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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 12 KB, 305x300, Stonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20082643 No.20082643 [Reply] [Original]

Someone with 150K usdT just bought 70 ETH worth of stonks!! A shitload of ETH got pooled today, too. Was there a leak?? What the fuck does he know?

>What is STONK?
STONK supports DeFi through providing lucrative balancer pools that include promising DeFi projects. Its purpose is to soak balancing pressure to act much like an ETF indicator for DeFi - all in one token.

>What DeFi coins are in the first balancer pool(Yes first, more pools are being created for optimal returns)?
10% REP, 10% LINK, 20% STONK, 10% LRC, 10% COMP, 10% SNX, 20% WETH, 10% KNC

>What happened to STONK?
STONK and Statera were both victims of a flash loan exploit involving deflationary coins on the Balancer platform - liquidity from both projects were drained at the same time. The Balancer team has stepped up and will be refunding lost liquidity to both projects in the near future.

>How is STONK moving forward?
The same day of the exploit, STONK did a 1:1 transfer from old STONK coins to a new, non-deflationary coin - if you hold STONK, the new STONK token was already deposited to your wallet. Moving to a non-deflationary coin has not only allowed STONK to remain on the Balancer platform (with full 100% BAL returns) without being susceptible to liquidity exploit attacks, but it also broadens the number of exchanges STONK is eligible to be on.

>Is burning/deflation permanently removed from STONK?
Probably not, the team is currently exploring other options like manual burning to remain ERC-20 compliant, however optimal DeFi balancing is the primary objective of the project and not necessarily the deflationary aspect. STONK gains value as the other coins in the balancer gain value, not because a portion of coins are destroyed each transaction.

>> No.20082666
File: 47 KB, 503x428, monkeyspeech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Special edition post: a dumb wigger who shitflings especially stupidly has been visiting the threads, this one is for him.

>> No.20082722
File: 48 KB, 591x430, Wow, context.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He begs for stonks and then fuds it when he cant get any freebies from people who didn't sleep through the OTC, and is generally a huge faggot. Shame on you 6k, you let your brain get pozzed, and are transparently stupid. Faggot.

>> No.20082736
File: 40 KB, 408x336, 1593611464465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here he is begging like the faggot he is.


>$STONK logo for new contract now updated on uniswap!
10-12K of liquidity has been added to uniswap! More to come soon, as time passes. You can trade in small amounts for now though

>Provide uniswap liquidity via this link: https://uniswap.exchange/add/0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2-0xb4058411967D5046f3510943103805be61f0600E

>$STONK deposits (updated contract) are now open on HOTBIT! (Cex)
Deposit here: https://www.hotbit.io/dw/deposit?symbol=STONK


>Old contract STONK deposits on HOTBIT have now been restored!

>STONK is now listed on HOTBIT's investment section!
More details here: https://hotbit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050352914

FoT Tokens in balancer pools got drained the other day, Noke removed the FoT aspect and ofered to refund every penny lost. Since then, Balancer labs has explained they won't be working with FoT moving forward, so Noke is working on a manual burn, likely through buybacks. Marketing, Balancer Pool ROI Optimization, and getting Cex listings are the main focus now, I think CMC is now in sight with requirements being finished. It's going to be a big month for $STONK.
Tonk Stonk here, buying a comfy chair at 1$ so I can wait for 10$.

>> No.20083098

haha omg wtf

when stonkers make thier own threads into 6k hate threads. truly a meme coin, lol stonks

>> No.20083111
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>> No.20083119
File: 100 KB, 828x817, The6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stonks go up, fuck you wigger and anyone who sends you money for lao tzu recordings while he cries in the background

>> No.20083127
File: 170 KB, 1080x1080, 9C644E97-EE56-43AD-82AB-6525DA11DBC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20083141
File: 439 KB, 1148x1114, BE41AC48-E314-4E3B-B6BC-E16CA3202BC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20083167

this is bullish, you guys both had to fundamentally change how your pool works (instead of not changing, which noke was criticizing here) and your Bal ROI is still shit (which noke was criticizing here)
I'll just link the rest of your memes for you
thats it, thats all of them kek

>> No.20083200

Thank you good, sir

I shall now depart.

As the stonk cope and deny

Then Rage

Noke the Knee Bender


>> No.20083205

You talk like a faggot because you're a faggot