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20097593 No.20097593 [Reply] [Original]

Is multiplying your money 10x yearly by day/swing trading vigurously realistic? No shitcoins pls /biz/

>> No.20097606

Yes. Get a good entry on a 3x eft and let your winners run.

>> No.20097608

that's a man

>> No.20097613
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Imagine having the privilege of eating a big turd straight from the ass of a girl like that

>> No.20097693

Eastern Europe isn't degenerate yet fren. There's still hope for us to remain Europe's fucking bane of faggotness thanks to our superior culture.

>> No.20097809

100% a dude

>> No.20098242

Anything is possible, reliably 10xing your money for years on end is highly improbable.
Day traders make more decisions on investments & the more decisions you make the chances of calling them all right goes down.
Think of it this way, flip a coin 10x & getting 9 heads in a row - the last flip is still 50/50 but the chances of flipping 10 heads in a row is 1/1025. That's your chances of hitting 5 entries & exits at a profit in a day.
Throw in ego & market manipulation then the chips stack against you more & more.
I hate this fact, but I've lost more then I should have trying to beat it.
Buy & hodl fren
ps nice qt3.14 in pic

>> No.20098275


>> No.20098289
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>> No.20098346

It is possible, so is winning the lottery. Risk management is going to catch up to OP eventually.