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File: 40 KB, 450x407, Nepotism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20082708 No.20082708 [Reply] [Original]

I am a second year CS student. I am looking to network so that I can catch any possible opportunity I can get and not end up unemployed after college. I have made 0 friends. All the friends I have at college, I knew previously from highschool. How am I supposed to make connections and network?

>> No.20082766

Is your campus going to be open in fall? Join a club or a study group

>> No.20082987


>> No.20083147

Start by making some friends in your CS classes. If they get into a good company after graduation, they might be able to refer you (might take a few years). The easiest way is probably by noticing who shares several classes with you and talking to them. More classes together = more contact and things in common to talk about. Joining some clubs might help too, especially if they're related to CS. If you can work on projects that are related to CS, even better because it'll pad your resume.

>> No.20083149

But nepotism is based! Imagine NOT fast tracking your own blood to new heights within your means.

>> No.20083996

>Is your campus going to be open in fall?
Not certain, but the campus will probably be open.
>Join a club or a study group
Yeah, I'll do that when the semester starts.
>Start by making some friends in your CS classes
Any tips on how I can make friends? I am a failed normie and I am not sure how to do that. All the friendships I made in highschool didn't need any effort to make them. Making friends in college seems to be harder.

>Joining some clubs might help too, especially if they're related to CS
I am going to do that. The club that I am planning to join is actually related to cs.

>If you can work on projects that are related to CS, even better because it'll pad your resume
Any specific project? I am not sure of how to do it, but I am thinking of doing something that uses RESTful API.

>> No.20085113
File: 531 KB, 952x542, 1593035759062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend an hour every day trying to find an internship and dont give up until you've got one lined up

>why do you like CS... builsd something extracurricular involving that interest

>consider an ultranormie non-academic club, like hiking or some other gay shit

>lift weights

>> No.20085227

Forgot to say, networking aka lying and literally sucking dick, is for minorities and women. You're most likely an overly analytic 120 IQ skinny white sperg or fat piece of shit, making you naturally capable of adding value to a corporation if you can learn to fake normalcy, which is why you need to lift weight.

When somebody is interviewing you for an entry role all they care is:
>Can I trust this guy to take some tasks off my plate and not fuck them up completely?

>> No.20085256
File: 301 KB, 2000x1333, -1x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CS student
Have fun working for your smarter and more attractive betters who weren't dumb enough to study CS.

>> No.20085272

not reading this whole thread but you can unironically network on twitter and probably have that help you more than in person connections

>> No.20085489

making friends in classes, joining clubs, doing undergrad research, etc.

don't put too much thought into it. it's a bit more difficult for you CS fags since you're all autistic anyways

>t. engineer

>> No.20085518

Fuck off kike, this is a productive and encouraging board

>> No.20085982

smile a lot of say stupid bland shit

>> No.20086019

Start paying attention to the emails your uni sends out. They’ll have opportunities for internships and also job fairs once COVID-19 is no longer an issue. Also, ask your professors if you can help them with their research, this is another great way to meet people in their lab, get a letter of recommendation, get experience, and build a network.