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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 250x250, idena200x200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20095710 No.20095710 [Reply] [Original]

Captchas are probably some of the worst things on the internet. Yes, you have to stop bots etc from spamming but its a pain in the ass. Now imagine that there was a one click sign on, to provide proof of identity, and get you past not only captchas, but news sites, emails, and shopping. This is only one of Idena's use cases.

Now you can complain about the testnet bugs, or the difficulty of joining the network, but when you get left behind in a year as this shit goes on a moon mission. Vitalik is too scared to talk about DNA cause it's not an ERC bound shitcoin, but he knows about it.

tldr; $1 EOY broke bois

>> No.20095728

oh and I forgot to mention, sharding is coming. :)

>> No.20095815

Im sure Vitalik never mentioned this shit. Prove it or it never happened

>> No.20095836

I'd rather do captchas than wake up at 4am to do a 30 minute validation session filled with pajeet puzzle flips every 2 weeks

>> No.20095849


oh but he did, my friend. ETH 2.0 will never come out, and if it does, it will never solve the proof of human problem.


this is only for people with an IQ above room temperature

>> No.20096165

>this is only for people with an IQ above room temperature

>> No.20096168

No I've bought and this shit is fucking annoying, especially with people asking for like 4 flips for an invite. The only benefit to the system is it requires a 1st world upload speed, thus acting as a curry deterrent

>> No.20096471


it is, because we would rather intelligent users be on the network than people who are just impatient and want to mine it for the free coins.Once you get some invites to distribute, it will make more sense.

>> No.20097031
File: 72 KB, 600x580, fridaysonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since invitation codes are supposed to be provided privately feel free to spoil those invitations that are shared publicly. This will prevent bots from collecting invitation codes. When you click Spoil the invitation will be activated by a random address



>> No.20097114

wait spoil invitation? what is that

>> No.20097573

I fucking hate this coin. IT will never make it anywhere. Most people can't be bothered to wake up early every 2 weeks and spend 30min doing a captcha

>> No.20097576

you can burn invites that people spam in public and that pajeets and chinks use to run 2 nodes

>> No.20097610

then im bullish like the other guy

>> No.20097614

>you have to suck some autists dick after jumping through loops just to get an invite

I shit on this fucking scam coin.

>> No.20097639

you just need to say..."hey give an invite" and someone will do it