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20083889 No.20083889 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about DeFi and the next projects that will break $100 mill market cap on cmc.

Bancor - Has anyone even tried to use Bancor? Very illiquid and slow.

Loopring - DEX that no one uses

Terra - Isn't this a stablecoin project?

THORChain - Innovative and hopeful but no working product so why does it have such a high market cap

Numeraire - Who?

Reserve Rights - Definitely should be in top 10. Innovative and not the typical DeFi

Kava - Another yield/lending project of the many similar ones. Wait till a large exploit happens and money will pour out.

Ampleforth - Should be in top 10 as well. Innovative and not the typical DeFi

Everything else below that is shit

>> No.20083926

>Bancor - Has anyone even tried to use Bancor? Very illiquid and slow.
You have absolutely no idea what's coming lmao

>> No.20084015
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>Bancor - Has anyone even tried to use Bancor? Very illiquid and slow.

>> No.20084183

Care to elaborate?

>> No.20084338

there you go

>> No.20084347
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>Care to elaborate?

>> No.20084350

>fantom to release fantom finance in 2 weeks
>has a 70% pump today
>gets ignored
you fags never fucking learn. You can't stop fantom chads

>> No.20084365

>there you go
why did you do that. he doesn't deserve to make it

>> No.20084381


Look at pnk you fucking idiot

>> No.20084409
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Check this out.
And check out Sergey's latest article about impermanent loss.

>> No.20084470


stop fudding my bags

>> No.20084476

That and he says rsr deserves to be in top 10


>> No.20084487

BZRX is going to fly past COMP.

>> No.20084524

Too many jews. They're even stationed in Tel Aviv. Come on.

>> No.20084589

how lucky is op. his first day in crypto and some anon tells him his first 100x (bancor).

>> No.20084863
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>he doesn't fucking know

>> No.20084920
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>Basically MKR/RSR + XMR but it actually scales. It's next level compared to the other stable coin copes.
>PoW oracle built for DeFi

>> No.20084938
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>first crypto index fund. Also deflationary token model.

>> No.20084978
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You know exactly what you forgot to include and are expecting someone to complain about it. Well, that's the one that will break 100m first.
Also, Bancor is based (watch their Q&A with Chainlink) and RSR is cringe.

>> No.20084984

Enlighten us or BTFO with your pussy smelling ballsack

>> No.20084998
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>> No.20085198

they have all the ingredients to make it a mooncoin:
very low market cap (2mm) from a previous ico sale
many incentives built into the protocol to make sure people use it: feesharing, earn their own tokens for using, governance, some insurance fund value capture thing

they've also been around since 2018 and have been working diligently on their product, they're not some scam ICO trying to capitalize on the DeFi craze

>> No.20085213

how to get into the sale?

>> No.20085232

Why would anyone bring up alternative layer-1 shitchains in a DeFi thread you dumb faggot?

>> No.20085294

Greeting from japan

Do not buy. Website doesn't work and telegram is empty. Buy DMG.


>> No.20085556

TRB comfy as fuck hold

>> No.20085573

RSR with just 6% circulation supply now, so whenever seed/private gets tokens, it will hit $100m even with 50% price drops from today, so easiest $100m mc there :)

>> No.20085714


>> No.20086234

my analysis:

> Bancor
constantly being exploited and to your point: slow and illiquid. better off using most other AMMs. (e.g. uniswap, curve, balancer, etc)

> Loopring
no comment really other than it is boring... no value capture yet.

> Terra
its a seign model, and only worth it if ur staking/delegating. trading or holding passively is a loser's game. only profitable from inflation yield.

> Thorchain
promising, but nothingburger rn and being dominated by ren progress tbqh. likely good trading instrument tho.

> Numeraire
meh. burnt out prediction market 2017 coin.

> Reserve
idk much about it desu.

> Kava
pivots all the time. no real focus. tends to clone other projects and cant decide what chain its on. would cop if it was erc20 for liquidity.

kind of based, but worth it if you can game the arb and provide liquidity. unit price is meaningless. liquidity sucks on it. must price speed of moving in/out of this trade precisely.

lmao, its not even out yet you ape. ur gonna get fucked if you provide liquidity. but might be a good trade before it gets hacked again. kek.

>> No.20086321

xhv is not defi.. it's a useless 2017 monero fork with a hidden supply bug that can't be integrated into anything. give up scammer.

>> No.20086785

Hey have you fags heard about COMP? I heard its pretty good

>> No.20086911

Ok which to invest in

Bancor, Lend or Kyber?

>> No.20086917

REN imho.

>> No.20086939

Bancor has the lowest cap, the biggest release, and the biggest potential benefit to the entire DeFi ecosystem.

>> No.20087046
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its gotta be REN

>> No.20087077

Definitely Airswap, it is gathering momentum pretty fast

>> No.20087098

Thoughts on DMG? You’re absolutely right about AMPL, and since I know that you know what you’re talking about know, care to redpill me on RSR? Need some more DeFi holds

>> No.20087119

Oh yeah, how could I forget? Plutus token by plutusdefi.com,not out yet, but could be huge

>> No.20087839

>Everything else below that is shit
The real redpill move here is that every single defi contract needs Chainlink eventually to fully work. Just go long on chainlink and wait to see which defi apps/coins survive the exploits and purges.

>> No.20087858

Why do they need it? Can't they just use the native token itself?

seems contrived to introduce dependency risk.

>> No.20088076

only the presale tokens will be unlocked in a couple of weeks. some should end up on uniswap. other than that there is no sale

>> No.20088260

maker,comp,usniwap v1 and v2, balancer and many others wold like to have word with you
You want real gem with no pajeet shilling stil not out so real moon mission?
Keep project
>lot of hype
>tbtc first project on it
>cb listing
Only problem is we ahve no idea whats true value of few of them you can acually buy now

>> No.20088345


It's not tradeable yet, but I'm thinking Orion Protocol will do very well because it solves the liquidity problem for exchanges

>> No.20088383


>> No.20088453


>Bancor - Has anyone even tried to use Bancor? Very illiquid and slow.

hahahahaha. You have got to be joking kek

>> No.20088476

the state of defi retards HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.20088527

Agreed, ORN is a day1 buy for me

>> No.20088546

>doesn’t mention xDAI STAKE

I see that you hate money.

>> No.20088573

>Bancor - Has anyone even tried to use Bancor? Very illiquid and slow.

lmao, you dumbass
you will feel rekt in 2-3 months

>> No.20088583
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>> No.20088594

Imagine buying into something called JUST.

>> No.20088749

who cares, they are all going to pump sooner or later.
akropolis, 5M mcap, released sparta 3 days ago, going to release delphi which is basically a yield farming mechanism maximization. Buy and wait for it to moon violently in the next 30-40 days

>> No.20088850

Those two faggots are paid shills, they spam bullshit, don't contribute to the discussion and insult everyone disagrees with them.
I'm starting to think Bancor may be a scam, because a good project doesn't need such constant shilling.

inb4 muh stay poor, muh buy Bancor my village need food, muh you are an idiot if you don't buy my overpriced bags

>> No.20088854
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>0 mention of XSN
cmon now anon

>> No.20089025

Well theres a small EU based project called NEXT.coin, they have their own chain in mainnet, and exchange launching on august 8th. The team announced that they are launching a new wallet management app with DeFi shit inbuilt called PagAccept and are going to be doing a round of crowdfunding for it. CEO of EMEA said they are in talks with a VC to cover an EMI for PayAccept. NEXT.coin has seen some delays though on their roadmap I think.

>> No.20089062
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