needs to be black swan level and so many people are expecting another big dip like march
Bobos genuinely think there are multiple black swan events within a year. Whenever you point that out they sperg out

>> No.20098637

>But if I need to speculate I don't see it coming lower than that $3.8 range where everyone would buy in larger amounts.
This is actually quite nice. I would buy up another suicide stack

>> No.20098686
File: 84 KB, 670x1024, FullSizeR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiest Chart in all of crypto, for the past 3 years.
For the past 3 years it has only gone up
No other chart in all of crypto even comes close to looking like this.

What do you think is going to happen after the bear market ends?
What do you think is going to happen after Staking is released!?
Maximum fucking comfort!
Chainlink is the next Bitcoin, confirmed.

>> No.20098719

Which conferences are you talking about?

>> No.20098731

>he doesn’t know...

>> No.20098754

what do you consider good?

>> No.20098766
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It's always funny how bears will claim to know exactly how and when a coin will dump. You just don't see that sort of confidence in bulls.

>> No.20098790

Good if there any hint at enterprise piloting/adopting. Hint hint that the focus of one of the topics + there something going on with oracle cloud and their CTO.

>> No.20098847

I don't trust Jason Parser. Seems like a PnD to mee

>> No.20098852

time to sell

>> No.20098880

Absolute total fucking new faggot who just discovered crypto. Has the ship already sailed with LINK, or is there still time?

>> No.20098898

How is buying BTC for sub $5?

>> No.20098909

there's still time

>> No.20098914

L-link doesn't have that potential.. d-does it?

>> No.20098935
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>> No.20098973

BTC only usage is P2P money transfer, LINK does alot more, it enables the whole defi space and eventual adoption of smart contracts.

>> No.20099034

ah i see, knowing link though, sergey needs to drop a fat announcement if were going to get past $5.

>> No.20099313
File: 30 KB, 182x240, 045e3cc7180816ca4e38fcea0bd729aeadd1e743997b44263802305ca1607383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just bought 25linkies, I'm a broke student. SHOULD I BUY MORE?

>> No.20099340

Umm, only project that’s gone up in the bear market? Have you ever heard of Quant lol

>> No.20099371

if you can afford it, yes
if you're broke and you can't afford it, no.

but it depends how broke you are and how bad you want to buy link. for example a few years ago there was a link marine who i dont think was well off but he would eat as little as he possibly could to buy more link. he was trying to acumulate as much link as he could and would only eat like rice or ramen and nothing else for months at a time and as little food as possible. he cut down on pretty much every expense he could cut down on just to buy more link.

>> No.20099408

who? havent been on biz for a couple of months dont know the shitcoin of the month

>> No.20099426
File: 57 KB, 400x400, DIHn5TnG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, I will buy more next week if my Coronabux keep coming through

>> No.20099429

>Have you ever heard of Quant lol

>> No.20099434

god I hope so. got a stack of usdc burning a hole in my account.

>> No.20099486

Why didnt you buy in march?

>> No.20099515

lol is right I lmfao every time someone tries to shill that retarded shit

>> No.20099528

I bought in 2017 newfag. I just want more.

>> No.20099565

Don't worry you'll have another 3 months, at least, for more!

>> No.20099971

>if it keeps going at this pace i'll only finally make it at age 36
kill me

>> No.20100022

Who is Jason parser?

>> No.20100482

It's actually insane that this shit isn't $1000 yet

>> No.20100730

Honestly I think it's different this time. Look at similar charts with the same structure as LINK/USD. This bull flag is followed by a parabolic pump once it breaks $5, which its bound to do any day now.

>> No.20100755

Lmao all these retards praying for a dump so they can get more. You had so many fucking years.

>> No.20100764

You have no idea...LINK genuinely has the potential to dethrone Bitcoin.

>> No.20100861

They're fags. I want the singularity not only for the riches but so these cunts are forever priced out. They've has almost 3 years at this point, they can fuck themselves

>> No.20100989



>> No.20101326

No ones hoping for one on /biz/ you absolute retard. Its just an absolute fact its dumping once more before to the 4 dollar range.
What similar charts?

>> No.20101416

ooouf that declining volume too

>> No.20101451

I sold

>> No.20101529

I am entering the market this financial year. I will purchase LINK.
But umm.... How do I get a wallet

>> No.20101714

You can't get a LINK wallet anymore, they were sold out in the ICO

>> No.20102123

>sold out
A bit like tickets to fuck your sister

>> No.20102537

Well that’s why btc is more of a store of value than anything it the only narrative that explains why it holds more value than eth or link

>> No.20102551

>>>20101714 (You)
Ask anyone, LINK ICO was sold out. sorry

>> No.20102698

Wow, a smart linkie, unbelievable

The fundamentals don't affect the price at all in the short run
Just ask the stock market

>> No.20102817


>> No.20102828

please dump i need to buy more

>> No.20102885

This is bearish for bitcoin kek. Btc/link pair is bullish